Top 7 breakdown


Well, it hasent really been seen on this world yet, so I thought I would bring it forward.

You all probably know what to do. but these are our top 7 tribes. Leave your comments on them as you plaese by copying and pasting to your reply.

1. 24/24
3. {~DA~}
4. Hoch-
5. TS
7. Scion

Had to get Scion in it ;)
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1 [URL=""]24/24[/URL]      25.733 25.733 28 919 28 919
2 [URL=""]WAAO[/URL]   23.390 23.390 29 807 29 807
3 [URL=""]{~DA~}[/URL]   20.333 20.333 26 782 26 782
4 [URL=""]Hoch-[/URL]      20.015 20.015 20 1.001 20 1.001
5 [URL=""]TS[/URL]          19.614 19.614 15 1.308 15 1.308
6 [URL=""]DOTA[/URL]    14.036 14.036 24 585 24 585
7 [URL=""]Scion[/URL]    12.994 12.994 9 1.444 9 1.444

There we go. :icon_wink:


24/24 and {~DA~} are performing incredibly poorly. I have no personal experience with WAAO, but I think the same can be assumed of them.


Do they even have a true leader right now? They are falling apart. 24/24 that is.

Child in time

... *le sigh*

Oh my freaking lord.

Please people, get serious, the world is open for what? Not even 2 weeks indeed.

I know there's nothing interesting to talk about right now, i can even recall that this world is kind of a joke considering the prestations here.

The level is lower than i aspected it to be, the tribes on top are simply garbage right now, is that surprising? they gather all players who don't know how to play and want to feel special into 1 tribe and get #1. It's so freaking obvious, do you people don't get it? or do you really feel you have to bring up a freaking new thread for every point that is gathered?

me ranting isn't something new, but please for the love of tribalwars HP spammers, think to yourself: is it necesarry to make a new thread for every new thing? I don't even mind that. You start talking in it: i don't even mind that.. but the fact that you actually seem "interested" and "amazed" with what is brought to public disgusts me. I'm so dissappointed :icon_cry:!!

I'm leaving now to find myself a life (i'll look under the bed first, i always kick everything underneath that).


Yes I do agree, but I also agree that this world, and these posts in this thread have been boring.

Thought this would make it a little better.


All tribe have good members... players with big experience... let the time speak and we all just play... :)

I wish good luck to everybody, not just for members of first 7 tribes ! :)


1. 24/24 are not showing their "high performance" as much as they said but still having a good team work.
2. WAAO are noob
3. {~DA~} are noob
4. Hoch- were bunch of inacitve experienced but now they are noob
5. TS are good but team work is not good enough.
6. DOTA are noob
7. Scion seems not bad. I don't know about them.


1. 24/24 are not showing their "high performance" as much as they said but still having a good team work.
2. WAAO are noob
3. {~DA~} are noob
4. Hoch- were bunch of inacitve experienced but now they are noob
5. TS are good but team work is not good enough.
6. DOTA are noob
7. Scion seems not bad. I don't know about them.


so 4/7 of the top 7 tribes are noobs?


Alright.. I was wondering why he would think we were inactive.

Noobs.. That what he thinks. Fine with me.


Why do you say that Hoch- is inactive?

Many of experienced players claim themselves good with the reason that they played TW for a long time and they have over million account in other world. I agreed that they are experienced with playing huge account. But it makes them to inactive on the new world. They forget How to farm. They forget where to farm.

Since you are recruiting massive from other noob tribes, I say noob