Restart Letters Against the Rules?


Weird, last time I checked they weren't. Must be a new rule!

[spoil] today at 18:52
You have been reported to the support-team. Please refrain from insulting other players or using foreign languages in the future. All communication in the game has to be done in English and may not include any inappropriate language. Further incidents may lead to banning of your account.

Subject: hey
HitByCar Is A Noob said:

Unfortunately you have had the worst luck and had your village placed near mine. In order to ensure your well being and personal growth, I am advising you to restart. I will attack anyone that is still near my village once Beginners Protection ends. Sorry, but I am here to win this world.

I wish any of you who take my advice good luck and I will always be open to give you further advice and support should you need it in the future!

So, in conclusion: Restart now before you waste a week and have to restart later!



Well that is a bit ironic, funny i haven't got a single restart mail yet, than again lol I'll just laugh it off as restarting is amusing to me. Maybe it was a accident or something? Seems kinda stupid as you didn't really say anything agaisnt the rules. Or maybe it is cause it was considered a threat? *Shrugs* Maybe someone doesn't like you lol.


If it is against the rules it pretty much ruins my fun :/


This is the only world where I haven't gotten some stupid threat letter saying how I should restart then seeing the person who wrote the letter restart a few weeks later ;)


maybe you accidentally cursed him out in a different language?