Top 10 Players

Incoming impact

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Reaction score
Rank 1 Mistakes Were Made - This is the account I am playing I will not write a review about myself haha.

Rank 2 tobi4981 - Player is in my tribe CORP , You can quite obviously see he PP pushed. He also took Billys old 9k villa. Very good farmer and a player to watch out for.

Rank 3 Razzald - Player is in the tribe SAGA , Lead by Infected Soul. Infected duked on Jager and that tribe fell apart will the same happen again here we will have to see. Razzald seems to have PP pushed hard too. Great ODA. Seems to have a nice position. Farming is not great but does he really need to with all this pp.

Rank 4 Zain - Players is in the tribe CORP. Another PP pushed account but seems to enjoy fighting Revive. Has a very good position not so far from his tribes core.

Rank 5 Otto Rocket - Player is Duke of Revive. Another pp pushed account. Not impressed with this player at all. Not farming at all and seems to make stupid decisions we will soon see if he can sort something out before CORP eat him alive.


Rank 1 Mistakes Were Made - This is the account I am playing I will not write a review about myself haha.

Rank 2 tobi4981 - Player is in my tribe CORP , You can quite obviously see he PP pushed. He also took Billys old 9k villa. Very good farmer and a player to watch out for.

Rank 3 Razzald - Player is in the tribe SAGA , Lead by Infected Soul. Infected duked on Jager and that tribe fell apart will the same happen again here we will have to see. Razzald seems to have PP pushed hard too. Great ODA. Seems to have a nice position. Farming is not great but does he really need to with all this pp.

Rank 4 Zain - Players is in the tribe CORP. Another PP pushed account but seems to enjoy fighting Revive. Has a very good position not so far from his tribes core.

Rank 5 Otto Rocket - Player is Duke of Revive. Another pp pushed account. Not impressed with this player at all. Not farming at all and seems to make stupid decisions we will soon see if he can sort something out before CORP eat him alive.

Mistakes, seems your getting desperate :D You talk a good game, yet no action. The big o'l #1 tribe is scared of Revive. Haha, such a joke.

Mistakes Were Made Dec 14, 11:10
Are you loyal to OTTO ?


Incoming impact

Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
Whats the point of me having to rim nubs when I can destroy the tribe from the inside ;)

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Both you using dirty tactics?

*sigh* .. not many clean players these days </3


Both you using dirty tactics?

*sigh* .. not many clean players these days </3

Hardly surprising, afterall its Tribal Wars and well Sam apparently has a reputation of using underhanded tactics, so ive been told.


Rank 1 Mistakes Were Made - This is the account I am playing I will not write a review about myself haha.

Rank 2 tobi4981 - Player is in my tribe CORP , You can quite obviously see he PP pushed. He also took Billys old 9k villa. Very good farmer and a player to watch out for.

Rank 3 Razzald - Player is in the tribe SAGA , Lead by Infected Soul. Infected duked on Jager and that tribe fell apart will the same happen again here we will have to see. Razzald seems to have PP pushed hard too. Great ODA. Seems to have a nice position. Farming is not great but does he really need to with all this pp.

Rank 4 Zain - Players is in the tribe CORP. Another PP pushed account but seems to enjoy fighting Revive. Has a very good position not so far from his tribes core.

Rank 5 Otto Rocket - Player is Duke of Revive. Another pp pushed account. Not impressed with this player at all. Not farming at all and seems to make stupid decisions we will soon see if he can sort something out before CORP eat him alive.

Thanks for the mention buttercup, love you Ox

- IS

Michael Corleone.

Okay few questions:

Is pp pushed supposed to be bad? I only ask since you did it this world and last. So I'm guessing it isn't a dig at the other players who did it.

Did you only make this thread to see what people would say about you and your success thus far on this world?


Okay few questions:

Is pp pushed supposed to be bad? I only ask since you did it this world and last. So I'm guessing it isn't a dig at the other players who did it.

Did you only make this thread to see what people would say about you and your success thus far on this world?

OOH! Can I answer this one ?

Being an extreme PP user himself, he loves his own kind and I'm sure he would never badmouth a PP user. All reviews are in good faith.

The thread has possibly been made to promote the account ego, but what do we care? Its a little bit extra forum activity :D

@Henley16 its a shame you've heard those rumours. They're usually true. I just wish I could join a world where the majority are in for a fair game. No spies, No BS, no sly tactic.

It's a shame that I'll never see it.</3
All I can do is make sure that the side I'm on plays by the rules.


OOH! Can I answer this one ?

Being an extreme PP user himself, he loves his own kind and I'm sure he would never badmouth a PP user. All reviews are in good faith.

The thread has possibly been made to promote the account ego, but what do we care? Its a little bit extra forum activity :D

david ruffin is close to you if you hate pp usres here ya go you have a nice target. Show us skill>pp whoring.


I'd be a hypocrite if I said I hated pp users ! I used a fair bit myself in the earlier portion of the game : )

And hey, who said anything about skill !

The Peaky Blinders

Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
Okay few questions:

Is pp pushed supposed to be bad? I only ask since you did it this world and last. So I'm guessing it isn't a dig at the other players who did it.

Did you only make this thread to see what people would say about you and your success thus far on this world?

So he can feel special :oops:


I am clearly offended you put the top 10 and don't even make the effort to write about the 10 (and I'm 6th) *begins to feel unloved*

also since that post this morning, all those top 10 have jumped up in points haha PP the lot of you :p