The Gossip Girl Diaries

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 849023018
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Deleted User - 849023018

Gossip Girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Tribal Wars' elite... And who am I? That's one secret I'll never tell. You know you love me. -XOXO, Gossip Girl."

Urban Dictionary: Tea
"The best kind of gossip typically shared between friends. Tea is usually about someone you know, but can also extend to celebrities, random internet scandals, etc."

Urban Dictionary: Spill
"Spill comes from the root 'Spill the Tea', which means to tell the gossip or the truth."


Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessary reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer or company. Assumptions made in the analysis are not reflective of the position of any entity other that the author(s) - and these views are always subject to change, revision at any time.

The Lord of the Push Accounts: War in the North

Dear Diary,

With the roster that Kekbye was able to showcase from Day 1, I doubt that anyone was that surprised to see this powerhouse emerging as one of the clear frontrunners of w120. However I was surprised to see Kekbye bringing their push accounts (allegedly) in the form of RULE to the world in the attempt to steamroll early-game, chasing that fat W.


It started off pretty slow at first...


But hey - I get it! Taking one village that your co-player or 'friend' built to give your main account a little boost in early-game seems to be the norm these days. The above players aren't the only culprits; DontMindMe, TheFourHorsemen - nearly every account in Kekbye managed to somehow noble a defenseless village during start-up. Pretty sure this is considered illegal in INNO's eyes but turning a blind-eye to this sort of practice is arguably healthy for the longevity of the game. Totally understandable! As long as it is only one village... right?


In more recent days, it would appear that Kekbye aren't even trying to hide it anymore. Now I am not Judge Judy by any means, but I am pretty sure that nobling villages from an account while it continues to use its coins (and thus cheaper nobles) to take and build barbs for Kekbye is illegal...


Notice how NateNin is still actively nobling barbs even though he's in the process of being rimmed. But hold your light calvary horses there Mr. KekBye Externals throw-away account. Before you type the inevitable "BuT GoSsIp GiRl hE wAs ClEaRlY UnDeR aTtAcK!!!!", please tell me how an increase of +168 ODD equates to the legitimate capping of 4 villages? And before the keyboard warriors rethink their strategy and hit out with the "BuT GoSsIp GiRl hE wAs ClEaRlY gIfTiNg!!!!" doesn't that just make it even more ILLEGAL?


MrBurgerNoBunz should have taken a page out of gauss-'s 'Push Accounting for Dummies' RULEbook because at least gauss tried to hide the nobling of their push account over a longer 10 day period. It looks waaaay more realistic...right? (However the +876 ODD gain for the loss of 8 villages isn't doing you any favours).


And this is to only name a few... shame on you KekBye.

Cheaters never prosper
Cheaters never win
You've got nothing to hide
Please stop the lies
The show's about to begin...

Until next time Diary. -XOXO Gossip Girl

***Think you've got some *hot* gossip on w120 and its players? I would love to hear from you! Message me on Discord - details can be found on profile.


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Deleted User - 849022040

Gossip Girl here...

]View attachment 8284

You thought you are a Good Detective? Let me tell you this, you're WAY FAR BEHIND.


This above screenshot PROOFS "clearly" that those RULE tribe's accounts CANNOT POSSIBLY be multi accounts of a SAME PERSON, unlsee he's a ROBOT from Your DREAM when you sleep opening your eyes.

No player can make +3 Accounts, or join with +3 Alternate-push accounts AT THE SAME MINUTE no matter how fast is his connection & also he needed to change connection or platform after each time logging (if what you said were accurate even least 1%). So what ou said afterwards are completely TRASH. Meanwhile, if TW Team were like you, the game would go down already ;) I "thank" TW SUpport Team for being so strick after listening all these craps for many many years, caz if they listened we'd lose many good players already.

You know what you need to be a good detective? That is, you don't get EMOTIONAL after you lose/ about to lose a war, instead think with your head if you have one. The poem you wrote on cheaters, pretty nice though, but only "WHINNERS" write those at the end of the world.

I understand it's a gossiping thread, but i don't like seeing other players getting "tagged" & "flagged" for silly gossips.
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Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
Reaction score
You thought you are a Good Detective? Let me tell you this, you're WAY FAR BEHIND.

View attachment 8314

This above screenshot PROOFS "clearly" that those RULE tribe's accounts CANNOT POSSIBLY be multi accounts of a SAME PERSON, unlsee he's a ROBOT from Your DREAM when you sleep opening your eyes.

No player can make +3 Accounts, or join with +3 Alternate-push accounts AT THE SAME MINUTE no matter how fast is his connection & also he needed to change connection or platform after each time logging (if what you said were accurate even least 1%). So what ou said afterwards are completely TRASH. Meanwhile, if TW Team were like you, the game would go down already ;) I "thank" TW SUpport Team for being so strick after listening all these craps for many many years, caz if they listened we'd lose many good players already.

You know what you need to be a good detective? That is, you don't get EMOTIONAL after you lose/ about to lose a war, instead think with your head if you have one. The poem you wrote on cheaters, pretty nice though, but only "WHINNERS" write those at the end of the world.

I understand it's a gossiping thread, but i don't like seeing other players getting "tagged" & "flagged" for silly gossips.

If your intention here was to out yourself as an idiot then bravo.

You succeeded 100%

Deleted User - 849022040

If your intention...

I get the feeling... but you can't hide the FACT saying this kinda stuff "big guy".

Owwwf, that's a good medal there too on your name.

But... you're in the wrong thread.


Active Member
Reaction score
You thought you are a Good Detective? Let me tell you this, you're WAY FAR BEHIND.

View attachment 8314

This above screenshot PROOFS "clearly" that those RULE tribe's accounts CANNOT POSSIBLY be multi accounts of a SAME PERSON, unlsee he's a ROBOT from Your DREAM when you sleep opening your eyes.

No player can make +3 Accounts, or join with +3 Alternate-push accounts AT THE SAME MINUTE no matter how fast is his connection & also he needed to change connection or platform after each time logging (if what you said were accurate even least 1%). So what ou said afterwards are completely TRASH. Meanwhile, if TW Team were like you, the game would go down already ;) I "thank" TW SUpport Team for being so strick after listening all these craps for many many years, caz if they listened we'd lose many good players already.

You know what you need to be a good detective? That is, you don't get EMOTIONAL after you lose/ about to lose a war, instead think with your head if you have one. The poem you wrote on cheaters, pretty nice though, but only "WHINNERS" write those at the end of the world.

I understand it's a gossiping thread, but i don't like seeing other players getting "tagged" & "flagged" for silly gossips.
So I cant sit here on my pc, laptop and phone on 3 different internet connections and click join world 3 times within 60 seconds?

Folks are dumb where you come from


Still Going Strong
Reaction score
for the first time batan speaks sense
mods have allowed toooooooooooo much

pfft! embarrassment . yr supposed to be above the villains.. and never have been for years

Deleted User - 848994288

i'll come back in a few weeks to see what you ladies r up to
pbb still kekw'ing each other lololol