Top 20 discussion


I think that in order to make these stats a bit more "reflecting the war" those mojo peeps should be taken out.

Deleted User - 10618707

That's very insulting and irrelevant seeing that this is Mojo's war they invited their allies to join them, so if anyone should be exempted, it should be butt..... Plus I think everyone can see how mojo brings alot to the table in this war :)


That's very insulting and irrelevant seeing that this is Mojo's war they invited their allies to join them, so if anyone should be exempted, it should be butt..... Plus I think everyone can see how mojo brings alot to the table in this war :)

it might be that they iz the ones that declared, but they iz not fighting it.
Neither do they have any skills nor talent to win, nor contribute in a positive way.

Looks to me like the butt peeps , in all their arrogance, are gifting territory to Uruz

Deleted User - 10618707

They are fighting, its simply that our members are more skilled, to such an extent to supersede our once dire situation. But hey thanks for the compliment, we are wrecking mojo so fast that you think its free :icon_biggrin:


They are fighting, its simply that our members are more skilled, to such an extent to supersede our once dire situation. But hey thanks for the compliment, we are wrecking mojo so fast that you think its free :icon_biggrin:
Looks like they have already disappeared from this forum.
How I wish they did a Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf


So the countdown has come. The final battle will soon commence.

Mojo has fallen and will scramble to whatever tribe will take their poor team playing butts.

Karina the oh so great duke of Mojo cried for peace shortly after my leaving of the tribe, yet barely helped to assist in my effort to defend.

No longer may she attempt to play both sides of this war.

I publicly denounce her trickery and lies.

As for myself and my efforts I will fight whoever brings the fight to me until the end.


Deleted User - 10618707

I thought you and kmenard were up and and about talking how you guys have loyalty and the best playing bunch of players and all that nice stuff?

Wow, look at how things change so fast :x


Pretty bad you sent it so late and he continues to lose villages.

Well done for doing something though, and well done for taking up the mantle of Butt and messing with me whilst nobling the late Zipper Redwood :icon_smile:


Maybe never? Matt is gone and Murph was allowed one free name change to signify him taking over :)


I will change it one more time if I can think of a name, Matt chose AWOL on a random login.

As for zipper you can thank v4 for most of that.

Deleted User - 10618707

We can give you names :O
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While the war is not officially over with MOJO, I do believe it is merely a formality now.

I would remind all those from both sides who have participated, that for quite some time many believed MOJO would win the world, and for quite some time they fought well, and they deserve respect for that. There were times that even I doubted our ability to overcome both MOJO and Shake (or whoever they are now) simultaneously, but providence was with us. In hindsight, I do believe that Uruz members willingness to relocate and build new fronts, as well as excellent teamwork and full tribal participation eventually overcame MOJO's early push vs. us.

Regardless, MOJO as a tribe deserve respect, this war has carried on for several months, and only in the past few weeks has it become clear who the eventual winner would be.

respect mates, for a hard fought war /salute

- Peekaboo


good one garrock, good job guys, made a great war and reminded me why TW is beautiful :)

Deleted User - 10618707

While the war is not officially over with MOJO, I do believe it is merely a formality now.

I would remind all those from both sides who have participated, that for quite some time many believed MOJO would win the world, and for quite some time they fought well, and they deserve respect for that. There were times that even I doubted our ability to overcome both MOJO and Shake (or whoever they are now) simultaneously, but providence was with us. In hindsight, I do believe that Uruz members willingness to relocate and build new fronts, as well as excellent teamwork and full tribal participation eventually overcame MOJO's early push vs. us.

Regardless, MOJO as a tribe deserve respect, this war has carried on for several months, and only in the past few weeks has it become clear who the eventual winner would be.

respect mates, for a hard fought war /salute

- Peekaboo

This is Gar's super sugar coated words, you should see what he says behind close doors :x


I agree TD. its very different to the Gar we know with all those circs full of expletives and name calling. :X

Deleted User - 10618707

Exactly, then he has the audacity to come on here being all polite, and displaying good sportsmanship :X


I agree TD. its very different to the Gar we know with all those circs full of expletives and name calling. :X
I can be held responsible for the Inappropriate Content in some of the mails.
The nudy pics were however Gar's