The NADs Recruiting k57


Hello to one and all.

I'm asalamalakum, a fairly successful leader and player, and I have decided to bring some fun to the Rim of World 36.

The NADs is a tribe with the goal of having fun while successfully kicking ass in game. Too many tribes are super-serious, and many forget that this is a game. I am devoting my time to making a very fun and successful tribe.

For example, we have a cheer:
How many other tribes have such an awesome way to rock the forums?

For any information, feel free to ask. I'm up for discussion on anything.

Tribe Name: The NADs
Tribe Tag: NADs
Location: k57
Recruitment: On, k57 only for now.
Target Members: Undecided yet. Whatever gives us a rocking fun tribe, but not too much where it decsends into a noobathon.
Diplomacy: Not searching, but if you have a good proposal, I am all ears.