Version 6.0 Updates


Nothing much is happening in this world..

So lets comment/review/gripe about our new update

So far all I can see are brown villages instead of red and a smaller minimap

Why brown? Why not Pink :icon_biggrin:. It would make it stand out from the blues


the brown ones looks a bit similar to the nap purple :/

Haha!! They change it so you can see your enemies but now you can't see your NAPs :lol: Which is worse?

I stand by my pink decision


They are exactly the same. NAP Ally and Enemy are used for only 1 thing

............Marking different enemy tribes.

But seriously, of all the colours available. why the hell brown. Only colour players don't use to mark farms is my guess.


I personally feel that the 6.0 update for the world was a bit premature... they have not even gotten all the kinks out of it yet. Not to mention I do not like the map area, smaller map, the controls are weird, and what not...

Then there is the [village][/village] seems to not be the only way to bb code a village anymore, we also have [coord][/coord]

Then there is the way it looks in overview... What was wrong with the other look? Nothing... and I stand by an old saying, "IF IT AIN"T BROKE, DON'T FIX IT"

Then there is the fact it lags more...

I don't know, not to happy with it, I do however like the noble planner, but I think it could have been thought out a bit more


The lag is a pain. the colour brown and purple is annoying. The noble planner is nice but i'd happily use an external one to avoid all this lag


It's kinda fun to mail noobs screenshots of their villages claimed on the map.. but overall the lag is not worth it.


The lag is my biggest complaint.. it is taking way too long to switch from one screen to another... I hope this is something that gets worked out soon... could wreak havoc on some noble trains....


my train is 1.4 sec with this lag.. luckily i am attacking a noob lol.


my train is 1.4 sec with this lag.. luckily i am attacking a noob lol. The slowest I've managed so far on this new version was .250ms. :icon_neutral:

The lag is a major pain though, and refreshing seems to take a few seconds, which really infuriates me. I like the noble planner though and I really like the change to brown (brown is too close to purple? How about red being too close to red?).


HaWK.of.AH said:
brown is too close to purple? How about red being too close to red?).

That made me lol. You have to say that this is a step up. The lag is bad, but this world has always had bad lag. Noble planner is kinda fun, but it isn't really worth the lag.


(brown is too close to purple? How about red being too close to red?).

yeah actually brown is to close to purple...

Purple is meant for naps, which is for not attacking... not the way I use it, but none the less it was originally meant that way, lol!!!

Where are red and bright red stuck out on the map as different to me...But at same time, my take on it is, if they aren't allies then they are red anyways...

Red is Dead... whether it be bright red or dark red...

But purple and brown, at least make the purple more stand out'ish...

I use naps to mark certain enemies, so we can distinguish them from the others... if they match the none enemy, non allied, villages, kind of defeats the purpose...



The outrageous lag is my only issue - thought once the update was done the lag would disappear, but it seems to be worse now!


The lag is unbelievable. Almost enough to make you quit. Timing things is just plain guesswork.


It's kinda fun to mail noobs screenshots of their villages claimed on the map.. but overall the lag is not worth it.
How do you mail screens?

.lag spikes up to 6300 ms is indeed ridiculous, especially if you want to snipe a train. Being 6secs off due to spike aint cool.


How do you mail screens?

.lag spikes up to 6300 ms is indeed ridiculous, especially if you want to snipe a train. Being 6secs off due to spike aint cool.

Glad I am not the only one with these problems