My point about the attacks is I continue to do this and I recieve nothing. S.A.W is doing nothing to fight back against me. Your players including you are weak. I mean look at yourself.
152 Dorin Baba 25,62 Mio. ODa
293 Dorin Baba 3,83 Mio.
192 Dorin Baba 29,44 Mio.
You are definately not any of those fighting. You complain about prime not jumping into the middle of saw when you yourself will not get out from behind S.A.W to do anything worthwhile. You cannot win without killing any troops.
Is funny that OD of mine I made when I played active in w20.
Now I busy doing this:
Dorin Baba
Points: 31.115.515
Rank: 17
(world 4)
while you are busy growing your sweet OD in w20 and have this:
Hells Toy Master
Points: 9.262.989
Rank: 61
Into an account that not you build it from start of the game. Other give that to you, s.f. FAILED !!!!!
I'm not complain about anything that Prime do. I'm simple say replay what you reply:
S.A.W is terrible... I have not even recieved an attack form them....."
And I believe I already reply to you why that happen.
Your players including you are weak. I mean look at yourself.
look at me? I'm not noble for 1 year and half or whatever.. in w20 LOL.
Any noobs know that I not longer interess to grow in w20 and I remain to be noble. But I'm guess super noobs do not know yet that :/
I use my troops good where ever I feel was necessary and guard my account so no enemy to take advantage to send noble against me while process of nobling was in work.
.. And this.. "
Your players including you are weak. " , did this ring a bell to you:
Attacker: Dorin Baba
Origin: Oh no... (917|395) K39
Quantity: 0 0 5271 0 96 1916 989 0 291 0 0 0
Losses: 0 0 5271 0 68 1916 989 0 291 0 0 0
Defender: patrickwu
Destination: K35 (521|386) K35
Quantity: 4000 2393 0 606 152 0 0 1130 0 4 0 0
Losses: 3686 2205 0 558 140 0 0 1041 0 4 0 0
Damage by rams: The wall has been damaged and downgraded from level 20 to level 8
or this:
loonman on 22.10. at 16:40
Don't get angry. You want to talk, but still launch distant nukes at me. [...]
You are so luck I use my troops on loonman
PS: You're so cool to hide behide "***" and complain you are not receive any attacks from anybody. Duh.. you could be anybody :S
Hells Toy Master !!!!
Side 1:
Players: Hells Toy Master
Side 2:
Tribes: KONO, S.A.W
Timeframe: Last month
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 164
Side 2: 0
Difference: 164
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 1,565,926
Side 2: 0
Difference: 1,565,926
So your big win consist in 2 victory?? LOL
JoeEsta [S.A.W] - k13 (old KONO that had his troops killed into last war by SAW and he is like TW stats show, under big fire by Prime team ? It was not even your target, i bet other guys clear it so you to noble ^_^
sibiro konfliktas [S.A.W / SPARTA] - k23/24 -- here Prime controll those 2 k..