Situation in Ukraine


Outrageous! The plebs have dared to besmirch my reputation page with negative rep!? What sort of system allows the lower-classes to take but not give?

I am so furious right now my spectacular aura has turned into one of rage and hatred, and I shall strike back upon the instigators with the full might of my egotistical wallet, let it be known that it will take hundreds of you lesser mortals to inflict any lasting wound upon me again!

Oh now this is truly terrible, it turns out the criminally insane individual behind this attack was a beneficiary of my own charitable spreading of my reputation to the deserving few! And the system prevents me from retracting my charity until I have donated further! Prepostorous.
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But no seriously I will bring the hurt down on you boyo, just you wait your turn (it may take over a week).

Asylum Escapee

It seems some dastardly ruffian has dared to despoil the name of the most eminent Cougarbrit. It seems the moral decrepitude that has dared sully my good name has spread. I shall join Cougar in his quest to exact vengeance upon the venomous vagabond who hath wrought an act of such vile villainy. I pray that I am not vilified for my vindictiveness in this matter, for this villain has acted with such virulent and vengeful viciousness that I must, with great vivacity, end this menace before it spreads!

Asylum Escapee

side note: i have struck the first blow in the fight against evil. may your apples always fall in a row.


I already gave you negative rep though. That makes me the first blower.

Asylum Escapee

a mortal like you giving me negative rep is like a skunk spraying a steamroller: its not gonna stop me from rollin ya


Ok the plebs are getting brave and fighting without anonymity now. I'm feeling a lil spiteful so I am actually going to negrep you dawgs right back. Mic gets off with a warning, no more mercy. My authority must be preserved.


Somehow I still have 80 rep points left even though I usually see like three attempts at giving me negative rep every time I log in. If you can't even defeat me after like three months of trying then you should give up hope on deposing the Supreme Cougarbeing...

Asylum Escapee

I don't actually know if people are trying to give me good or bad rep but I get a lot of neutral rep's without any comment


I'm pretty sure it counts as I have now regained my spectacular aura of mysterious and potentially questionable origins!

See how futile your efforts are, you naked apes? Power begets power, and my power is truly unshakeable!

Asylum Escapee

it seems cougar is the 1st to attain the fabled 3rd rep bar.