top 20 tribes

  • Thread starter DeletedUser45655
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6 NUKE: Seems to have gave up on K26. Still going strong though as they have a lot of players who now want to step up to the plate and take charge and fight on now that their leadership is pretty much broken. Inactivity is a problem for all tribes, its how a tribe can cope without one or two key figures that shows what a tribes made off and NUKE are still fighting. Recent bannings have hit multiple tribes including NUKE.

Don't you worry, losing a bit field is not losing the war ;) For the first time we had a small step back. Indeed last 3 months have been hard for us but we still love to be a thorn in your asses ;)

But I wonder (and mail me in game if you want of course) what will DT do once NUKE is gone :)


attack myriad and maybe N.O? I dont see them picking a fight with IA though


CLOROX - good tribe but not what they used to be a few months ago. full of great players no doubt but don't seem to have as much passion for world 8 as they used to have.
KNT - good tribe filled with great players.
[DT] - good tribe with good players.
Fenix - ... not to sure what to write. Doing well in the CLOROX gangbanging :p
F.D -


NEA - ...
FAN - ...
PR - ...

well really scarlet ... :icon_eek:

B- ..could do better! :icon_wink:


I have realised that a lot of people see AHH as KNT puppy, I know that everybody can have their opinion and I see the logical easy reason, they are bigger and we are allies in a war, but if you think twice. tell me just one thing that AHH has done following KNT orders or just following them. we are in a war against CLOROX but we are inthis war before KNT started fighting CLOROX, we are ina war agains R IPK for our own reasons and when KNT asked us to join them long time ago we said no, because we like being us.

anyway it doesn't matter verymuch, just wanted to point that out


ah well ..a good excuse anyway :icon_wink:

have fun!

and dont be a stranger sending resources or support on w21 ... seems the mass lemmings are targeting our little, quiet, and very huggable tribe ...

- can't think why ... :D

Best Blue :)