The Pyramide of succesfull Tribe



This may be considered as Guide or not. It's more of bunch of thoughts and year of expirience playing in best Tribes and leading some of them. It's purely based on my own opinion - contradicts are also expected, as we might not share same opinions.
Please be reasonable, understanable and if you want to critize - please build a nice critic, not flame. I hope you'll enjoy.

The idea come to my head is from another player, who wrote a Fundamental Guide, where he used Pyramid for better explainings - I'll adobt the pyramide idea for my own.

This is not for those who don't like to read longer texts - so I already say it now: Do not read it forward, if you are that kind of person.


The Pyramide
"Brick on Brick, we get a building"


As time passes by and you've spent a year playing TribalWars - few things get clear in your head. Ofcourse, you
should be a person who's willing to listen, learn and also have fun while playing the game. It's not always easy - the starting dilema of every Tribe Leader or member, but mostly the Leader.
I had thoughts on writting something like this already before, but never got the final motivation, until W42, where also my members (2) decided to leave my Tribe, because of reasons which shouldn't be discussed publicly. Yes, they were TOP2 by point in my Tribe.

  • The Pyramide is based on facts and knowledges learned through a year of playing of TribalWars and being in succesfull Tribes + leading them.
  • The Pyramide will explain each brick in it - to get a legendary, beautiful and historical pyramide everyon likes to see
  • The Pyramide is also for everyone who likes to spend time reading something that might also be benefitical outside of TribalWars, outside of games - to learn how this World works, to learn not everything will be served to you on table


"brick ON brick - not brick OVER brick"



Most interesting part is the first building - though it's most enigmatic part of every brick. The will to play is defined by each player differently, as each player has it's unique will to play. That's completely normal, we must accept that - we can not force anyone into anything, not in games atleast.
However, to build a constructive pyramide we need to have basis knowledge of most common Will To Play's. I found out during my gaming (NOTE: This is not only for TribalWars! Every game that has some Group playing can be used here!), that there are some ussual ones:

  • I like to play, because it's the best thing to spend time on, when you are bored
  • I like to play, because it keeps me out of world, which sometimes isn't good
  • I like to play, because games makes me feel better when I'm sad
  • I like to play, because it allows me to play with my friend

These are just examples, I could add others / different ones - but this fell in my head during while I wrote this.

Now we built some Will To Play ideas, which are very importmant to motivate a player to play the game with will. Let's move on onto second brick.



Under word stabilization, we must understand, that it means a certain event in your game-play when you need stabilize (make yourself as hom) yourself in one Team / Group / Tribe.

Stabilization progress is not easy. It may be long, or it may be very short. The differences are two:

  1. Premade Tribes - Easier stabilization. Premade Tribe offers to players in it, faster stabilization - as players can prepare to join a group. Stabilization is easier, because in Premaded, you have to wait for World to open - and that offers time = and that offer more time to get know with your team-players => Easier stabilization.
  2. Later Joined Tribes - Difficult stabilization. If you join a Tribe In-Game, while World has already opened, the stabilization may be very difficult to you. People joining "Later Joined Tribes" have following issues:

  • Who are those people here I'm playing with?
  • Should I listen to this smart-ass leader?
  • Can I base my opinion in Forums?
  • What if I dissagree?
  • Should I stay here and play something I didn't imagine like that?
Those are few things which can easily lead your mouse-key to "Leave Tribe". You suddenly jumped into a board, which was departing and now you need to be friends with everyone on it, to feel comfortable. Not easy.
BUT, not impossible!
All what you need is (ofcourse apart of the 1st Brick) self-trust and good, friendly character. You can't join a Group and be a smart-ass all from the start. The very first importmant part is:

"Getting on the same line"

This means you should not out-stand, but you shouldn't be quiet aswell. You should inspect the atmosphere in the Tribe, the talks in the Tribe - in what direction are they ussualy based. You should get a knowledge of the Tribe (either, is this Tribe serious or just bunch of noobs). That's easy to get, just by spectating Tribe Member's talks (that's why are Tribe Forums importmant to read).
If you discovered that this Tribe is actually quite well and suites you - it's time to get on their line. Try to adobt the chatting between them and fall in into a conversation - soon you will be noticed, as members will mark a new player writting in their "league".
If you discovered that this Tribe is not what you were looking for, the only way is to click on "Leave Tribe" button and hope for better chances.


Find yourself a Premade Tribe. It is always best to start playing in a familiar atmosphere.

You are stabilized in Tribe now - let's move on.


"To Listen"

And here comes one of the hardest parts in Pyramide - for leader. I'll make this in two difference paths, one for Leader and one for Members.

For Leaders:

Not everything will be moving swiftly through air. There won't be always laying back on chair and watching your members talk and grow. After a month of play, wars may start as noblemen will came into game.
Do not lay back on chair, even at the start. Don't leave your Tribe members play on their own, chat on their own etc. Talk with them, put your opinions, send circular Mails everyday with some smaller updates or anything else. Be active, be always around - make them feel you are the leader of this Tribe. Bring your respect to notice.

If you lay back and just watch at the beginings - who will listen to you at wars? Who will follow your orders or ideas? Why would your Tribe members listen to a sudden reborned Einstein? WHO ARE YOU?!

That's why is importmant to communicate with your Tribe members since start - to keep them together and make them feel they are lead. War's era will be easier to overcome with wins and glory for your Tribe.

For Members:

Yes, you had your fun - building VHQ to 20, Smithy to 20.... farm villages, have fun on some funny ingame mails etc. But, suddenly something changed.
You were used to click on "Attack" button - but now you logged in and see the swords crossed in your upper right corner. What to do?

1.) You should not Panic about it! Be relaxed - keep calm. Even if you don't have defenses, stay calm. The best way is to inform your Leader through Mail and also write a Thread in Forums about your issue.
Write everything on normal level - do not use some unnecessary expressions, too many "!!!" or any panic reactions.

2.) Listen what is said to you! You are under attack - so it's not time to be a smartass. Listen to your leader, do what he says. If you joined this Tribe you made the conclusion of "willing to play" and "stabilizing" in here - so do as the house rules say!

Why does "To Listen" deserve it's own brick in the Pyramide?

Many people will thought on that. But it happens. Some players just simply do not listen what it's said. However, this is very importmant.
You simply must "Listen" to leaders words or any other ranked members in Tribe. If you read previous steps, you know that you joined a good Tribe - so listen what it's said to you.
If everyone in Tribe will follow step "To Listen", the Tribe will grow peacfully, with kind atmoshpere and will follow the steps of most known expression:
All for one, and one for all!

Now let's move onto next brick!



The Final stop in the building of Pyramide. You already can touch the clouds up here - but you're still not in heaven yet. Trust is the "knock" on the Heaven's door.

"Trust" and "To Listen" could be put into same brick - but I wanted to show you, how importmant are each of the individually.

1.) Trusting your Leader! Trusting your leader will bring you in state of feeling safe in every situation Tribes get into in. And the feeling of being safe, makes you feel relaxed. And the feeling of being relaxed, allows your brains to think more wisely and intellect. THAT brings you to win fights, even if you are outnumbered - while your enemy panics for each incoming and acts on his own. Trust your leader.

2.) Trusting your Tribe Mates! Leader IS the head of the Tribe, but not the key for it. Tribe Members build a succesfull Tribe. If every Tribe member followed bricks in my Pyramide, they have following priviliges:
- They have will to play
- They are feeling like at home with you
- They are prepared to listen and do, what it's said to them
- And now, they trust YOU and your LEADER

With this priviliges - you easily trust your Tribe mates in every situation:

  • Let them account sitt you while you have incomings or need to send attack,
  • Listen to their suggestion and ideas and follow them
  • Agree with them, even if you think there's another way

And that brings you up to "Knock on the Heaven's Door" - ONE Tribe, ONE Members and ONE glory!

The last brick....



Yes. Just laugh.
Having fun while doing all this IS the last brick in the Pyramide and without it, the Pyramide isn't in his full "glory, beautifulness, size, etc."!

So enjoy playing! Do not take it too serious - just to the limit it asks you too! Do not take anything personal! Have a nice laughs while clearing others! Share some jokes while to make laugh recently cleared Tribe member!




TribalWars is a very enthusiastic game. It's a strategic game - which can train your brains if you are playing in the way I described before.
Some people, also parents, may tell you "Do not play games! They make you foolish!" - This is not true. Even if it's virtual (internet), people are still people. Some may gain "e-powers", thus are fakes ones and we know them, but there are lots of people who act, like they act in real life => And that brings you to share ideas with the world and you get to know many things from other parts of World.

To be smart, to listen and to be happy - Welcome to dream Life.



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Mine is better

1. Build Troops
2. Attack
3. Goto Step 1.

Occasionally you have to goto step 4. but if you do step 1-3 well step 4 is not required

4. Defend


Mine is better

1. Build Troops
2. Attack
3. Goto Step 1.

Occasionally you have to goto step 4. but if you do step 1-3 well step 4 is not required

4. Defend

Hilarious and yes so original... :icon_neutral:

Brilliant Sasuke, was worth the time it took to read it :)


1.) I won't comment.

@cruddy: Thank mate :) It's hard to get players read long posts, but you did and thanks for nice comment


It was a great read, Sasuke! You're definitely my favourite poster on W42 :)


i don't mean to critizie sasuke as it was a good guide but why are everyone posting guides onto the externals this hasn't happened on any other worlds before shouldn't the guides remain in the internal forums where you can use them to there full extent and the upper hand against other players.


@Emperor: Heh, thank you very much :)

@Pengu: The main purpose is to "train" all people. No, train might be a disscouragefull word for some expirienced players. Lets say: The purpose's to write them on Externals are for better Community, for better Wars, for better Entertainment in play. :)



Nice stuff Sasuke.
Whats up with G.khan though? :(
Seems like you guys died out.


@Pengu: The main purpose is to "train" all people. No, train might be a disscouragefull word for some expirienced players. Lets say: The purpose's to write them on Externals are for better Community, for better Wars, for better Entertainment in play. :)

I suppose so if you want more competition and make it more of a challenge to take over the world but i don't know a newb that goes on externals so really its a waste of time


Thanks farooq.

On 42, we did have some issues, as said in text, two left our Tribe - joined another (bigger one), because of fear, that they might get attacked => And this is not G.Khan's side. We do not know fear. :)

@Pengu: Well there's no need to newbs read this - I see already here that some good players read my post - and they enjoyed, perhaps they can take something of it? Maybe. :)


I really enjoyed reading it. Especially the parts on leaders was important and good. That members should listen and trust, the yes you are completely right, but most members that doesn't listen and trust, aren't on the public forums, so in that perspective not that useful, but still well written, and all leaders and future leaders should be obliged to read this.

So, as you see, most criticism is not of your fault. (Or is it now? o_O).



@TeBirkis: Hehe thanks :) No, I haven't got anyting against criticism, until it's build as it must be. I don't like "flaming" posts. :)


Really nice post, good job! You and Ankaar are pimping this Forum up :icon_smile:


@Emperor: Heh, thank you very much :)

@Pengu: The main purpose is to "train" all people. No, train might be a disscouragefull word for some expirienced players. Lets say: The purpose's to write them on Externals are for better Community, for better Wars, for better Entertainment in play. :)


You put it in the wrong place.
This is the W42 PnP area.
This belongs in the GUIDE forum.
None of this is specific to W42. AT ALL.

When are people going to realise that this is actually a world and not just somewhere to post every little piece of junk (albeit this one being vaguely interesting as a read, but not as actual fact from my exeperience) you can write up...


You put it in the wrong place.
This is the W42 PnP area.
This belongs in the GUIDE forum.
None of this is specific to W42. AT ALL.

When are people going to realise that this is actually a world and not just somewhere to post every little piece of junk (albeit this one being vaguely interesting as a read, but not as actual fact from my exeperience) you can write up...

Man when do you stop flaming everything? If people don't post now, then the forum will die out entirely at some point. Just check some of the 20's worlds.

Let the moving of threads be up to madmarauder. He is moderator for a reason, and you are not for a reason. So let him do the job if it is needed.

What's your problem with interesting reads, even though it isn't a PnP?


Oh Sh*t! I believe in everything you just said!!

Rated at 10/10

I whish half of the people I meet used that pyramid. It would be much easier to play and the Listen part of it is the biggest problem I fing with other players. :p


If I'm not mistaken this is W 42 PnP area, right? Yes, you said it too. Do you know what PnP means? I'll tell you Politics and Propaganda.

And now the definition part, so that you will understand, that this Thread is in right place:


With Politics, you can understand few things. Either you think of direct In-Game Politics (Like diplomatic relations) or Politics as discussions (debates about W42 development, W42 status, W42 Troops Increase, W42 Opinions, etc). => My Thread already fits in here, in Politics.


Propaganda is a word used mostly in comunistic areas and in WWII. With propaganda's you introduce something in it's best-light, so that people would love it and enjoy it ( In comunistic areas were propagandas about agro-culture and in WWII were Alliance Propaganda's and Nazi Propaganda's) => My thread fits this place too, because I'm introducing something which could improve W42 relations in Tribe - or even on Forums.

I hope you understand now.

@MHPNW: It sounded a bit sarcastic, your post - but if it's not, thank you very much :)


I would've mentioned activity in a separate bracket as the most vital thing for a tribe but it does possibly come under will to play.

I disagree with listening. The leader should know the direction for a tribe, have aims and know what he/she has to do to meet them. The members may have good ideas but I don't think input into vital decisions should be influenced by the duke. Indecision or opening the mind to so many different ideas can lead to the brain falling out.

Trust would be one of the first blocks for me. When you join a tribe, I join based on how I feel I've been approached or how when I approached the leader / recruiter they behaved, this is linked with what I think the most important thing, activity. If they reply swiftly it gives me more trust, if they spend a long period of time quizzing me on what I know, how long I intend to play, what I'm like it builds up trust before I'm even in a tribe. I've gone into tribes because I've had to and not because I can put faith in the leadership and I've never stayed long, but I've trusted leadership in other tribes even when it seems we're heading towards a waterfalll. Trust is underated.

Edit: A few typos "abopt" second paragraph stands out but a nice read.


i like pyrimid thats all i read, and that was good, so im sure its good wall of text and not a evil one =)