New World Start of World 125 - Non-Premium & No-Haul


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Dear community,

Thursday, February, 3rd , world 125 will open its gates around 10 AM. Pre-registrations will be started closer to the launch date and it will be announced when it does.

++ EDIT ++
Pre-registrations for this world have started! You can join the world here. Casual 12 will start at the same moment and will only accept players from World 125 onwards.

You can find the settings for world 125 below.

General Settings:

- Building speed: 2 (200%)
- Unit Speed: 0.5 (100%)
- Production Factor: 53 (8.480/h) (176.6% due to no haul)

- Archers: Activated
- Paladin / Statue: Activated, one per player (no skills, no items)
- Strongholds : Deactivated
- Bonus Villages: Activated
- Barbarian Villages: Activated, increased amount, grow to 500 points.
- Church and Belief: Deactivated
- Watchtower: Deactivated
- Militia: Activated
- Morale: Points and time based, Deactivated after 100 days.
- Achievements: Activated
- Noble production: Coins
- Technologies: Simple
- Beginners protection: 3 days
- Beginners protection ratio: Deactivated


- Nightmode: Deactivated
- Choose starting direction: Activated
- Attack timing: Milliseconds (50)
- Fake limit: Deactivated
- Limit Noble man walking distance: Deactivated
- Scavenging: Deactivated

Extra :

- Victory conditions: Dominance. A tribe must hold 70% of the villages in this world for 14 days.
- Tribe limit: 25
- Flags: Deactivated
- Haul: No Haul , resource production will be increased to 176.6%.
- Support outside Tribe: Über - Arrival (a village needs to be owned by the tribe upon arrival)
- No Harm: Deactivated

Premium Features:

- Premium Account: Activated
- Account Manager: Activated
- Farm-Assistant: Deactivated
- Building time reduction: Deactivated
- Finish immediately: Deactivated
- Building cost reduction: Deactivated
- +20% Production: Deactivated
- Trading with the merchant: Deactivated
- Premium Exchange: Deactivated

Oh no! Something has gone wrong with the settings - they are all empty!

We need your help. Visit the
Wishing Well and tell us a setting you'd like revealed. World speed? Archers? Tribe limit? If you're lucky, maybe your request will be revealed first!

Over the coming days, the Tribal Gods will grant wishes, revealing settings and releasing more clues. Keep your eyes peeled for more on our latest Milestone World!

Do you know what you're wishing for?

Your Tribal Wars Team
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Awesomest CM Ever
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While you await the start of this new world, we have opened the Discord for this world. Feel free to drop by to talk to the players that will also be playing this world. Below you can find out how to join. A few smart Discord users have already seen the clues we posted over the past few days, but let's not keep them alone forever!

I am already in the Tribal Wars Discord
I am not yet in the Tribal Wars Discord
You can join the world channel by typing the following command in the chat:
/join en125

The world channel will become visible under the channel list.
You can simply click this invite link. You'll then automatically receive the right role to see the en125 channel.


Awesomest CM Ever
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The Tribal Gods have blessed us and revealed 5 settings!

Building speed: 2 (200%)
Unit Speed: 0.5 (100%)
Church and belief: Deactivated
Choose starting direction: Activated
Building time reduction: Deactivated

Besides that however, they have left us a rather cryptic message! Maybe you can figure out what it means?

Players of TribalWars, present and past,
read this poem but not too fast.
For hidden within lies a world clue,
that may well reveal a setting or two.

Many a merchant will be let down,
Mercenary Kings will be wearing a frown.
The beast on a mountain will never appear,
while dragons and hordes have nothing to fear
No diamonds in mines or fortune on the sea,
defending a castle? No need says me.

For on this world none of these will show,
did you pick up the clues? Let's get ready to go!

Every player can now submit three more (or the same?) wishes to the Well for the next revelations!​


Awesomest CM Ever
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A few more settings have been revealed!

Paladin: Activated, one per player, without Skills (no items)
Flags: Deactivated
Victory conditions: Dominance. A tribe must hold 70% of the villages in this world for 14 days.
Noble Production: Coins

The announcement has been adjusted to reflect these revelations.

They have also gifted us with another message!
Can you decipher this one too?

Our first riddle hinted at a lack of event,
well done to those who knew what it meant.

Time for another clue or two,
to make something special especially for you.

Your villagers will be worked right to the bone,
to gather what you need to ascend to the throne.
As for your soldiers, just one task you'll find,
to fight fight fight, nothing else in mind.

Reflect on this verse and it will say,
two more settings for the big day.

Every player can now submit three more (or the same?) wishes to the Well for the next revelations!​


Awesomest CM Ever
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By now you have surely figured out that events will be disabled on this world.
Have you also figured out that the world will be a no-haul world with increased production?
Yes? Congratulations if you did!

Let's find out the next revealed settings:
Watchtower: Deactivated
Technologies: Simple
Morale: Activated - Will be deactivated after 100 days
Haul: No Haul (base production will be compensated to 175%)
Scavenging: Deactivated

Additionally, for W125 we will be enforcing an additional no-pushing rule.
The details of this will become clear in the final announcement.

The opening post will be updated to reflect these additional settings.

Every player can now again put three wishes into the Well!​
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Awesomest CM Ever
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Dear players,

By now, many of you have already figured that world 125 will be a non-premium world. That reveals the following additional settings:
Premium Account: Activated
Account Manager: Activated
Farm-Assistant: Deactivated
Building time reduction: Deactivated
Finish immediately: Deactivated
Building cost reduction: Deactivated
+20% Production: Deactivated
Trading with the merchant: Deactivated
Premium Exchange: Deactivated

Additionally, we want to inform you about the following granted wishes:
Attack timing: Milliseconds (50ms)
Support outside Tribe: Über - Arrival (a village needs to be owned by the tribe upon arrival)
Strongholds: Deactivated

Every player can now again put three wishes into the Well!
We wish to remind players to stick to wishes relating to settings that have not yet been determined. You can find a complete overview in the spoiler of the opening post.

Finally, we are happy to announce that en125 will also bring a new Casual world. Casual 12 will start on the same day.
Transfers towards this world will only be possible from en125 onwards. The usual restrictions for transferring (being nobled or waiting 14 days) apply.​


Awesomest CM Ever
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The last settings have been revealed!

No Harm: Deactivated
Tribe Limit: 25
Bonus Villages: Activated
Barbarian Villages: Increased Amount, grow to 500 points
Limit Noble man walking distance: Deactivated
Militia: Activated
Achievements: Activated
Beginners Protection: 3 days
Beginners Protection Ratio: Deactivated
Fake Limit: Deactivated

The opening post will be adjusted to reflect these changes.

That leaves us with two undecided settings:

Nightbonus. As the preferences are very different, please case your vote here:

The same applies to archers:
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Awesomest CM Ever
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Dear players,

It was a close call for both polls but we have reached a decision!

Archers: Activated
Nightbonus: Deactivated

Besides this, I am happy to announce that pre-registrations for this world have started! You can join the world here. Casual 12 will start at the same moment and will only accept players from World 125 onwards.

Details on the new pushing rule (for this world only) will be announced during the weekend.

Happy gaming!
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Awesomest CM Ever
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Dear players,

As mentioned before, an additional rule to combat account pushing will be in effect. We have tried to find a way to limit account pushing as much as possible, while trying to not affect the game of others too much (eg. account switches).

Please find the details below, they will also be announced during the pre-reg phase and start up phase on regular occasion.
- Account merges will not be allowed for the first 40 days of the world. If you intend to play together, join together.
- The market can not be used to freely send resources, at any point during the runtime of the world. Only 1:1 trades will be allowed. This will be enforced on a setting level.

Take into account that the above rule is an additional rule. The other game rules in regards to pushing will also apply.

As with all game rules, we count on player reports to help us enforce them. Please be aware that creating multi-accounts using the sitting system or setting up a shared internet connection does not negate the rules.

Kind regards,
Your Tribal Wars Team