Thinners of the Herd vs Art of Mass Recruitment


I'm going to make this straight and to the point. AoW is an embarrassment, their leader is an idiot and their members consist of meat shields, casuals and a small handful of good players waiting it out for a tribe like us to declare so they can leave for a better tribe without being attacked.

During my time on this world, I and a number of other leaders [in discussion, passing conversation etc] have consistently time and time again passed around the laughing stock that is Kapo's diplomacy. Completely devoid of any tact, it is aggressive with no substance, and stupid beyond bounds.

This is a player that recruits refugees that have in-comings to them. What does this say to his tribe, and to the world?


How a player like made it this far... Oh I know how. By internalling his entire tribe.

Kapo has 11 villages as of right now, all 11 are internals. For the tribeless players, if you do research, they were previously in AoW and were booted. Kapo has NEVER conquered an enemy village in w87.


If you are in AoW, you have 48 hours to leave before you are hunted down. Kapo, there is nowhere you can run. Any player that leaves AoW is encouraged to noble Kapo.

We are coming for you. This is war.

Let's hope your name holds up.


Good luck *Insert tribe name that changes every week here*​! Glad to see other areas have some action as well :)


excellent, I hope you will keep us entertained with stats and other fun things :) peace!!


I'm back after a long long time away from the game. Are all war declarations nowadays this lazy and boring? Not so much a declaration as it is a propaganda piece bashing Kapo. Not even good at that. I remember when declarations were witty, smart, and in most cases really funny. This?... this is just...




Can you tell POSSE about your plan to have nM. war POSSE and wipe them out so that I'd join your tribe <3

Pretty cute that you try to take advantage of my coplayers naivety to fund your own tribe's mass recruiting growth.


Hahahah all those things being said by dreaded are so lame.
You was the one mass recruiting in our area (seals,tgw) and members who didnt join you just send fakes and call them refugees hahaha and this threat to AOW members with 48 hours to leave and noble me reminds me of black flags :')


Hahahah all those things being said by dreaded are so lame.
You was the one mass recruiting in our area (seals,tgw) and members who didnt join you just send fakes and call them refugees hahaha and this threat to AOW members with 48 hours to leave and noble me reminds me of black flags :')

You're right, Kapo. As of current you have 11 conquers against your members and we have 0. I guess you are the bigger threat.

Regarding recruitment:


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you all need to be nice to each much hate going on


You're right, Kapo. As of current you have 11 conquers against your members and we have 0. I guess you are the bigger threat.

Regarding recruitment:



They all quit and gifted the villages to me. I dont see anything bad in there and not all are internals

Haters gonna hate lol


They all quit and gifted the villages to me. I dont see anything bad in there and not all are internals

Haters gonna hate lol

look this is the way i see's a village and their yours..that's all that matters...dont pay no mind to what other players thinks when it comes to your empire...Dreaded just seems a bit... well lets just say cranky! Fight the good fight man and enjoy the game!:icon_twisted:


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
why are you giving 48 hours notice? surely AOW will prepare now


You can talk all you want Dreaded, statistics and time will prove who will come out on top. Actions speak louder than words mate ;) and all your doing so far is talking down about other players when you do not know them and probably haven't even done a proper back ground check. Relax there hotshot ;), it's just a game.

- Wes


look this is the way i see's a village and their yours..that's all that matters...dont pay no mind to what other players thinks when it comes to your empire...Dreaded just seems a bit... well lets just say cranky! Fight the good fight man and enjoy the game!:icon_twisted:

Yeah mate , thats what im doing and will continue doing forever :) players like dreaded wont stop that
Hey Dreaded go join Black Flags on w88 , you own the same tacticts


All I have to say is.....

This is Thing at the latest Queen Dreaded festival.... and a good example of virtually all of his posts.

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Actions do speak louder than words. Except words are Kapo's only action, and maybe his time would be better spent defending his players than arguing on externals while they lose villages and troops.