Dear forum-dwellers of W21! It has been an absolute pleasure being able to spam, flame, argue, troll, poll, insinuate, laugh, weigh-in, converse, and jostle with you for the past couple of years I have had a forum account. I cannot remember seeing a good-bye thread in here in a while, but please excuse me for creating one for I would feel very incomplete if I were to leave without saying good-bye to you all in the very long-winded way I have of writing. Mainly, thank you all for playing with and against me. To everyone who I've interacted with in here: it has been fun, another element to the enjoyment of this increasingly social game. I know some of you more than others, but nonetheless, I wish all of you the best and please contact me if you want to stay in touch.
But anyway, I am here to announce that...
On July 12, 2011 at 12:11 ST californiacob surrendered to the PnP forces amassed outside his villages.
To his enemies he writes:
To his friends he writes:
Good-bye W21. The sun is finally setting today. :icon_cool:
But anyway, I am here to announce that...
On July 12, 2011 at 12:11 ST californiacob surrendered to the PnP forces amassed outside his villages.
To his enemies he writes:
PnP, you have fought a better match during this war and it shows in way of your points, size, and strength. It has been moderately entertaining to fight you and I doubt that I would ever be able to defeat you at this time, especially since there are now five of you attacking me (hawk1970, ewty, hellbros, lilairen, and Cottonwood). In 2009 I distinctly remember PnP (then PuFFiN) being upset about being gang-banged by 47Ron and TESB and some other tribe who's name I forget. Well, I cannot say this is a gang-bang, but surely 5 vs. 1 is not a fair encounter. Of course, the encounter in and of itself has been in the process of being set-up now for almost 3 years. Yes, that's when I first entered this world as a "newby" - I believe the date was August 27th, 2008. Back then, I fought the likes of Pubulator and even Baton Rogues of Dr. NO. Those were really great times and I cannot remember having enjoyed myself during warfare as much as I did then, even though I was sweating like any newby should in his first days of real full-out combat. And nearly 3 years later, I must admit that it is my fault for losing. I could have prevented it, but I had to be a stubborn arse and keep going my own way. I had a chance to join Dr. NO way back when I was in SWIFT if you did not already know that, but I chose to fight the uphill battle for the sake of friendship and fun. I would make the same choice over and over and am glad that I did make it.
PnP, you have fought brilliantly and today I commend you and your forces in mass. However, there is much left to be said in this world. It isn't quite over yet, though ~IMP~ is falling quickly and you guys obviously have the upper hand. I have been observing the movements of your friends who have been attacking me and I cannot say that I'm impressed by anything they have shown me. In fact, the five players who are now attacking me have not been able to send very proper reinforcements with their nukes and nobles. I would expect more from members of the number 1 tribe in this world and am truly sorry to have been defeated by such lesser players than myself. It is unfortunate that I'm not active, nor do not have the type of backing that these five players have and although they are not as strong in their technique as I believe I am, I must commend them for their efforts because, after all, I am the one surrendering to them. They have won through diplomacy and positioning, situation and circumstance and it is my honor to congratulate you on this, however small an achievement conquering me might seem.
Please realize that whatever I have said in this game and in the external forums is strictly game-related and in no way do I mean to personally insult you. As players of the same game, Tribal Wars, it shall always be our duty to respect each other as best we can outside the game and once victory and defeat is reached even if we have spent every moment of our time playing fighting each other ceaselessly. Tribal Wars is our commonality and something we should rally around while outside the game.
Congratulations again and I wish you good luck in real life and an enjoyable time in the game itself. Do not forget your honor and your character. They are what define us and will define the color of your victory, if achieved. Make the choices which lead you to your goals and always follow your gut. My goal was to have fun and if your goal is to win, I cannot blame you. You should continue to follow that goal.
PnP, you have fought brilliantly and today I commend you and your forces in mass. However, there is much left to be said in this world. It isn't quite over yet, though ~IMP~ is falling quickly and you guys obviously have the upper hand. I have been observing the movements of your friends who have been attacking me and I cannot say that I'm impressed by anything they have shown me. In fact, the five players who are now attacking me have not been able to send very proper reinforcements with their nukes and nobles. I would expect more from members of the number 1 tribe in this world and am truly sorry to have been defeated by such lesser players than myself. It is unfortunate that I'm not active, nor do not have the type of backing that these five players have and although they are not as strong in their technique as I believe I am, I must commend them for their efforts because, after all, I am the one surrendering to them. They have won through diplomacy and positioning, situation and circumstance and it is my honor to congratulate you on this, however small an achievement conquering me might seem.
Please realize that whatever I have said in this game and in the external forums is strictly game-related and in no way do I mean to personally insult you. As players of the same game, Tribal Wars, it shall always be our duty to respect each other as best we can outside the game and once victory and defeat is reached even if we have spent every moment of our time playing fighting each other ceaselessly. Tribal Wars is our commonality and something we should rally around while outside the game.
Congratulations again and I wish you good luck in real life and an enjoyable time in the game itself. Do not forget your honor and your character. They are what define us and will define the color of your victory, if achieved. Make the choices which lead you to your goals and always follow your gut. My goal was to have fun and if your goal is to win, I cannot blame you. You should continue to follow that goal.
To his friends he writes:
CD, {F-6} F., SWIFT F., IT!, and ~IMP~, it has been a pleasure being apart of every one of you as tribes. You guys have all been the greatest tribemates I could ever have had. It's been such a great time playing with you all ever since we all first started. I would like to thank you all for your support and being there when I always needed a hand with this or that, even just having a small conversation. Especially when we were all plotting our wars and our tactics against Dr. NO and BnE and {L} and even way back when we were fighting for our lives in K42! Wow, that was fun now that I think back to it. Those times in SWIFT when we were all battling it out was simply the best time I had in here and getting to know all of you so closely as friends and tribemates was really awesome.
Now you guys are at a crossroads again. Another momentous event is occurring and it is fully still up to you to see to it that things do not go to heck like they seem to be inevitably doing. Make the most of the situation like jen said and have the fun time that you wish to have. Although I cannot say this has been my most proud or fun moment myself, at least I have turned it into a learning experience. Remember that to be strong, you must first be weak. Do not let my going discourage you. Instead, please use it as a way of forming your own interpretation of the events which have transpired on this world and use it to decide what you would like to do next. If you choose to quit like me, I fully understand, but I hope that you will formulate your own plan free of any one perspective (like mine) on things.
Moving on, I'd like to give a special thanks to all my closest friends who mentored and played valiantly alongside me while always remaining true, loyal, all-around guys dedicated to making a splash and pulling the upset! Jbibble, ROTTIEFURY, UKWildcat, geturdone, yourworstfear, jen101, alexis73, emaNehT, OEYSPS, killalottaclan, bantom1, Speere, (original) mtupper, [player]The Black Legion, Dekker93, Debbie0959, AdelaideSpellguard, Krausfield (RIP my friend, if you are watching), globety1, Nicksta195 and the W42 crew, and countless others who I cannot remember at this time. I wish all of you great luck, happiness, and well-being in your futures.
If you want to have a chat, we can do so through the external forums private messaging. You will probably find me still talking in the W21 threads long after my account has been deleted as well. Please email me at if you are interested in finding me on facebook or just talking. Just fyi, this will be my final world. It has where Tribal Wars started for me and it will be where it ends for me. My first ever village lies at 224|394 and unfortunately I have lost it. Get it back for me guys! I must end my journey here.
Tribal Wars has been a large part of my life the past few years as you full well know and it is simply time that I say good-bye to you all in here. I will not forget all the moments we have shared, no matter how much tech there has been between us. If you wish to keep in contact with me, I will most willingly accept your outstretched hand.
Thanks to all of you.
Now you guys are at a crossroads again. Another momentous event is occurring and it is fully still up to you to see to it that things do not go to heck like they seem to be inevitably doing. Make the most of the situation like jen said and have the fun time that you wish to have. Although I cannot say this has been my most proud or fun moment myself, at least I have turned it into a learning experience. Remember that to be strong, you must first be weak. Do not let my going discourage you. Instead, please use it as a way of forming your own interpretation of the events which have transpired on this world and use it to decide what you would like to do next. If you choose to quit like me, I fully understand, but I hope that you will formulate your own plan free of any one perspective (like mine) on things.
Moving on, I'd like to give a special thanks to all my closest friends who mentored and played valiantly alongside me while always remaining true, loyal, all-around guys dedicated to making a splash and pulling the upset! Jbibble, ROTTIEFURY, UKWildcat, geturdone, yourworstfear, jen101, alexis73, emaNehT, OEYSPS, killalottaclan, bantom1, Speere, (original) mtupper, [player]The Black Legion, Dekker93, Debbie0959, AdelaideSpellguard, Krausfield (RIP my friend, if you are watching), globety1, Nicksta195 and the W42 crew, and countless others who I cannot remember at this time. I wish all of you great luck, happiness, and well-being in your futures.
If you want to have a chat, we can do so through the external forums private messaging. You will probably find me still talking in the W21 threads long after my account has been deleted as well. Please email me at if you are interested in finding me on facebook or just talking. Just fyi, this will be my final world. It has where Tribal Wars started for me and it will be where it ends for me. My first ever village lies at 224|394 and unfortunately I have lost it. Get it back for me guys! I must end my journey here.
Tribal Wars has been a large part of my life the past few years as you full well know and it is simply time that I say good-bye to you all in here. I will not forget all the moments we have shared, no matter how much tech there has been between us. If you wish to keep in contact with me, I will most willingly accept your outstretched hand.
Thanks to all of you.
Good-bye W21. The sun is finally setting today. :icon_cool: