It's called french slang. No, it's called joual, and there are still proper ways of spelling it.
DeletedUser Guest Feb 12, 2010 #21 Mazick said: It's called french slang. Click to expand... No, it's called joual, and there are still proper ways of spelling it.
Mazick said: It's called french slang. Click to expand... No, it's called joual, and there are still proper ways of spelling it.
Mazick Guest Feb 12, 2010 #22 zach924 said: No, it's called joual, and there are still proper ways of spelling it. Click to expand... I don't see what's hard to understand because clearly vavaro was able to respond to what I said, therefore was able to understand what I wrote.
zach924 said: No, it's called joual, and there are still proper ways of spelling it. Click to expand... I don't see what's hard to understand because clearly vavaro was able to respond to what I said, therefore was able to understand what I wrote.
DeletedUser Guest Feb 12, 2010 #23 Mazick said: The only problem with that is we will most likely be speaking to each other in french, therefore most of you won't understand a word lol. Click to expand... /reports mazick
Mazick said: The only problem with that is we will most likely be speaking to each other in french, therefore most of you won't understand a word lol. Click to expand... /reports mazick
Mazick Guest Feb 12, 2010 #24 kdspuhler said: /reports mazick Click to expand... /sends nukes to kds EDIT: Considering I was referring to chatting in french on Skype, it does not however, violate the rules. Last edited: Feb 12, 2010
kdspuhler said: /reports mazick Click to expand... /sends nukes to kds EDIT: Considering I was referring to chatting in french on Skype, it does not however, violate the rules.