Anyway, Should the USA have tighter border controls?
The USA shouldn't be poking into what isn't there concern, instead they should looking after their own country and their people.
The world would be a better place if major countries didn't poke their noses into wars that have nothing to do with them and are on the other side of the world to them.
For example, the UK joined USA to attack Afghanistan even though both the USA and the UK have nothing to do with Afghanistan.
If everyone just dealt with their own wars it'd would be OK. And if those in the wars threatened other countries, then they have the right to join the war if the good side of the war allowed the other countries to join or not.
Also, 1000s and 1000s of British soldiers are being killed in Afghanistan fighting a war that they do not belong in. Most of those men have families, and many of them may not ever see their their wives, children, or their own country again.
And do any, any of these men deserve this? No, of course not. They deserve to watch their children grow up and watch themselves grow old. Instead many of them die before they reach the age of 50.
Anyone who sends innocent men and women to fight for another country against a country that they have nothing against should put against a wall and shot.
The war in Afghanistan and Iraq isn't a war, it's murder.
US President Barack Obama announced that the U.S. would deploy another 30,000 U.S. soldiers to the country of Afghanistan during in 2010 for a period of two years.
Now, I personally think that Barack Obama had no right to do that to the country of Afghanistan, again.
If they wanted help they would of said so... No need for the USA to barge in as if they own Afghanistan, which they don't.
If I have got my facts wrong, someone please tell me politely and I shall correct myself.
Another thing I would like to add; I'm sorry if I sound a bit of a politician... It's because I'm a very politic about most things.
Peace out.