Server Laggggggg


Everyone I talk to on W30 complains about the server lagg and the server being unavailable quite a lot (I can't say if this is a problem on any of the other worlds, but I suspect it is!). For instance of lagg causing big problems>>>>>How can you try to defend against a noble train when the split second you want to send in a counter strike between the nuke and the first noble, the server goes laggy.
This lagg issue is a continuous one and really makes this game awful at times. I play games like Battlefield2 which is graphic intensive, and I don't get 1% of the lagg problems I get here......that is ridiculous!!!
Could someone in 'the know' please comment on why we have to constantly deal with this lagg issue? (And please don't tell me that your servers are a bunch of 1980's vintage Apple IIc....though I can almost believe it!!! :icon_rolleyes:
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try stacking ;)
I assume you mean having multiple tabs open in the browser to send 4 waves of nobles within 1 second of each other!! I do that, but how does that help you when the server laggs in all windows for 30 seconds pr more, and you miss your timing. Thanx for the useless suggestion!!


Since you posted at 5:20, I assume you're talking about the daily lag that occurs around this time? If so, then you should know that between 4:45 and about 5:10 every day is when the servers go through their daily back-ups, cleanups (ie, accounts marked for deletion get deleted, etc).

There's really nothing that can be done about that.


The login could not be completed. The game world is not available at the moment.

This happens at any just now!! lol