So... This tribe likes points...


I would have though rank 2 would be enough, and that the tribe has enough members. But no, just because he can't have me... He has turned to begging.

hi said:
danellis1 today at 14:07
Let me introduce myself. I'm danellis1, the leader from the EAA Tribe. You might either be new or very experienced to this game. Either way, the importance of joining a strong tribe is very useful in this game. And I was wondering, if you cared to join the EAA tribe. We were powerful on other worlds, and now we are trying to dominate World 20. So far, it's working, and we are progressing well. Our tribe is focused on protecting our members against attacks and helping our players strive. We noticed that this part had not been occupied by any particular tribe so it would be beneficial for you to join, and also the others around you so you could start your own little area of the EAA tribe. We give our members many privalidges, and we are also very reasonable with people who ask for higher power.

Please consider joining! It would be a pleasure to have you!

If you would like an invitation, please reply, and I will send you one ASAP or reply saying no just so i now an thanx 4 your time!

Thank you very much! And I hope you join! :)


danellis1 today at 16:51
plz reply

danellis1 today at 16:53
r u gonan reply ill invite u plz accept


I don't think this warrants the creation of another thread tbh.


there's already been a post about that mail, and I think half the people playing have recieved it :icon_confused:


I hate dan.

No offense but he has the lowest GCSE marks ever therefore dis-abling him to write proper english.


i havent received any mail yet:(
who knows i may beg him to send me one :lol:


I would have though rank 2 would be enough, and that the tribe has enough members. But no, just because he can't have me... He has turned to begging.

Lol, I hope I get them knocking at my door soon ;)



Let me introduce myself. I'm Blah Blah. I see that you are currently without a tribe. We would be honored if you were to join our tribe. Yes we are weak and lack leadership but if you've been playing TW for any length of time you'll know that most tribes are the same. So seeing that you'll probably get stuck in a weak tribe anyway, (because honestly at this stage of the game who can really tell who the good tribes are?), why not just join us and improve our point total so we can look all big and stuff. It'll make you look all big and stuff too, and then we can go through W20 thumping our chest together.

I thank you for your consideration in this matter,

Blah Blah