To get well known you...

See I don't believe Skype is a requirement, its a tool much like scripts that have become laballed as a "elites" assist. Its only been since around world 20 onwards that Skype has become a more mandatory side piece.


Its just build order and knowing how to farm when you're 100-1000 points. After that 2 hours a day can keep you at the top.

Exactly.. efficiency :icon_rolleyes:

Notice I didn't say anything about anyone being on line all the time. Only that the key is to squeeze as much growth out of what you've got (i.e. basically the definition of efficiency).


See I don't believe Skype is a requirement, its a tool much like scripts that have become laballed as a "elites" assist. Its only been since around world 20 onwards that Skype has become a more mandatory side piece.

If only you knew...

Also just so you know most "leet" players stick together because they are good friends not because they are leet :lol:

Or maybe they have no competition like that ?


See I don't believe Skype is a requirement, its a tool much like scripts that have become laballed as a "elites" assist. Its only been since around world 20 onwards that Skype has become a more mandatory side piece.

Skype allows you to get to know your tribe alot better and faster then the tribal forums will....

So pending how you look at things really but i think its very important...


yep , skype is all important
it also makes the game a lot more fun.

Skype allows you to get to know your tribe alot better and faster then the tribal forums will....

So pending how you look at things really but i think its very important...

What i mean is it shouldn't be made Mandatory, like most tribes these days try to implement. Its all good and all saying you have Skype but i can bet my last £5 before Payday that 1/3 at least never participate on their Skype accounts. and only have one to access these kind of tribes.


Well, i created a skype, i want to see what kind of impact it will have on my tw career.


The key to getting into a good tribe is to be articulate. I'm 100% serious, if you can speak in good English and at least feign intelligence you can walk into most good tribes.


eh, all ive seen come out of most skype chats are arguments about Hitler and sex jokes


You don't need to farm all the time. Just make sure your farming run returns in time to top up your production que :)


I've noticed that new players join this game in large numbers evrey world. But the "elite" group stays through and through. Thesame people who were considere "elite" are considered elite now. I am wondering, how do people break through? "elite tribes" require experience, skype, prem. So if good tribes only take good players, how do newer players manage to get into a good tribe after all of this? Share your stories please. Trolls, fack off.

what i have noticed in my time, is that in order to eventually get into a good tribe you have to do one of a few things.

Be active in talking to those you dont farm that are in tribes in your area and develop small friendships that bring you into a bigger world of tribes slowly until you are where you feel you belong and can grow properly.

Join garbage tribes until they merge and merge or disappear through wars and you move up to the next stage in tribe by having learnt what you could from the tribe you had been becoming more and more elite over time.

Get really really lucky and talk to the right guy that takes you under his wing teaching you everything he knows about the game and you be smart enough to remember what you are taught and then get brought into an elite tribe where you learn even more of how to become an elite player.

mind you this is for the new players you are referring to and things i have seen over time through the friendships i have made in the game


I cannot join any good premades, because i dont have prem and skype. Its a requirement for good tribes nowadays.

why cant you get skype? it is a free download, most people have msn or yahoo messenger. if you have either of those you can get skype just as easily

The tribes in W1 were using Skype pretty extensively. So I'm not sure where this World 20 onwards is coming from. All my early worlds I we had Skype chat and were forced to be on there quite often :icon_rolleyes:

Oh yeah, and Skype is also wayyyyyyyyy better then the forums in terms of coordinating attacks/supports. I've seen forum setups go on for days when you can get a few people to pop on skype, have a 10 minutes conversation and BLAMO!... tribe is ready to support and attack at a moments notice. It's not fun when you are the military coordinator and trying to get people to say what you need to hear on the forum. People rarely post in the same formats and leave out information. If that happens on Skype merely ask them to give you the information and its a done deal.

So in summary, I couldn't disagree with your post more :D I still love you though <3

Re-read what i put, I said it wasnt until around w10 that tribe's started to make it a Mandatory objective to have Skype to obtain an invite.
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eh, all ive seen come out of most skype chats are arguments about Hitler and sex jokes

This is so true.

I agree skype can be good at times, but should not be a requirement. It can bring tribe mates closer together and is also good for asking for something quickly i.e. if you need quick support or if you need a sitter to watch an incoming etc. However with skype although in most 'better' tribes it is a requirement it is usually on a handful that use it. For me skype is something that makes the game more fun by allowing you to interact more fluently with players. However that said can I honestly say worlds I've played with skype vs worlds played without I've not noticed all that much of a difference. Personally my favourite world was world 2 (also my first) and I met people there that I still speak too.

Also I agree with Menetheren that chat normal consists of sexual jokes.


why cant you get skype? it is a free download, most people have msn or yahoo messenger. if you have either of those you can get skype just as easily
im 95% of the time on ipod, but ive downloaded for the ipod.


I have never seen skype as a requirement in any tribe I was in :S