The Great War Rages

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 11252347
  • Start date

How much longer until SCREW get's 70%?

  • We'll be home for Christmas Lads..... (0-3 months)

  • World win end when Winter does (4-6 months)

  • Mcgregor spirit shown but can't beat the champ (7-12 months)

  • It's going to be a long & hard fought one.... (12 months +)

  • The Coalition will turn this around.

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Deleted User - 11252347



SCREW officially

on Rim Noobs & others :3

so we can get a much more accurate analysis of the great war raging & how individual players are doing. To start I am going to compile a list of who has the most caps & other war stats for people who aren't playing this world to see. This is going to be a short update and I will build on it when I have more energy tomorrow.


The Coalition has battled bravely and the war is fierce but SCREW is holding a firm advantage. Above is the current map of the world. SCREW's dominance sits at 43.1/70 of the percent required to trigger the end game conditions. Below are the new stats & some detailed info on SQUAD and NOOBS. I am going to make a prediction on how much longer this world will go on.

SCREW's weekly captures since first capture

Based on the average of the last 5 weeks (31-35 - I won't count 36 as it's only half over) which are pretty consistent, SCREW will achieve 70% in under 3 months or just in time for Christmas. Obviously not all will agree with this but if current trends continue that's statistically how things will play out.

My rationale:

Total Villages in the world: 26.935
Total Player Villages: 12.930
SCREWs current village count: 5570
Average Gains per week: 358.8

To get 70% = ((12.930 * 0,7) - 5570) / 358.8 = 9.7 weeks
To get 100% = (12.930-5570) = 7360 / 358.8 = 20.5 weeks

Edit: Derped some math....Order of operations lel thanks Arnbae :*

Obviously new villages will be forming and some new players will be joining but others will be deleting and barbing and I do believe that SCREW will be capturing more as time progresses.... so I did take that into account as well. But it's time to drive the final nail in the coffin if SCREW wanna drive home this world win.

And finally the promised stats from the two fronts. Let's honour those who are tearing it up so hard!

SQUAD Front (the core)


"Blue" = former SCREW & "Red" former Coalition




*I stopped at those who don't have any caps so below is a bit more accurate

Side 1:
Tribes: SCREW
Side 2:
Tribes: SQUAD

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 731
Side 2: 206
Difference: 525


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 5,361,658
Side 2: 1,440,257
Difference: 3,921,401


NOOBS Front (North & South)


"Blue" = former SCREW & "Red" former Coalition


*I stopped at those who don't have any caps so below is a bit more accurate

Side 1:
Tribes: SCREW
Side 2:
Tribes: NOOBS

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 219
Side 2: 176
Difference: 43


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 1,707,322
Side 2: 1,335,591
Difference: 371,731


I will be doing an update about STOIC later.... stay tuned

TL;DR is statistics say this world has about 3-4 months left.... about two and a half months to get 70% And 30 days to close.

Also side note this was was 420th post so....

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I think we have earned the right to be cocky in some areas though personally I never get complacent about what still needs to be done.

Have had the world played out in my head for a while now and everything has fallen into place although a little sooner than I had expected in some areas and a little slower in others.

Honest question: What is the fastest that a world has been won?


I have not look at this world for long time since i get screwed. Who is doing well or underperform in these war people think?


More than just stats to a fight, there is feel also


Ok let me see.

In screw vs squad war, mainly just 7-9 player doing most work its a long war tho. Makobex doing very well it seems. Prowulf seems to be putting up fight and Birds at least seems defense solid on squad.

In screw vs noobs war, seems like sage69 is doing most of the work, with phippsy bilalo ike behind. everyone else seems to be doing meh. Clinty doing well on noobs side, smilesmile losing villas.

Im not fighting the fight, so I cant say who is scary or not

Deleted User - 11252347

Im not fighting the fight, so I cant say who is scary or not

I think the stats give a pretty accurate depiction of who's putting in work. At least from SCREW I can maybe provide a bit more insight on who's driving the train. I am less knowledgable on who from the other side is contributing the most but at least from the stats below; it's pretty evident that while yes the top two players are going HAM each with over 100 caps, there are still 45 players with at least a +10 net cap in SCREW which brilliantly depicts SCREW's leaderships ability to maintain OP participation & Motivation. It will be a very interesting next few months for sure.


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Deleted User - 11252347

Must be easy to get carried :p

Yeah I dunno tell us what it's like hopping on an a well established account in the clearly world winning tribe (which you constantly bitch about) and only holding your spot in the tribe because of your coplayer. Is that not being carried ?

Sounds easy too. Shouldn't speak so Ill of your tribemates. :p
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Deleted User - 11252347

I think you've been out of it for a long time, which is fair enough. A few months ago, I mentioned some criticisms publicly. Nowadays, I mostly keep my head down and do my job, which is growing, farming and capping enemy villages.

All of which is going fine and the tribe seems to be happy with our account's performance. Thanks especially Clyde for your personal compliment to our account's work for the tribe, it really means a lot to us.

You do know without w0sh you'd have been another deception loooong ago right ?

There is no compliment to you. IDC what you actually think you do But all you've done is cause problems for your account and the tribe. I would honestly say you are as bad if not worse than BillyNoMates to a tribes stability and the only reason we haven't faltered is because our leadership have been able to clean up messes from pompous smug brats like you who think they're better than everyone.

Yet you have the gall the insinuate other players are being carried lol.

EDIT: Also what compliment to your account ? o_O

Deleted User - 11252347

When crediting the w0sh account I give you none mate. Furthermore I never will - you are a parasitic lamprey who leaches off the long, hard work of others and condesends others. Also I think you are a liar so I don't believe a word you say. My evidence of this is you claimed you'd ban your forum account until W93 closes and yet here we are.

If you manage to make it to the end of the world (I hear mommy has you on strike 2) I will credit you 0% for it.

Any positive you can argue you've done I can counter argue you've caused more damage with your attitude & forum presence.

Run along lad :)

Deleted User - 11252347


Find one instance where I've claimed I'm better than someone other than Artista o_O I'm generally a rather modest player.

I just don't appreciate my supposed tribemates insulting my tribe or my actual tribemates and will defend my tribe.

Plus this one in particular..... just read above.


Find one instance where I've claimed I'm better than someone other than Artista o_O I'm generally a rather modest player.

I just don't appreciate my supposed tribemates insulting my tribe or my actual tribemates and will defend my tribe.

Plus this one in particular..... just read above.

I know nemesis and agree with your assessment :) But from reading your posts on the externals you are also very self absorbed, childish, egotistcal, etc aka also a pompous brat. I'm sure you have this bravado because of your tribes dominance on this world, you shouldn't let it go to your head though. The way this world is being won is unimpressive imo.

Any serious competition you guys ran into was either merged or allied and later on merged. I'd be bored out of my mind with that kinda play but hey, to each his own.


I know nemesis and agree with your assessment :) But from reading your posts on the externals you are also very self absorbed, childish, egotistcal, etc aka also a pompous brat. I'm sure you have this bravado because of your tribes dominance on this world, you shouldn't let it go to your head though. The way this world is being won is unimpressive imo.

Any serious competition you guys ran into was either merged or allied and later on merged. I'd be bored out of my mind with that kinda play but hey, to each his own.



crediting nemesis with 0% is just stupid and biased. he has done a lot for the w0sh account and anyone who says otherwise is a moron. no one is perfect and im sure both nemesis and myself have pissed w0sh off numerous times, but if you were right w0sh would of removed nemesis long ago. without him i dont see w0sh at rank 4.

so how about less talking crap here and getting a few more caps ingame. right now nemesis has worked with w0sh for 99 caps in wars while you still only have 29. catch up and maybe people might listen to you for once.