Top 10 Analysis


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I feel that the world has developed enough where we now have an exciting Top 10 Tribes.

Apologies for the highlighted #6. I am a PURGE member.
This is how the top 10 currently stand on Valentine's Day. We are 31 days into the world, and regions are starting to take shape. Borders between larger tribes are forming, and the noob tribes are starting to diminish.


I do not have much knowledge of the top ten tribes, so I will do my best but this will be largely mechanical with little opinion ... for now.

For the purpose of cohesiveness, I will be lumping all family tribes in together. Currently 70% of the Top 10 were/are a part of a family of tribes.

#1 AFK

This player has a lot of respect across many tribes, and many worlds.
Total: 223 ennoblements.
Barbarians: 47 villages, or roughly 21%.
Self-Noble or Internal: 18 villages, or roughly 9.4%.
Player-owned: 158 villages, or roughly 70.8%.

This tribe has a very interesting position. They have a big border with GO! which I feel many people are keen to see if any developments occur. For now, a border agreement is probably in place to assist both tribes growing. AFK seem to have improved their position with a merger of the now-defunct CDG. There is enough buffer between them and OTA to avoid immediate conflict. **ST** border them to the South and are probably prime candidates for a future war, especially now that ex-CDG players will have settled in. Watch out!
I quite like this tribe and think that with their leadership circle, they can go far. I am unsure at this point whether they are a family tribe with IDK or not. They are not the most aggressive tribe, but don't need to be with the position and spread that they have. I believes that everyone foresees either a merge or a war with GO! ... let's hope for the latter, as they have already merged in a top 4 tribe (CDG). In the future this tribe will be bordering both OTA and PURGE. They have a high caliber of players, with a reason barbarian:player nobling ratio.

Emilio Aguinaldo; Tzuyu;

Players of experience and high caliber. I know little of these players, although some players within my tribe have played alongside and also against these from other worlds.
Total: 216 ennoblements.
Barbarians: 91 villages, or roughly 42%.
Self-Noble or Internal: 10 villages, or roughly 4.6%.
Player-owned: 115 villages, or roughly 53.2%.

This tribe has a fantastic position, stretched out across the map with no real competitors bordering them. Their closest border will be with PURGE, but that isn't for a few more weeks. Psycho-family will be the next major tribe that they border. For now they are bordering the smaller tribe, -GSV-.
This tribe has the best position in the World with the least competitors for the longest time. Now that they are no longer attached to any family they are free to grow without being shackled by any diplomacy or any competitors. Their players love to barbarian munch, which is no longer stigmatised by most players. They also have a lot of $$$, which will ensure that they see the end game of this world. RIDE recently went to war against Lagja, which crumbled almost immediately. It is unclear whether this was due to RIDE's prowess, or Lagja's inability. Either way, great job! Their next closest competitor, as far as location goes, is PURGE, which has a dramatically different style of playing.

#3 GO!
Finzone; Tremorz;

These players have big reputation, and big skill to match. Not everyone loves them, but they cannot deny that this is a great team.
Total: 244 ennoblements.
Barbarians: 68 villages, or roughly 27%.
Self-Noble or Internal: 16 villages, or roughly 6.5%.
Player-owned: 160 villages, or roughly 65.5%.

Another great position, with the rim as their backside. this tribe has a long border with AFK which I imagine has a border agreement, allowing them both to grow peacefully and large. After AFK, the next big tribe that they will border will be PURGE, and eventually RIDE.
This is a very aggressive tribe, which early on in the world nobled the Duke of the biggest family tribe, SQUEAL, essentially eliminating them as a threat and allowing GO! some breathing room within their cluster, as well as some nice large villages. It will be interesting to see what they do diplomatically with AFK, and I think everyone can agree that it would be a damn shame if there was to be a merger. Currently at war with Crazy, and as predicted, doing well.

#4 Psycho/Blood Family
Mc Coys; silverknight202013;

I know very very little about these players other than that they are polite. I appreciate that!

Total: 167 ennoblements.
Barbarians: 35 villages, or roughly 20.9%.
Self-Noble or Internal: 24 villages, or roughly 14.3%.
Player-owned: 108 villages, or roughly 64.6%.

This tribe also has an excellent position, owning a large portion of the East of the world. No real competitors, although Fallen could cause some problems if they haven't already become a family or Ally. They will eventually border RIDE in the South, OTA in the North, and PURGE in the West.
I think that Psycho have an excellent spread and position. If their leadership can take advantage of it they will blossom. they have some great players, so, hopefully they stick around for a while.

#5 OTA Family

I know little about this account, other than it is Scandinavian based. I've been to Sweden, does that count!? Polite player.
Total: 177 ennoblements.

Barbarians: 45 villages, or roughly 25.4%.
Self-noble or Internal: 18 villages, or roughly 10.1%.
Player-owned: 114 villages, or roughly 64.4%.

This tribe has a tough position, between AFK and Psycho. They have boosted their family tribe by recruiting players from TW, which has vastly increased their dominance of K45.
This is a sound tribe. They are yet to do anything that can be judged on, and therefore an enigma to me. I am watching with anticipation.

GameFowl; Pure Carnage; Syniq; Clink;

Experience from various Worlds. I hope that we seem approachable and professional at all times. Charlton is a noob.
Total: 153 ennoblements.
Barbarians: 20 villages, or roughly 13%.
Self-noble or Internal: 4 villages, or roughly 2.6%.
Player-owned: 129 villages, or roughly 84.3%.

PURGE has a difficult and unique position. Eventually it will be bordering AFK, GO!, Psycho, OTA, and RIDE ... if we survive long enough.
This is my tribe, so I will say little other than that we have a stable leadership with a very friendly and dedicated player base. Currently coming off our high of largely dismantling I.M family.

#7 Fallen
No clue!
Total: 96 ennoblements.
Barbarians: 37 villages, or roughly 38%.
Self-noble or Internal: 5 villages, or roughly 5.1%.
Player-owned: 55 villages, or roughly 56.7%.

This tribe is shadowed by Psycho, and the risk/benefit of their position largely relies on their relationship with Psycho, which is currently unknown. Otherwise, they can move towards the rim and gain a favourable position there.
I don't know enough about this tribe in order to have any sort of meaningful opinion. I don't like their percentage of ennoblements on players.

#10 I.M Family
.NEMESIS.; maddrick; Queen Bestla; King Ragnar.;

This leadership is impulsive, and very rude. Ragnar has a reputation, and it isn't for being kind, calm or reasonable.
Total: 122 ennoblements.

Barbarians: 35 villages, or roughly 28.6%.
Self-noble or Internal: 10 villages, or roughly 8.1%.
Player-owned: 77 villages, or roughly 63%.

This is a core tribe, which recently had a large border with PURGE. The previously families also bordered other notable tribes, such as Mtw, **ST** and -WIG-.
From the get go this tribe was difficult to deal with. Little effort to stop nobling farms, as well as leadership that made quick decisions based on impulses. A week ago this was 4 tribes, with 96 members and they still could not defeat -WIG-. Now that various tribes have stepped in, including PURGE, it has been dismantled from 96 accounts down to 23. It will keep tumbling and will find it even harder to hold their ground upon encroaching PURGE players on their core clusters.

Final Notes

My Favourite CoA
Honestly, this is a tough call because many have a great CoA. For me, I have to say GO! with AFK's new CoA coming in at a close second. I have always liked OTA's CoA, but it isn't as punchy as the other two.

My Favourite Position
In my opinion it is RIDE who has the best and strongest position of any tribe in World 118.

My Favourite Leader

This might be biased, but I love Charlton's (Pure Carnage) style of leadership. I hope they (USSSSSSSSS) go far! ;)

My Favourite Tribe Style (Other than my/your own)
Not sure yet, and still a little early. For me, I don't like high barbarian ennoblements, which I guess is reflected in my tribe's stats. GO! are nice and aggressive, which I like. The more the world develops the more I will be able to see everyone's individual style.

I am keen to see everyone else's opinions on the Top 10!! Would be especially great if people could add their little favourite section as I did to mine.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!!!!

Dual Dragons

Well-Known Member
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Thanks for doing this. Love seeing real analysis looking at top 10 tribes.

Just to make things interesting... IM is trash. Straight up, but no surprise there! Fallen hasn't been all that impressive either. I can tell you from personal experience haha


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Thanks for doing this. Love seeing real analysis looking at top 10 tribes.

Just to make things interesting... IM is trash. Straight up, but no surprise there! Fallen hasn't been all that impressive either. I can tell you from personal experience haha
Thanks Wanheda (I love that show).

It took me a lot longer than I thought it would, but it's done!

Deleted User - 848965496

Top 10 players analysis next? ;)

Thanks for this!

Black Hammer138

Non-stop Poster
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Thanks for doing this. Love seeing real analysis looking at top 10 tribes.

Just to make things interesting... IM is trash. Straight up, but no surprise there! Fallen hasn't been all that impressive either. I can tell you from personal experience haha
Interesting comment.


Non-stop Poster
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Thanks for doing this. Love seeing real analysis looking at top 10 tribes.

Just to make things interesting... IM is trash. Straight up, but no surprise there! Fallen hasn't been all that impressive either. I can tell you from personal experience haha


Non-stop Poster
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McCoys is a snake. He was a snake on w115 and he'll probably be a snake here lol. Constantly threw tribemates under bus, getting them to stack him before jumping off to another tribe.

I didn't have much connection to w115, was just relearning the meta/PP farming, but I've only heard bad things about him from that world.

Deleted User - 848948830

I don't know if this question can be answered already. but comparing w117 to w118 are we going to have another case of 1 player (ultrafuse on 117) eating up the world, or does this world seem more divided?

Dual Dragons

Well-Known Member
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McCoys is a snake. He was a snake on w115 and he'll probably be a snake here lol. Constantly threw tribemates under bus, getting them to stack him before jumping off to another tribe.

I didn't have much connection to w115, was just relearning the meta/PP farming, but I've only heard bad things about him from that world.
Hey wangggg. Nice to see you here.

And tthhss I think it'll be more divided among the top 3 tribes in terms of big PP spenders.


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Very nice read! Probs one of best laid out analysis of top 10 I’ve ever seen!
If you have not joined the enw118 tribal wars discord pls do!
None of my tribe know about this channel.
Lochran#1779 so please add me if you have the chance.


New Member
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I see today move movement in tribe changes over that last 24hrs, yet another tribe that Rangers guys jump onto and no doubt will want to war us .... may I ask how many tribes will let Rangnar, Maddocks and Bestla join their tribe and destroy from with in????


New Member
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Congratulations on the text, it's always nice to read something neutral and well written!
It would be very nice if you made a monthly column with new arrivals and big news from around the world.
Thank you to you for this work!

Deleted User - 848948830

Do you think that by now most of the tribes by now have build their base, or are there going to be merges still?

I think by now most players have found their tribe and building (tribe)cluster /safe is prio now