top 20 players (analysis, speculation, updates, chest-beating, etc)

A humble player

Just to let yall haters know, I was on the Archon. I was also top 10 on a speed 3 HP round for a few days before I quit, playing only 1-2 hours a day. Jah.
And yes, probably tick and nauz have quit.


Just to let yall haters know, I was on the Archon. I was also top 10 on a speed 3 HP round for a few days before I quit, playing only 1-2 hours a day. Jah.
And yes, probably tick and nauz have quit.

No neither have quit, but neither see the need to commit much time to a world with such minimal competition. I barely farm and I'm still top 5.


Wow. I just found this post!? Why didn't anyone point me to this. I could have save everyone alot of typing!

It should have started and ended with in large letters .Lucky Fellow. outfarms all, so they will beat the others. But then again, I had a close view on the madness, it was clear allready when he still had 1 village.

Ah how fun it is to suck up to nr 1.
But I owe them, they were the first to tell this oldtimer how he should actually be using FA. And were kind enough not to drain my player made farms of all their res after I went to the trouble of making a whole lot of them.

So if i hadn't stole alot of their res they'd be even further ahead!


Just to let yall haters know, I was on the Archon. I was also top 10 on a speed 3 HP round for a few days before I quit, playing only 1-2 hours a day. Jah.
And yes, probably tick and nauz have quit.

that post completely contradicted your username.

A humble player

that post completely contradicted your username.
Can we please stop with the 'your post and username don't mesh' train?
stefanlundberg totally contradicts what you said, right?
My username has no effect on my posts, it is a way to identify me. I'm sorry if that disappoints you.


My username defines me. I'm a run rabbit. But in German :eek:

Also Kekua sux, like really badly. I just had to sit them to snipe for them... :icon_surprised:


Might as well update the list;

1 .Lucky Fellow. Offend 136.331 23 5927
2 kekua Base 115.950 21 5521
3 YourMomSaidHi Offend 96.562 18 5365
4 TheArchon CHOOx2 95.695 21 4557
5 Drentis CHOOx2 93.568 19 4925
6 Brombeere Base 85.803 14 6129
7 Schadenfreude... Base 81.561 14 5826
8 tsunami kid Cruel 79.139 15 5276
9 fekfek Cruel 78.741 15 5249
10 Mr Puddykins 5th 72.817 13 5601
11 M.C.M. Anrchy 72.671 14 5191
12 Arioch44 Base 72.240 14 5160
13 ryankeng29 Cruel 70.802 13 5446
14 Silent Partner Cruel 70.089 14 5006
15 Quick Paw Base 69.761 14 4983
16 LeCow Gents. 67.677 15 4512
17 TruffleShuffleOrHide Base 65.070 13 5005
18 bustopmike CHOOx2 64.647 11 5877
19 katalysis Base 62.219 16 3889
20 paranoid357 Fate 61.362 10 6136


1.Lucky Fellow.Offend136.866245703
8tsunami kidCruel79.556155304
10Mr Puddykins5th73.051135619
14Silent PartnerCruel70.172145012
15Quick PawBase70.075145005

Mwhaha #19 winning.


A Quick update and a little analysis/opinion:

RankNameTribePointsVillagesAverage points per village
1.Lucky Fellow.Offend145.212246051[Good looter/ODA ,35 points worth villa recently nobled as gift ,has script of death , COA stolen,nice spread]
Villas named after movies.
2kekuaBase119.219225419[Good looter/oda,9 free villas 3 babs=12; inactive since 2 days]
3TheArchonCHOOx2100.243214773[Since 26/6 , nobled 3 villas of bizniz probably gifted ,9 barbs, 4 5th members villas out of which two mayb gifted; not someone to look up to;low avg villa points;not nobled since 4 days]
4YourMomSaidHiOffend98.507185473[Looking good;only 5 gifted villas;lots of potential;nice spread]
5DrentisCHOOx295.125195007[Villas named after naruto charcters so as fellow anime fans ,best of luck in molesting all the other players in this world;NC]
6BrombeereBase91.296156086[5 free villas, 2 barbs;high avg points/villa in top20]
7fekfekCruel86.434165402[Hard ODa , hardly any barbs]
8Schadenfreude...Base84.866146062[hard oda , hardly any barbs]
9tsunami kidCruel81.290155419[Very sad Oda ]
10Mr Puddykins5th81.143155410[Very sad Oda]
15Silent PartnerCruel72.034145145
16Quick PawBase71.988145142
19Undercover killer5th67.967144855
20-Diamond Shovel-Base67.304144807

Different tribe's share:


A humble player

Just a note: none of the archon's villages (excluding the last 3, of which I have absolutely no idea), were gifted.
Also: what is wrong with nobling barbs?


The problem with nobling barbs is that it will make you have less farms, you think that 1 barb or 2 wont make a difference but if you add all the players that noble the barbs around you then you will begin to run out of farms causing you to have less resources.


The thing i see here is he nobled 6 barbs around 1000 pt and 3 i think around 500.
starting 22/5 he nobles such low pt barbs after 1 and half month of playing dat is equal to ,umm,i dnt what to call it maybe playing like a sim city whore considering the fact the rest of the villas are probably gifted as well.
Not someone to deserve no 3 spot.


Wow. I just found this post!? Why didn't anyone point me to this. I could have save everyone alot of typing!

It should have started and ended with in large letters .Lucky Fellow. outfarms all, so they will beat the others. But then again, I had a close view on the madness, it was clear allready when he still had 1 village.

Ah how fun it is to suck up to nr 1.
But I owe them, they were the first to tell this oldtimer how he should actually be using FA. And were kind enough not to drain my player made farms of all their res after I went to the trouble of making a whole lot of them.

So if i hadn't stole alot of their res they'd be even further ahead!

Just went back and read this, I'm pretty sure he doesn't outfarm all, recently hes just had a nice dose of internals that gave him a nice boost.


The issue with barb nobling isn't that it kills your farms, its that instead of taking an already built up 3-4k point village you are taking a village 1/4th that size. That really slows down troop production even if you have other full villages to push from early in the game.