Rule 2 Clarification


After discussion of the rules among the admin team, we have come to the following decision.

Instead of saying you can "NEVER" coordinate(attack or support another player) with someone you share a connection with, we have decided that "NEVER" is not plausible since our system does not store records for forever.

Instead we've added a new clause so the rule now states:

While players are sharing an internet connection (and 24 hours thereafter) absolutely no interaction between the accounts is allowed. They are not allowed to supply, support or attack each other, attack coordinated or interact in ANY other way. Players sharing an internet connection must wait a minimum of three weeks before attacking, sending resources, supporting the same player(co-ordination on a third party). This means 3 weeks after the LAST command was SENT before the other player can attack/support. It is still forbidden to coordinate attacks from both accounts at the same time on the same connection. There must always be a 3 week time period between any command from different accounts on the same connection. This does not affect sitting as sitting is meant to be temporary and the sat account can be transfered to another connection. Regular sharing of a connection has to be reported (Settings -> Share Internet Connection) and all interaction is forbidden permanently for those accounts.

The bolded part is the new addition, all examples of coordination on a 3rd party are pertaining to within the 3 week period.

This does not change anything about attacking or supporting each other, as that will still be illegal, this only affects attack or supporting(sending commands) at another player on a second connection.

This does not change the account sitting rules, as account sitting is meant to be temporary and if you wish to reset who you can attack or support, you can send sitting to another player and wait 24 hours.

An example of this new change would be: Bob & Joe share a connection. Joe is attacking Jack. Joe's last attack on Jack is March 1st. On March 22nd Bob can then attack Jack, as long as Joe is no longer attacking Jack. 3 weeks is a more plausible wait period then "never".
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