Self-updating maps


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Except you dont make it on the list coz u aint somebody, you da noob dat we all ignorz

well for the noob that gets ignored - your sure showing me some attention now :)
and ill leave you with this little tid bit - fools names are found everywhere - and you my friend, show up a lot

Oh wow well that changes my opinion completely

I have standards and pick and choose who I associate with
you on the other hand seem to enjoy assuming the position for others entertainment

Deleted User - 4669627


i did not include players i did not see post to multiple threads


Non-stop Poster
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i did not include players i did not see post to multiple threads

lol I didn't mind, only made 39 posts so far
so don't think im in the same ball park as the rest of you guys for being vocal

but give me time, I might eventually get there :)


well for the noob that gets ignored - your sure showing me some attention now :)
and ill leave you with this little tid bit - fools names are found everywhere - and you my friend, show up a lot

I have standards and pick and choose who I associate with
you on the other hand seem to enjoy assuming the position for others entertainment

I am king deal with it you just like acting all prim and proper trying to make people think you are good lol.

Oh look at me i can write a sentence properly and have a basic knowledge of a game i must be a really good player.

time you noobs got off that pretentious high horse and enjoy the game


lol I didn't mind, only made 39 posts so far
so don't think im in the same ball park as the rest of you guys for being vocal

but give me time, I might eventually get there :)

Quality of our quantity is how I quantify.


Non-stop Poster
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I am king deal with it you just like acting all prim and proper trying to make people think you are good lol.

Oh look at me i can write a sentence properly and have a basic knowledge of a game i must be a really good player.

time you noobs got off that pretentious high horse and enjoy the game

yep im just your average noob with a horse :)
and your a king with....... well ill leave that to peoples imagination

and I believe ive achieved my goal - it has been fun
have a lovely day :)


It's probably because of the updates? Farming scripts weren't working as well


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No, there is a problem with the server. Looking to fix this weekend. Thanks for the many messages! :)