Your still a cowardly f*wit no matter how much you think you make.
how am i a coward?
Your still a cowardly f*wit no matter how much you think you make.
Then why don't you answer his question straight?
You are correct, what account i'm on doesn't matter, it's what account you are on that does matter.
And you continue to be a coward by refusing to tell to post it, if so many people know, then surely it doesn't matter if you post it?
i dont need write anyhting constructive on these forum to proof anything. i really dont care if you dont like my spelling or grammar but yet for some reason im making more money then most here
Why are you talking about money?!?!?!:icon_eek:
Being serious, i think you are making then way less then people i know of over here. And if you are not going to write something constructive for people, then dont write anything :|
so if you won't answer dennis ... would you tell me what account you are on if i tell you mine?
i love hwo you telling me write something constructive but yet most of these player are not writing anything constructive. if you want know my in gmae name so bad then yes ill tell you after you tell me
So you just drop down to these 'players' level? So if there are lots of noobs around do you drop down to their noob level? Your sense is killing me :\
And i dont want to know your ingame name 'so-bad'. I just want to see if you would truthfully tell me your's
Here is mine: I dont play w59 anymore :lol:
And i wouldnt care if you dont tell me because it doesnt affect my life in any way possible
good day!
welldone monster, you managed to take a good thread off topic (clap) (clap) (clap)
how about you stop,
What are you 5?how about you stop?
RedLance feels his frustration and anger growing. For 5 days now he has been dodging and hiding from Scouts, Patrols and whole Armies from Pita. Damn Penguins seem to be all over the place he thinks as he watches the last camp he has to get by. This time there will be no way around it.
Unslinging his recurve bow he strings it quickly with the sure fingers of many years of practice. Silently he sneaks up on the first Sentry his dagger drawn, the blade blackened to keep the moonlight from reflecting on it and giving him away. With a quickness many would not believe of a man his size he makes his way the last few steps to the back of the Sentry. Clasping his hand over the sentries mouth, he draws the blade quickly and deeply across the sentries throat. The sentry makes a slight gurgling noise barely audible more than a couple feet as the blood flows from his cut throat and he drowns in it. Lowering him quietly to the ground, RedLance draws his bow and takes aim on the other sentry barely a hundred feet away. With the slightest of twangs he lets loose the wickedly barbed war arrow. Flying straight and true the arrow hits the man squarely in the chest piercing his heart and killing him instantly.
Retrieving his horse, its hooves wrapped in cloth to muffle the sound they make. He leads it past the encampment and away til he can mount and continue his journey. With a urgency he knows he is behind schedule and kicks his boots into his horses sides to increase its pace. His way lighted by the moon, He has a dark smile on his face.