TW village build


I used to know a player who demolished buildings for morale like this but it became something of an obsession. In the end he owned about 50 vilages, all of them had 300 points or less and were full to the brim with swords, spears and HC. He lasted for years before coming undone when the admins brought in the new morale settings.

nub? you playing here too ? and where is your sidekick nickers? i still needs a 1v1 wif him.


The academy wont be functional if that will be done [lowering the smithy]. as based from the recent changes in game system.

I almost posted the same thing, that was until I read the very next sentence and realized one of two things were happening her.

1. Dead Socks was writing this as a joke.

2. Dead Socks is taking Rep's name as nublet.

I am still undecided as to which, so I will leave that for you to decide.

Entertaining read, DS. Thumbs up from me.


lol pyker, I'm glad I'm not the only one who wondered this. :icon_razz:


nub? you playing here too ? and where is your sidekick nickers? i still needs a 1v1 wif him.

For the time being yeah, i'll see how it goes. Oh and I have no idea what happened to nickers, haven't spoken to him for well over a year now.


Well, i haven't played since W-7, whats gonna bee a good Nuke here? 7K Axes/2K-2.5K LC?


lol, wonderfully done!

I particularly like the piece on farms, haha...never a reason NOT to max a farm, ever!
and the bit on only raising barracks/stable/workshop...priceless ahah

I am excited for the next post...bravo!
I was laughing so hard at the people who took this seriously, poor folks will never stand a chance!

Nickers is doing well, I kept in touch, he will not be blessing TW's anytime soon though, has given it up for now...


Well, i haven't played since W-7, whats gonna bee a good Nuke here? 7K Axes/2K-2.5K LC?

More LC and less axe, if you want the barracks and stables to finish at the same time.

But, yeah, that is a decent enough nuke as well.


I've been following this guide for a while (serious) .
Its been pretty usele..ful . Yeah love it :)