Rumour Has It.

Age of Ultron

This is a thread i found on w93, started by ultimatumX.

W94 could use a similar thread, so here it is.

I have been wanting to make this thread in so long. It seems only right with all the rumours being thrown around currently. If nobody has seen one of these threads before it's basically just somewhere we can make ludicrous accusations. It's meant to be a laugh, please don't take anything seriously

I'll start us off ;)

Rumour has it that *RIM* and BOLD are planning on a merge and nobling the rest of their tribemates who wont be taken in :p.


This is a thread i found on w93, started by ultimatumX.

W94 could use a similar thread, so here it is.

I have been wanting to make this thread in so long. It seems only right with all the rumours being thrown around currently. If nobody has seen one of these threads before it's basically just somewhere we can make ludicrous accusations. It's meant to be a laugh, please don't take anything seriously

I'll start us off ;)

Rumour has it that *RIM* and BOLD are planning on a merge and nobling the rest of their tribemates who wont be taken in :p.

Wait WUT

We have the same plans with PNUT what a coincidence!


Well thats news to everyone in Pnut! Even the duke doesnt know thats happening!

You wizard you!


rumor has it Age of Ultron is gonna help co that iAm? rim account.o_O


Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
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Heard that billynomates tribe banned him from the externals :D

Deleted User - 4669627

rumour has it...

there have been attacks on the press!
