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Sorry @everyone again from moving away from the taxes talk some people are so inconsiderate about OT discussions. Espically Obey.


I understand that pre made may be an issue, but surely it is up to the other tribes to work through this problem OBEY seemed to have created. Its about working out the best way to take them on, the other tribes need to get on task. When I played World 3, a tribe called Cult had about 8 academy tribes and at one stage they were everywhere. For the record, they didnt win.

Is this why I see so many Barbs in this world, it all got too hard and everyone moved onto World 97? Come on you lot, this is what makes it challenging....hopefully you larger tribes are talking to each other in game and sorting out a strategy....where there is a will there is a way!!!


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It doesn’t work like that. All tribes are controlled by OBEY. They are the rich and powerful of this world, the top 1%. They are outperforming all tribes in every statistic bar losing. All efforts are futile. Give up now and save your time and money. OBEY getting the easy win as they planned or as they are more commonly known as the money cartel.



There is always a chink in the armour my friend. I used to have people on the attacking side supporting my villages. I got to 100 million defensive kills while the second rank player was on 56 million. Certainly took more than my tribe to hold them back, just got to find the weak spot....


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Well it wouldn’t be too hard to figure out who that was with ODS & unlike you Obey have unlimited PP.

We’re all doomed. I haven’t seen anyone discover how to stop them yet and I don’t think we will.

Apathetic h0llygh0st

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Well it wouldn’t be too hard to figure out who that was with ODS & unlike you Obey have unlimited PP.

We’re all doomed. I haven’t seen anyone discover how to stop them yet and I don’t think we will.

Your posting isn't helping that's for sure, seems the dislike you generate outweighs the will to win for some :)


Looking at the tribe rankings, WET and Soaked have only 100 villages less than OBEY...... If Escape, Vape and WLDD got together as allies against OBEY.. they would have 3 hundred more villages.....come on, do the maths and use the imagination keeping in mind we are playing an imaginary war game. And its all about relationships with your allies, and what strategies you can come up with to change the conditions of the playing field.......its not rocket science.
Anyway, here is a shout out to OBEY...well done for being passionate, staying logged on, and being 'unbeatable'...hehehe


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Your posting isn't helping that's for sure, seems the dislike you generate outweighs the will to win for some :)

I also don’t believe for a second that Holly would actually provide me with a grain of advice that might actually help me. It’s all propaganda to push his own sly agenda.

High activity. Communication with the tribe and ability to make compromises so that each member is looked after. Then on the diplomatic side knowing when to trust people and when to play your hand. Knowing when the time is to play a dirty card and how to ensure your tribe presents a positive image is essential. As well as ability to keep players motivated and recruit new co players when people need cos.

O hey, sinful just described OBEY. Know how to play the dirty card and present a positive image.

Don’t be fooled people !


I also don’t believe for a second that Holly would actually provide me with a grain of advice that might actually help me. It’s all propaganda to push his own sly agenda.

O hey, sinful just described OBEY. Know how to play the dirty card and present a positive image.

Don’t be fooled people !

H0lly, to his credit, even openly talked about this in his first podcast video found in the general section of this forum. I mean everyone pretty much does to this to an extent, but the people in Obey are far far better at it than most imo. So it's just something to be aware of.


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H0lly, to his credit, even openly talked about this in his first podcast videos found in the general section of this forum. I mean everyone pretty much does to this to an extent, but the people in Obey are far far better at it than most imo. So it's just something to be aware of.

And something that I’m really bad at ;(

But that’s good. Point still stands.


I wont say it is wrong for obey to take advantage of the pp system, however it is clear that the premium market is a defining role on success. The Premium market has made the game lean in the favor of the better players even more so now, thus further alienating new players. We all know why there are no new players it's over many things but i do think the premium market should have a cap of some sort so no player can purchase over a certain amount, we wont get rid of it but maybe there is a way of having its effects on the game minimized.


Do you guys get mad at the NBA for recruiting skilled players? Or the NFL? No because you like to see the bar raised. That's all we have done in obey :)

If you think there are no skilled players outside of obey you would be mistaken. There are plenty on this world that I am sure will give us a challenge


I do believe without P2W, Obey would be significantly weaker and I do think certain players in the lineup do benefit heavily from it. That said, it's part of the game, so what can one do?


Do you guys get mad at the NBA for recruiting skilled players? Or the NFL?

I feel like you could make a better point than using 2 Salary Cap leagues as examples. Albeit the NBA is pretty shit at evening the playing field lately.

That said, it's part of the game, so what can one do?

We can complain. We can ask why other servers are allowed to have non P2W worlds and why we are not allowed that luxury on .Net. All we can really do is express our interest and desire of a non-p2w world and hope for a miracle. If that annoys some people along the way, oh well.


We can complain. We can ask why other servers are allowed to have non P2W worlds and why we are not allowed that luxury on .Net. All we can really do is express our interest and desire of a non-p2w world and hope for a miracle. If that annoys some people along the way, oh well.

I've complained multiple times.

What I don't think most people realise is that Tribal Wars does not actually cater to you and me anymore. We are not their target audience and therefore our opinion about P2W is pretty insignificant. TW probably makes as much money now as it did in its heyday, yes it won't last and the game will die, but all games do and Innogames is trying to get what it can out of the game. So the customer has changed. The customer is now Sasuke or Tokahontas rather than your average player, the 0.1% that are willing to drop $1000s into this game and are worth 5000 other players on their own.

So we get these silly events regularly, the offers, the market exchange, meant to whet the appetites of those with a drive for the top, a penchant for spending and equally large pockets. It just ends up with losers all round, whether you spent or not.

This is a disease endemic to all of gaming as companies have realised that there is more money to be made catering to that 0.1%. Hence you get Star Wars Battlefront II, hence you get this new brand TW where your credit card rather than your skills gets you top ranks.

So there is not much really to be done other than not to pay into the system and hope others do not either.
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To be fair, as much as I think PTW has messed the game up, it is easy enough to earn thousands of pp without spending a penny provided you have the time and patience.

Unfortunately I don't have much of either, but dont assume people who have spent a lot of pp have necessarily spent real money to get it.

Ibra Gonza II

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...Still waiting for actual interviews...



To be fair, as much as I think PTW has messed the game up, it is easy enough to earn thousands of pp without spending a penny provided you have the time and patience.

Unfortunately I don't have much of either, but dont assume people who have spent a lot of pp have necessarily spent real money to get it.

Everyone I know at least who has put significant premium into the game, talking as someone who has been in the rank 1 tribe in 4 P2W worlds, PP farming isn't the main source of their premium.