New World Start of World 129 | 3-village start!


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Dear community,

The summer holiday is well underway for many of us, so we've decided to open an extra world for you all to enjoy. We've added a very rare twist to it! On this world, every player will start with 3 villages! The world will also be played at a higher speed than usual, the number of barbarian villages have been raised and we've also made the militia a little more powerful. Better be careful for these angry farmers when sacking their village!

Tuesday, August, 2nd, world 129 will open its gates around 11 AM.

Pre-registrations for this world have started. Gather your teams!
>> Register now!

Please note that as this is a multi-village start, you will not be able to choose a starting direction! Additionally, you will also not be able to invite other players near to your location. If you want to be located close to each other, make sure to pre-register together and join the same tribe.

While you await the start of this new world, we have opened the Discord for this world. Feel free to drop by to chat with the players that will also be playing this world. Below you can find out how to join.

I am already in the Tribal Wars Discord
I am not yet in the Tribal Wars Discord
You can join the world channel by typing the following Slash command in the chat:
/join en129

The world channel will become visible under the channel list.
You can simply click this invite link. You'll then automatically receive the right role to see the en129 channel.

You can find the settings for world 129 below.

General Settings:

- Building speed: 3.2
- Unit Speed: 0.3125


- Archers: Disabled
- Paladin / Statue: Disabled
- Strongholds: Disabled
- Bonus Villages: Enabled
- Barbarian Villages: Enabled, grow and shrink up to 5000 points
- Church and Belief: Disabled
- Watchtower: Enabled
- Militia: Enabled (*)
- Morale: Enabled, time-based
- Achievements: Enabled
- Noble production: Gold coins
- Technologies: 3-Level
- Beginners protection: Enabled, 5 days
- Beginners protection ratio: 1:20 for 60 days


- Nightmode: Disabled
- Choose starting direction: Disabled
- Attack timing: 50 ms
- Fake limit: Disabled
- Limit Noble man walking distance: 50 fields
- Scavenging: Disabled

Extra :

- Victory conditions: Rune Villages, tribes need to hold 65% of all Rune villages in each continent for 14 days. Per continent, 64 Rune Villages will spawn!
- Tribe limit: 15
- Flags: Activated
- Limited haul: Disabled
- Support outside Tribe: Disabled - Über (Arrival)

Premium Features:

- Premium Account: Activated
- Account Manager: Activated
- Farm-Assistant: Activated
- Building time reduction: Activated
- Finish immediately: Activated
- Building cost reduction: Activated
- +20% Production: Activated
- Trading with the merchant: Activated
- Premium Exchange: Activated

Good luck!

(*) The militia has 40 units per farm level, capped at 25 levels supported. This means the max amount of militia is 1.000 units. The militia can be called up to 5 villages.

We are very excited to hear your feedback on this world. Please let us know what you think in the feedback topic!

Your Tribal Wars Team
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