The Era of Premades / World settings thread.


Bah, big discussion for nothing new.

So complaining about Premades and coplayers ?
A long complaining post needs a long answer right :p


- There are premades made in the intent to win the world, to teach, to start-up, draw things on the map... anything.

Also, to the point that not many premades end up wining the world. Well yeah, that's because half the premade merges with another half of the premade and it comes out months later that duke A was friends with duke B from world X and it was planned that duke A would make a tribe and Duke B would make a tribe and when the time comes Tribe X and tribe Y will form tribe Z.

The move the leaders adopt at one point (be it merge for speeding up victory,just battle it to the end, or just start-up then mass delete...) is not something anyone out of these tribes should complain about as they are unrelated to these tribes and just don't know the reasons which lead to that.

It is as well the privilege of these tribes to decide what to do and your point of view is nothing worth as an outsider. If they decide to make a given world shorter, so be it.

W/o getting into individual particulars for world settings, I propose in some worlds in the feature there should be:
Coplaying Off
Premades Off


I do believe however, it has gotten drastically out of control, and while the idea seems an attractive one, it has literally become a game of contacts and not necessarily a game of strategy.

Well a premade is something that is set up before the world opens, so it should be kinda hard without making contact with the members before the world starts...

The point is that these contacts, as any guys joining a premade will support the startegy and plan of this premade tribe so in fact it has everything to do with strategy... o/

With these quotes and from what I read from the 1st post, the guy is more complaining about the "elite" part of premades and coplayers.

So what's an "elite" premade ?
a) premade made of start-up freaks ?
b) premade made of tribe members from an older world, used to great coordination ? (DSL for example or MCD)
c) premade with mixed experienced members but with strong leadership, teaching abilities and a tactic for long term...
d) premade of friends wanting to play together, without long term plan, regardless of playing abilities
e) premade of people unrelated gunning in the same target (drawing things on the world map, whatever)
f) servers elite premade (.de invasion or whatver)... almost never a start-up only tribe.
g) joker...

Premades are created to achieve something anyway, so once again it's more a strategical planning relying on contacts (be it old or recent). A premade is just but a tribe, with a little bit of planning ahead and as such qualifies to play tribalwars.
Hard to say which one has the edge... depends on how long your members plan to play, what the goals gathering the crew were...

Usually decent premades planned their early moves before the world starts: they have an edge but it doesn't mean they will be successfull, even at early game.

Worlds where tribes were randomly attributed (like w27 I think, where I played) made these premades kinda useless, so this setting should be enough for you if you don't like premades. -and I must say it was rather interesting-

Though there is 1 rule you should remember, even with the differences in settings and that being unrelated to any tribes or premades:
The strongest players remain the strongest: simply put because they mastered everything, going from bp behavior, training the right troops at the right time, according to their location and neighbors, the place of their teammates, the diplomacy (on a player's level), their use of scripts and of course their decisions.

New players are greeted with restart mails and whilst the experienced players will gloat about their success and their troop point, fact is, nearly every player at the start-up in a Premade tribe is point-whoring, and the new players are too scared to attack because of their high points, intimidating stats (they are very quick to spam out their twstats). So, the 'elite' hide behind their big tribe name, and they point whore before their inevitable superior troop pump. It's strategy, I suppose, but it is not a balanced game. Rather than go into a world and create a tribe like in the old days, they'd rather join a Premade of c.40 experienced players are so, and hide behind it.
Ironically enough, these premades always are very astute to make sure they don't spawn too close to one another, because that will make it more of a gae of strategy and good-playing early game. And they don't want that. :-D

This is absolutely wrong. I'm not the only good starter that doesn't use these restart mail and I couldn't care less about the one who use them.
If they need more barbs for their way of playing and some people are that impressed and obey, that's their own problem.
I've been playing for a very long time, be it as a solo player, in a nice noob tribe with nice people or in pseudo-leet or pure leet tribes (with nice people as well) and this has never been an hindrance, in any way, to the rankings I secured (and by that I mean plenty of #1 or any top #3).
I myself don't really care a lot about BP and thus don't rely much on barbs amount in my neighborhood (though 2 or 3 are nice). The more active players and high village density I have, the best... and I'm not the only one who likes this kind of thing.

Pointwhoring is not the right word as well, as it's never bad to increase your points while training troops non-stop at the same time. It's just how it has to be for a good start.

More troops means more farm space needed, more farm space demands some building upgrades, as well as HQ to speed up the farm upgrades... and so on.
It's more the guys whose points increase very fast after BP you should be warry off, and its actually not that hard to see which kind of buildings they made... should give you a hint about the troops count of said guy.

As of being not too close to each members at start up, its only natural as any decent start up can clear at least its 25x25 without worries and farming in a 50x50 is quite possible while keeping some people alive for support and 1 or 2 noble targets, more or less close depending on world settings (coins or packet...).

[/spoil][spoil]And should that problem arise, BS Naps and alliances are secured, and it all comes across as very pitiful.

That's just making use of diplomacy, one core aspect of this beautiful game. if you think it's pitifull, go play call of duty or something.

You look at most of the snobby elites now, and they tribe hop at the first sign of danger, because 'they have more friends' elsewhere; and they'll leave a phoney explanation because they fear the repercussions of getting their asses handed to them.

This depends on the leader and his ability to keep its own followers under him. One of the most important thing for a leader if not the most.[/spoil][spoil]
Also, I have seen one guy in SnM offers players in his 15x15 100 premium points to restart before bulding up mines for him. These are the same people that would like to come across as being badass players, and pander to one another's egos.
Seriously, what the hell? Lol!! Is this what it takes to be a good player these days?
I don't think it's allowed according to the rules, must have been more a joke than anything.

As for egos, it's actually almost the only thing that keeps the great players -who have achieved almost everything- playing... that doesn't mean they are bad guys, it's just that makes the game and the forum an interesting place to take a look at.

Well sorry for not quoting everyhing else, so I'll just finish with this:

I personnaly don't think premades are a bad thing as it's a source of inspiration for any gamer who wishes to:
- make durable friends or just have a good time
- improve their gaming
- reach top ranks
- earn respect

And most new players who suffered a beating, would actually love to experience the joy of being part of a premade, be it a leet start-up tribe or anything: the feeling of being close to each others is priceless, and is actually an important part of being in a "tribe".

It's as well wrong to say that good premades don't accept new players (or noobs like some people call them) as it's really almost always the opposite. It really depends on their dedication.

Premades are a bit special in the way that you signed up in it: the relation of trust and being accepted started before the world opened, which make you closer to your teammates.[/spoil]

#coplayers (just a few words):

[spoil]TW is like all games. If you search a bit you'll find that every player is ranked. AS a player the goal is to improve your ranking. As a tribe it's the same...
The thing was /is / will be that your ranking will improve faster if your account remains active. That way, your tribe will of course grow faster. So you can use a sitter or a coplayer so that your account remains active.

-Sitting accounts has some restrictions (farming /attacking/support...) so most people who care for rankings nowadays have coplayers.
It's still possible to be in top 20 with an half decent sitter (or even without sometimes, just depends on the players playing the world and your own activity). If you disagree with that, it just means you didn't consider all aspects of the game which gives you (as a guy who plays(ed) 18 + hours /day) way enough chance to grab rank #1: be it at early game or end game when most are chillaxing.

As for alias you mentioned, I can't remember all the accounts I made, i must have like 50 google mail accounts just for tw, and just because I like switching names,as well as for consideration for my own coplayers:
I fancy using new names, each one of them being a new adventure and considering all coplayers as one equal who can brag later that they where here and did and get as much glory as I did.

I have no idea why people dislikes alias that much, as our own names are almost always on the profile, so not really a "hide incognito among the noobs" thing :s

Anyway, once you have seen a bit of this game, you'll be happy to have coplayers who know how you play and can make sure your accout grows the way you want it. And this is absolutely not possible for any guy who shows up to co you, believe me. It requires experience in playing the game to make such mates and efficient coplayers shouldn't be regarded as being an easy thing to have.

Strong players and their coplayers deserve their ranking and having a 6-coplaying average guys account is ofc not in the radar of a 2-strong coplayers combo, and that -almost- regardless of their activity.



Step 1. Read guides and understand theory.
Step 2. Coplay a good player and understand practice.
Step 3. Profit?

Guides are not a standalone method of becoming good at TW, it's true. However, they do help tremendously to get you to understand a lot of the strategies involved. You still need some practice, trying out the strategies, but not much. My first train was flawless. I made my first snipe, and my first backtime. Had I figured out these strategies on my own, it would have taken a lot more practice to get them to work. Guides helped me get them right on the first try.

You could read all of the guides out there and you would not be as good as me, nevermind an actual top caliber player. Guides can give you the tools and walk you through a few orthodox situations. They don't deal in reality.


You could read all of the guides out there and you would not be as good as me, nevermind an actual top caliber player. Guides can give you the tools and walk you through a few orthodox situations. They don't deal in reality.

That's true of some guides, and not others. There are quite a few guides that deal in reality, I have several in my library.


There's only one solution for this:

Every world should have a tribe members limit of 30-40 people...


That's true of some guides, and not others. There are quite a few guides that deal in reality, I have several in my library.

Nope, too many situation with too many little variables tweaked for guides to cover them all. The most important thing in this game is the ability to think, that can not be taught merely faked.


I rathered my thread mid-discussion where real discussion was being made before it got hijacked by BS which I did have a part of (hi Sonic). Now it's all lick the behind of other players and 1 star this thread.
Do it, one star it and disagree, it makes you a smart TW player!
I made a decent discussion going, now hijacked.
Zorglub, TY for your input man, I'll read the rest later (bit drunk at the moment), and I appreciate the time you put into your answer, cheers man

nad destroyer

There's only one solution for this:

Every world should have a tribe members limit of 30-40 people...

Don't know what your suggesting a solution for but nope. In world 66 some tribes are just holding hands and call each other family tribes. The rim sucks there. I'm in a half decent tribe and my tribe is about to become another family tribe where every tribe worth attacking is an ally so no noble targets. So when I leave I'll get gangbanged. Their bs strategy ruins TW fun.


There's only one solution for this:

Every world should have a tribe members limit of 30-40 people...

uh, how is this a solution? there can be a premade of 30-40 odd players, with co-players playing them. Not to mention, as nad mentioned above, mass academy/brother tribes are always created when you have such a low tribe member count.


I meant a solution against the tribes having 40+ members... Then most tribes are equal...

But yeah nad destroyer allso said it allready... Diplomacy... :eek:


Limit 20 members per tribe, outside support off, family tribe all you want you cant support each other.. Only attack together. Doesn't everyone even know the avalible settings anymore


Limit 20 members per tribe, outside support off, family tribe all you want you cant support each other.. Only attack together. Doesn't everyone even know the avalible settings anymore

haha looks like the previous dutch-classic settings, only the member limit was 7 :p


premades are over rated.Join a week to 10 days after the world start.Join a good tribe. Rip apart the so called elite premades after that.


The tribe MnM will be done first. After that its your number


Bullet dodger is Boris-the sneaky Russian...not Roger (dull)

nad destroyer

Limit 20 members per tribe, outside support off, family tribe all you want you cant support each other.. Only attack together. Doesn't everyone even know the avalible settings anymore

Nope. Been away for a while.