The Real declaration on JAB and ~KGD~ Sisters


Well I dont actually know alot of the players ing very well currently just getting back in the swing of things.


Yea...well then from his perspective that is what it looks like I guess...I will have to go look at a map to see what all is really going on so I can properly flame him in return.

Rank Name Tribe Conquered villages Lost villages Defeated opponents while attacking Defeated opponents while defending
1 djwright15 Knock! 57 9 5.105.279 4.131.712

theres my stats against your tribe (not including hte) flame away


LOL....was referring to flaming about the post you made running to the rim..


hes a noob valtheran, dnt let him push u around or scare u with his stats, they were inactives which other ppl cleared for him


Oh not scared by anyones stats.....I have an amazing propensity for survival yet would not flaunt those stats around either....heck...after i was banned and thrown to the rim i was top 50 oda for over 3 months WHILE there was a dozen major wars going on..not afraid of a few stats.


Yea good fight so far e-jab its been a blast!

All-though hi was 3 times jab's size i don't think once,
was there even a third of hi involved in attacking e-jab!

So you can say you fought off a huge tribe but it was more just a handful of hi's players that you had to worry about!

May i also add that out of jabs 400 conquers against opposite side 350 we're most likely re-caps,
so yes your tribe iz da bomb! congratz on your recap abilities and your so-called "win"!:lol:lmfao

I've heard this statement made by a few {HI} players. At this point I think it's safe to say that if only 1/3 of your tribe was committed to the war then that was your first mistake.....


I've heard this statement made by a few {HI} players. At this point I think it's safe to say that if only 1/3 of your tribe was committed to the war then that was your first mistake.....

Agreed. Been part of that 'incomplete' War on another world with similar results. Mission NOT accomplished. Tribe splintered apart and the resulting splinters either rimmed, quit or absorbed.

One Last Shot...

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I've heard this statement made by a few {HI} players. At this point I think it's safe to say that if only 1/3 of your tribe was committed to the war then that was your first mistake.....

Fully agreed.

I'd also like to add two further points:

1. Saying "of your 400 caps, 350 will have been recaps" just shows that the people who were losing villages to JAB lack the skill to take and hold villages that they take. Plus, recapping on a large level is a good method of demoralization and shows a reasonable ability to defend.

2. If 1/3rd of {HI} was involved in a war you declared yourselves, then what were the other 2/3rd's doing? That's an excuse if I've ever heard one. If you cannot work as a tribe in a war, then you shouldn't be a tribe in a war-game :icon_razz:


Fully agreed.

I'd also like to add two further points:

1. Saying "of your 400 caps, 350 will have been recaps" just shows that the people who were losing villages to JAB lack the skill to take and hold villages that they take. Plus, recapping on a large level is a good method of demoralization and shows a reasonable ability to defend.

2. If 1/3rd of {HI} was involved in a war you declared yourselves, then what were the other 2/3rd's doing? That's an excuse if I've ever heard one. If you cannot work as a tribe in a war, then you shouldn't be a tribe in a war-game :icon_razz:

wernt u part of that tribe??....

One Last Shot...

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wernt u part of that tribe??....


I was in the chat for the first few days of the {I} merge, but had stopped playing a while before the {I}/Happy merge took place. So, it depends on how you look at it.

Either way, it was for an unbelievably short amount of time, and the entire time in that chat I just spent winding the Happy players up before I left the chatroom. So I wouldn't really consider myself ever a part of {HI}. I'd say I've only ever played for {I} since my previous tribe disbanded.


did you not play at all in {HI}?? while being attacked by infamy/knock etc

One Last Shot...

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Until today, I haven't played in W57 since the {I}/Happy merge, beyond a few days on kingmq38 to help my friend out, time allowing (needless to say I didn't manage to do/achieve much).


seriously...happy needs to finish this war off before i get big enough AGAIN to beat on jab or ejab whatever they are called. Do you know how embarrassing it will be for both sides when I rim Jab for happy...Darth Daver will be my first target will be nice.

Hey, weren't you "out rimmed" by JAB ?
I mean getting rimmed by ban, than all of your rim villages taken by JAB so that you were left with the core one gifted by OohDa?
Is it you?

Looks like your "first target" is off now :)


Yes Jab took my 4 villages i had on the rim...though my coplayer who is a newb to the game beat them back for weeks with a few more villages then that...then again she was clustered nicely.