TT split?


Sorry for making so many questions but i wonder what is the story behind the split of TT. Half of them is in ~TLS~


Isn't it wonderful?

The biggest huger's in the world have finally fallen out. :lol:


you know that old saying "can't we all just get along"

to hell with it!



Isn't it wonderful?

The biggest huger's in the world have finally fallen out. :lol:

Half of us wanted to hug from the front, all respectful like, the other half was more into the whole from behind romantic hug. Being valentines day, this caused a major rift.


So how are you gonna do now? Just leave the rest behind and start your own tribe from scratch?


The Beat dropped and KABOOM you see how it went.


TT always stood for Terrible Tribe, no ?

I do not see the need to fill this topic with misinformed and nasty comments.
Perhaps you could back up your statement with the relevant evidence that would show that they were/are a terrible tribe?

Yes, it is true they were playing it safe but many would consider that the smart move. Who knows? They could have been planning on declaring on a tribe soon. Only their council would know.


I do not see the need to fill this topic with misinformed and nasty comments.
Perhaps you could back up your statement with the relevant evidence that would show that they were/are a terrible tribe?

Yes, it is true they were playing it safe but many would consider that the smart move. Who knows? They could have been planning on declaring on a tribe soon. Only their council would know.

They disbanded after being declared on by a rim tribe, why would i need evidence to back up an obvious statement ?

If you think it was misinformed, or nasty. The externals forums are no place for you my boy.


So you deny they disbanded after being declared on ?

I don't think im the one who needs to be getting their facts straight.

Calm down kid. Nobody wants to listen to your trash talk.


So you deny they disbanded after being declared on ?

I don't think im the one who needs to be getting their facts straight.

Calm down kid. Nobody wants to listen to your trash talk.

Quite clear that the tribe TT is there?? so disbanded????

Get your facts straight bud, the tribe split and not because they got declared on it had been coming for a while. Considering we were winning on stats in the war and never even had an OP launched?

But wont go in to detail as you will think what you want to think so meh...
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So although i was correct, people deemed it appropriate to tell me otherwise ?

I can see this world is full of...class acts.

Don Funk

Calm down kid. Nobody wants to listen to your trash talk.

Funny you should say that..
Afterall, you just did the very same :lol:

Anyways.. you might wanna change the avatar.. Big Daddy kinda died in the movies too :icon_evil:


so what are the diplomatic stances between the split tribes ;)

king gustav II Adolf

So although i was correct, people deemed it appropriate to tell me otherwise ?

I can see this world is full of...class acts.

Ignorance is bliss, right? In which way were you correct?

Just accept the fact that you were wrong. Denying it makes you look like a fool.


Actually he was extremely accurate...No matter what anyone wants to say the reasons are it does not matter...It is like quiting while under fire for rl reasons...Not an excuse.

They were declared on by a rim tribe and within 2 weeks began falling apart. Whether or not they are correlated is not even was the ACTUAL chain of events.

If I am reading my phone while crossing the street and get hit by a car...then the car killed me..It doesn't matter that I had a brain aneurysm as I was walking across the street and was dead 1 second before the car hit me..The chain of events are, step off curb hit by car, dead.

So tt broke apart because a rim tribe declared.


If I am reading my phone while crossing the street and get hit by a car...then the car killed me..It doesn't matter that I had a brain aneurysm as I was walking across the street and was dead 1 second before the car hit me..The chain of events are, step off curb hit by car, dead.

So tt broke apart because a rim tribe declared.

`Damn your logic sucks. Thats like saying the car hit you because you were wearing your yellow shoes....


My logic was based on cause and effect...whine babies in TT that want to make excuses that it was a long time in coming fail to see what it was...cause and effect...


If I am reading my phone while crossing the street and get hit by a car...then the car killed me..It doesn't matter that I had a brain aneurysm as I was walking across the street and was dead 1 second before the car hit me..The chain of events are, step off curb hit by car, dead.

So tt broke apart because a rim tribe declared.

Words, They are not your specialty I would say. In this situation, if you died on a brain aneurysm, thats what you died off, the crossing the road, and being hit by a car just makes clean up messy.

But to the point, TT ran 2 ops, won them both, and was 30 caps ahead, and disbanded because of egos. Not unlike thousands of over tribes have done before us.

Please though, Continue. I enjoy you failing in basic logic