The Crazy Challenge


The crazy challenge is back and it is now open to all. For those of you that dont know i post something like this every couple of months and well due to the challenge getting harder I am now opening it to everyone.

The key to this challenge to to help me come up with village names, but this is no easy task. The rules to giving a village name are as follows :
1) must contain the word "crazy" or "loco"
2) can not be a repeat of one already used
3) you fowl language or obvious sexual meaning will be used in a name
4) no spamming of this thread, if you want to say something then post at least one village idea then you can talk.

(not all ideas will be used, i will select the best ideas to be displayed)

Let the games begin!


Name them all Psycho...

Psycho! Crazy...
Name them Psycho, Crazy
Loco name them Psycho
Crazy loco name them Psycho
Psycho is crazy
Psycho is loco
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haha yes, even though they all revolve around psycho those are acceptable


your not as crazy as haza

im crazy for haza

im crazy for scotch

haza is loco crazy man

haza rocks the crazy boat