Slow coaches


I've been playing this pretty well I thought, but then I see that people already have 900+ points! Have I done something wrong or have they? I've been trading, raiding and concentrating on resources from day one. I've only bothered to make a few troops, so how have I fallen so far behind?
Even HooDoo the administrator is only on 480 points!! Any ideas?


they are being fed resources from their tribe to push up their score constantly.


well some people are completly obsesive about this sort of thing, also if you are younger and still in school then adoulds whou play this sort of game have 6 more hours at least to play more than you there are hundreds of posibilitys to play around with in your head but so far there is no way to cheat


I have access to the internet throught most the day 7 days a week, I've been quite enjoying the game and therefore playing alot. I have a combat log for attacks which scrolls 15 pages of reports.

I have also never been fed resources and only used the market a couple of times. This is a tick based game, therefore every tick you are not doing something your losing ground.


308404: not everybody that is good is cheating or pushed by somebody. You seem to think that one can only be successful when using those strategies ...

I don't have many points because I'm not playing. It's never good if the admins of a game play actively.

The game lives mostly of activity. Especially in the beginning right now. You can basically construct buildings constantly if you plunder successfully and often. It just takes effort.
But don't forget, just because someone has more points it doesn't mean they are better.



So basically, I'm just a bit rubbish!:icon_redface:


not what i said hoodoo, the top players will probably be gettin pushed but no one in our tribe has yet been pushed and n1tro is on 700
im on every 5 mins and im about 530.
even in school coz i am better with comps than the dam network admin i get on alot more than anyone else will usualy so school/work is no issue.


As one of the 'top' players I'd just like to say. I wish I was getting pushed resources. Then I'd be ahead of Roch2001 and could gloat at his smug face.

Seriously I think it's unfair to assume everyone in the top is being fed resources to bump them up. I had a quiet game, low down in the rankings building up my resource production while everyone else with barracks and smithy had the points and bragging rights. However now that the slowly slowly tactic has paid off we're suddenly all ahead but apparently its not on our own merit.



if you've not cheated to be where you are then kudos to you.
and know that even with an unfair advantage they don't have a chance in a real head to head.

it may be an offreont now, but that will pass. i know no-one that has played fairly that is in awe of those that dont. if you want to smile down at his smug face perhaps you should aim your next village in his direction.


i think there's different tactics that would bring you alot of points.. some ppl go for there production first .. and others begin to upgrade their headquarters.. well :) I think most of them play fair and would still make you think they cheat :p


because im surrounded by CAN members i didnt realise how lucrative plundering could be but sitting for someone else was like heaven, building non stop, too many resources with low level resourcers. i had to give tons away for small warehouse (at 7k of each)


It's harder to plunder in the inner circle since that's where the more experienced players are, players starting late have it much easier since alot of the village around them are empty but start with more resources than villages in the middle. It'll be intresting to see what happens when experienced playesr lose their villages and start over in a much better area. But on the inside it's easier to take over a large village since there are so many of them :icon_smile:


surely eventualy there will be one person owning the whole world.
after like 100 years but it will happen eventualy if people can be assed playing that long and the game keeps up


I don't think so, when a player starts getting too big and trying for total domination smaller players could take them down bit by bit, it's too hard to watch over many villages at the same time they can't all be fully defended