The Return of .......!


Inspector Gadget is thinking of a comeback
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Michael Corleone.

So who is this, hiding under an alias now are we? :icon_wink:


woah,I remember your name from some world.

nevermind,nauz just proved me wrong but i do remember a name similiar somehwre.
Or I'm a bit drunk.


Don't think this is Thar.. if it is thar then he really can't quit :icon_neutral:


Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Get off Thar's color and write your own recruitment thread.

Oh and next time if you want people to join you, you should let them know who you are because there are slim chances good player will hop on to your tribe without knowing who you are.

And no, it's not Thar. Thar just quit, he won't be back that fast.


(I like failed threads, world 36 discussion has a few. But they are good for others to spam in) This thread is done.


Get off Thar's color and write your own recruitment thread.

Oh and next time if you want people to join you, you should let them know who you are because there are slim chances good player will hop on to your tribe without knowing who you are.

And no, it's not Thar. Thar just quit, he won't be back that fast.

Actually Thar explicitly stated that 'Thargoran' quit, that he play again, but not as 'Thargoran'. Not saying that this is Thargoran, but technically...possible.


Actually Thar explicitly stated that 'Thargoran' quit, that he play again, but not as 'Thargoran'. Not saying that this is Thargoran, but technically...possible.

No, I said I wouldn't play again with the Thargoran account but also, that chances are close to zero for me coming back anytime too soon with any account. Do you really think, I'd
  1. start a world that soon again?
  2. copy and paste my own color and texts for such a thread?
No, it's not me. No, I don't know, who it is - nor do I care.

The chances for me to come back to play in .net are even worse than at times when I wrote my good bye thread. Reasons for this could be found in the general sections of the forums. I just wasn't allowed to talk about it in response to my good bye thread earlier. ;-)