So I have to say "goodbye"


Dear w49 community,

I'd like to take a few minutes of you. Some of you know me, most of you may not and a few over the course of last four five years..

Recent changes in my job responsibility has forced me to rethink about continue to play this excellent game I have been playing since august 2006, with a small break for around 7 months in between. I have been assigned with a huge responsibility to establish a department and I'd like to focus as much as possible to that, with the rest of the time to spend with my family and offline gaming (yeah, a hardcore gamer can never stop playing.. ). I never like to do things half-arsed. And we all know, if you really want to a great twer, there is no alternate then as constant watch as possible, which is not possible for me in the current circumstances.

Moreover, wifey and me are planning to have kids within next 15 months or so. And certainly, I'd like to give my every bit of time outside my work to them. After a long long long long thought... I have decided to halt playing this game for an indefinite period of time.

Yes, I do not intend to quit for good, may be one day in the distant future, I will return, who knows. But that certainly wont be before world 99. :icon_cool:

It was fun playing along and against with you and so many. I am one of those old timers from the w2 time, who kinda achieved almost everything this game has to offer, individually and collectively. I'd like to thank all my tribe-mates over the years in this game, specially the ones who played under my leadership in world six STONED, world 19 STONED, and world 49 1/0. Specially, the ones in 1/0 (even the ones who played to sabotage the tribe-within). You guys were fun.

I know some will feel left out from the exclusive people I will mention next. But they are in a total different league than any others - stonerbus and wizd0m. You two are my brothers from another mother. I wish one day I would meet you guys in person.

Lastly, I wish each and every one of you, the very best in yous respective lives. I hold no grudges no bad feelings for any one of you. I wish, it will be same the other way around too. Always remember, at the end of the day, it is only just a game.

If anyone wishes to continue communication with me... you can find me in one of the following places...


Remember, there is one and only alphabonkers :icon_wink:


Good view of how the game should be played lighthearted and entertaining or no point. GL in real life man and cya soon, with increased world releases you'll be back in 6 months for W99 :icon_razz:


GL with starting up that department and best wishes to you having healthy children. If I'm still around I'll get in touch with you for W99 .... it'd definitely be an experience to be led by yourself. All in all you have my best wishes :)


sorry to hear that you are going asif; you'll be missed. my best wishes for both the new department and the babies. it was great fun playing with you and i hope all works out well for you in RL :)


Goodbye man. U certainly spiced up all the worlds you played.


Why are all the people who kept these forums alive leaving >.>

Anyways :) Good luck in life and have fun :)


Was the choice really that difficult?.... Let's see, wife, children, career, family, or spending all my time playing a game on the computer? It goes without saying you made the only sane choice and I wish you luck. For future reference for those reading this... when given these choices in your life, don't be a moron. This is just a game.


Dude! you plan on having multiple kids in the next 15 months!??!?! Awesome. Give her the business champ;)

But seriously, we all know this was the right choice, so have a full and happy life... See ya in retirement dude


cold turkey....stopped.....

scary thought

Good Luck will be missed