1 Hugs 39.564.982 75.898.476 74 1.025.M 8086 9.386
Happy/Infected merge may not have been the best move for them. They are trying to rush a world to its end, you can't really force time to go faster. They didn't look as good as I expected vs JAB. Could be lack of activity in the future for a good chunk of the tribe. Has a lot of potential to stay where it is, but they haven't won the world yet.
2 Infamy 34.701.177 71.623.873 93 770.149 7570 9.462
Great base with some really skilled members, liking the location for the most part, not really sure why some of the members seem to be nobling away from the west, you'd think some would be more inclined to get on borders with Hugs in the event a fight did break out. Could be a problem for -fire- or ILL fairly soon.
3 CTRL 17.152.261 17.737.617 23 771.201 1880 9.435
Biased opinion as I lead this tribe, but has some strong potential with members who are very good leaders. Majority of the members have seen several fights and are all still standing very strong. Could have some surprising effects on this world if it stays as a tribe.
4 Knock! 17.092.105 20.676.932 36 574.359 2288 9.037
Great leadership since the beginning. Biggest threat to vodka/dream and funny enough neither are standing. I don't think ILL has a shot at bouncing back from the damage that has been done by Knock!. Great location and also lots of possible directions with the tribe. Don't overlook them.
5 Ill 16.705.543 19.920.943 35 569.170 2095 9.509
Again a biased opinion as I've never had much positive to say about them. They are in a full scale war and aren't doing anything except internals/eating ex-members, larger barbarians, and being smashed up by Knock!. Has absolutely terrible leadership, but if one of their members steps up they could begin to look a bit sharper. A few diamonds in the rough in that tribe, but time will tell. I think it's end game for the tribe.
6 JAB 11.436.701 22.388.745 85 263.397 2615 8.562
Great job vs Happy. Surprised me, would like to see them make a comeback by making diplomacy deals throughout the western borders. Don't get bullied, has a shot if they target the right people.
7 HTE 10.288.633 14.256.196 52 274.158 1564 9.115
Don't really follow them, seems like a fanclub to avoid being eaten by Hugs/happy or whatever.
8 ACTIVE 9.442.476 11.285.040 57 197.983 1398 8.072
Same thing I said about Jab, could really do well if they made an alliance along the west or merged with JAB.
9 TWS 7.074.588 9.074.142 64 141.783 1081 8.394
Same thing I said about Jab, could really do well if they made an alliance along the west or merged with JAB.
10 -fire- 6.845.706 11.490.008 74 155.270 1495 7.686
This tribe is a fighter, they've been beaten down by several and are still top 10. Don't think they have much of a shot at making moves. Might want to start merging and getting 2 on each account and try applying to larger tribes. That or get eaten from the inside out