
I've yet to be caught up on why peter was kicked (since i didn't do it but i know he was dismissed)

it would appear that he had problems which fair enough lot of people do but when he asked for help you kick him?
not only is that poor recruitment, poor leadership and god knows what else is poor but you did basically kick him to save your poor little stats.

wow GFJ there A|V i can see this war being quiet easy for me if this is how you play :icon_rolleyes:

GJ nub for re-stating something that was mention'd days ago. :icon_rolleyes:

And not really. You just shown us that you are fighting a partly inactive account. Because he can't/couldn't log in due to technical difficulties.


no you didn't correct me on my grammar but you still corrected me on my spelling of words (also against rules btw ;) )
yeah ofc i have the sit thats how im still nobling him
thats also how the rest of us are still nobling him
why dont you step 1 step lower than a homeless guy nd acuse me of mulit-account it's prolly on your brain already anyway.

Erm well thats probably because I said that you have a player that has the sit, meaning a player in your tribe. Read it properly...
Your tribe is 7 members big so it wouldn't be hard for you anyways to all be nobling him. Shame your not all constantly nobling.
Never even crossed my mind.

forum material? how have i got forum material when i spoke to him on world 57.
be my guest to join world 57 and i'll forward if you need the proof

You never said it was on a different world. Be nice if you told us that before you showed us it. Without telling us it leaves the thought open that the account that mailed you is on this world... If you never realized that then you have problems.

don't call you noobs because i barely know what fighting is?
oh wow this is funny yet this is coming from a guy who's tribe is "fighting" a tribe that is already fighting 3 other fronts and also happen to be not of the best yeah clearly you know what fighting is aswell
at least i got the balls to stand up to a war knowing i could be here 1 day and be gone the next all your tribe seems to do is fight weak targets merge and split up and the fact that your shouting your mouth of in a war thread about a war that YOUR NOT EVEN IN makes you look not more of a noob but more of a fool.

Erm you don't know what fighting is. Your noble record is HORRIBLE. My tribe is also fighting other fronts. And your not taking into consideration that Pirana are 2.5x our size. Kinda makes us fighting them a little different :icon_rolleyes: I've got more ODA against Pirana alone since ASCN was formed than you've got in total on this world. So yeah you barely know what fighting is, and i have enough to back that statement up.
Weak targets? Hmm would you rather we took CRASH's side and hit Womble? Would you rather we attacked our allies? Your not in the NW so you don't know the situation up here, I'd rather you didn't comment on the tribes we're fighting if you don't know what your talking about - especially when your fighting a tribeless player, claiming that it's a 'war'

but heey when you and your butt lickers are the only ones left posting on these forums don't complain about it because it's people like you whom ruin it and waste time of people like me.

Butt lickers? :icon_eek: Honestly don't see what your talking about there mate...
Some people say i make the forums more interesting so you've got that one wrong! TobyHart voted me best personality of the forum, and i know i have more people who like me than you :icon_rolleyes: without breaking a sweat

now if you dont mind i have had my rant i don't wish to rant with you idiots so i'll just be posting the stats you can leave what ever comment you like i don't care it wont change a thing.

That wouldn't be the first time you've said that would it :icon_rolleyes:

and btw it's Ktnxbai spelt however the user of the word wants to spell it.
enjoy the easy Fishies dude Bon appetite douche bag

Enjoy your NAP with a tribe that you know will destroy you when they want to. And then enjoy your fight against a tribeless player.
You've also NAP'd PINOY im guessing... So yeah nice move there saying that we A) Don't know what a fight is and B) Only fight smaller tribes that we know we can beat. (Which happens when your tribe gets big enough and your half way between the rim and the centre. You wouldn't know though...cuzzz you is a rim noob who can't fight to save himself. One of which, may i add, that doesn't know the difference between a dedicated troop style village and one with mixed troop types. Clever you :icon_rolleyes:

In red


Side 1:
Tribes: RAM
Side 2:
Tribes: A|V
Players: Peter Breen

Timeframe: Last month

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 90
Side 2: 0
Difference: 90


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 895,455
Side 2: 0
Difference: 895,455



A more important judge of RAM's success would be to show us how many AREN'T against Peter Green.


Just admit peter breen stats dont mean nothing because they are not a member of our tribe anymore if it helps you sleep at night keep it up cuz you full well know you and your tribe are a big fat fail and they may be active in 57 doesn`t mean they are active on 48. You fail goodnight


watch yer mouth spider
whobbey and askagainlater are part of that tribe boy ;)


They are indeeedly tis a shame they aint playing world 48 ;) Whobbey would love to be in a war with me right now :O

Edit: by loveing to be in a war with me i mean fighting on my side :D
Last edited by a moderator:


i don't think he would ;)
considering there are two ex pandaz on your war front it wuld be a tough job to get him to hit them


i don't think he would ;)
considering there are two ex pandaz on your war front it wuld be a tough job to get him to hit them

Depends on what context?
there is an Ex-panda next door to him on world 57 yet he still attacked


who's the ex panda next door?
and to stay on topic
[spoil]Side 1:
Tribes: A|V
Players: mike54137, Peter Breen
Side 2:
Tribes: RAM
Players: jereign

Timeframe: Last month

Total conquers:

Side 1: 443
Side 2: 171
Difference: 272


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 73
Side 2: 92
Difference: 19


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 3,894,799
Side 2: 1,560,928
Difference: 2,333,871


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 700,850
Side 2: 914,981
Difference: 214,131




Those aren't the stats
as Mike is not in A|V as the same as Jereign has never been in RAM so they aren't part of it >.>

also check your IGM's Skype is messing up again


they well are ;)
(see what i did there i got us arguing about the topic) ;)

mike is deffo involved
if we are working with him against your attacks.
he is a part of our war ;)
as is jereg because he is hitting mike along with Klax and the rest.


Not a case of arguing becaus ei cannot be arsed to argue but i know that Mike is not A|V and never haas been and same as Jereign with RAM.

so regardless they aren't part of the way >.>


Not a case of arguing becaus ei cannot be arsed to argue but i know that Mike is not A|V and never haas been and same as Jereign with RAM.

so regardless they aren't part of the way >.>

I would defiantly say that jeriegn is part of RAM. You guys have had the sit at one point or another. Now mike in A|V i don't know what this madness is. :icon_cool:


we have certainly not had the account sit thank you very fricken much according to James Raps@123 of Crash has had the sit which is nothing to do with us.

nice try on trying to involve people whom are not involved but unless they were in the tribe or currently is in the tribe they are not included in the stats.

hence why neither Mike or Jereign are being added.


But we are being you tho RJ.
And Jera was working with Shock during the A|V war. So he shall be added.


Jereign defiantly was sat by you(RAM) at some point like i said. I could prove it if i could get on the ryderrm account again. I said nothing about raps not having the sit now. TBH raps is an idiot.


But we are being you tho RJ.
And Jera was working with Shock during the A|V war. So he shall be added.
Correction he was helping A|V in the shock war as his Shock conquers on his Nobling record prove's furthermore this is not a Shock war so no hee wont be added.

Jereign defiantly was sat by you(RAM) at some point like i said. I could prove it if i could get on the ryderrm account again. I said nothing about raps not having the sit now. TBH raps is an idiot.

Please do prove any of us had the sit i would like to see that.

But if all you guys are gonna be so damn Biased then i'll take the stats back to the original "waar" which is myself alone Vs A|V it's not my fault you cant accept being beaten by someone more than 10x smaller than you.


Correction he was helping A|V in the shock war as his Shock conquers on his Nobling record prove's furthermore this is not a Shock war so no hee wont be added.

Please do prove any of us had the sit i would like to see that.

But if all you guys are gonna be so damn Biased then i'll take the stats back to the original "waar" which is myself alone Vs A|V it's not my fault you cant accept being beaten by someone more than 10x smaller than you.

No personally i could care less. I would be able to if i still had the ryderrm account. But seeing as i don't and the little time i sat the account i made it jump over 300k.

Also do not say that you are beating me because i would bet on that war. I wouldn't be betting on you either. :icon_cool:

I also want to see how the stats turn out against the good members of A|V. But sadly you have a ways to go before you get there.