Stolen Copyright image

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Photobucket =/= copyright

I could take one of those and make it my Avatar picture if I wanted and you could do nothing about it lol though I wouldn't because they are weird looking...

this one is ok [spoil]
Someone use this as a stock for the next SOTW :D


Well all of those except NMW, the template version of it and the TheGameDock one are actually templates I gave out on other sites.


Have you tried going in the tw w60 forum and making a thread shaming them? Then again, even if you did they look pretty no0by and will most likely not be on the forums, and if they are will not have enough reputatrion/respect to care for it being tarnished. However some people from w60 will inbox them ingame i guess?
Beats me man, might be worth trying though :)


Tribe seems to have disappeared. Problem solved for the fellow Scotsman? (happy)

I'm getting the 'tribe does not exist' message, on the ingame profile screen, that is.


Tribe seems to have disappeared. Problem solved for the fellow Scotsman? (happy)

I'm getting the 'tribe does not exist' message, on the ingame profile screen, that is.

Well you're not a Weegie, so I am happy, yes.

They seem to have disbanded.


Well from now on you could watermark etc to keep it yours ;)


So the matter is resolved now and this can be closed yes ?


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