-slightly insane cackle-

  • Thread starter Agent Incognito
  • Start date


Okay. Well. I have made it through the first semester.

I think I deserve a medal. Bonus points for anyone who finds me one.

But! To celebrate, I am going hommme for a week. Mwhahah. Let's hear it for a city that doesn't shut down at 5pm. :icon_biggrin:

Shall be gone from the 6th - 13th. My time. Hell knows what that is in forum time or where you people are time. :p

Should still have the 'net, but may be slightly distracted by friends ... family ... sleep. Anywho, the elderly elder of eldville will be hovering about, and m'sure you're all familiar with how to report things or mail someone if you have grave concerns and such.

Though on that note, would just like to say how awesome everyone is. You people make modding so easy. :icon_biggrin:
So. God willing you don't take this as invitation to break out the mass-swearing, inappropriate pics, and mod-bashing.

Over 'n out.


YESSSS, the cat is gone, this mouse is gonna play! Just kiddin ofcourse, Like playing with the cat most of all :icon_wink:

Good holiday indeed.