w 20 tips and guides


This guide is for w20 players only, and was written down for one purpose only, to teach w20 new players.
This will be updated/improved often and all players can post and add some of their own thoughts, so together we can create a perfect starting on the rim guide.
Ask away if you have any questions, but be careful who you listen.

Troops info.

Infantry/General troops.
Spear Fighters (also known as Sp) - Good for early farming, best Cavalry defense IG, worthless against Axe attacks and not suited for clearing villages.
Swordsmen (also known as Sw) - Bad haul + slower speed = not suited for farming, best Infantry and Archer defense IG, worthless against Cavalry attacks and not suited for clearing villages.
Axemen (also known as Axe) - Bad haul but same speed with Sp so a good escort to Sp in farm runs, worthless in defense against any kind of attacks, best offensive unit IG, strong against Sp, not suited for Archer, Sw or HC defense.
Rams - Siege weapon, slow unit, counts under infantry offense when attacking, takes down wall, worthless in defense.
Catapults (also known as Cats) - Siege weapon, slow unit, counts under infantry offense when attacking, can demolish every building except Hiding Place, worthless in defense.
Paladin (also known as Pally) - Strongest troop IG, used for early farming, later for speeding up your support, can only train one.
Noblemen (also known as Nobles) - Most expensive unti IG, worthless both in offense and defense, used for captureing new villages.

Cavalry troops.
Scouts - Fast, cheap and useful troops, used for getting information about attacked village (resources available for plundering, troops inside the village, building levels and troops outside the village).
Light Cavalries (also known as LC) - Best farming units later IG due their good haul and fast speed, good attack against Sw, bad against Sp, and Archer.
Heavy Cavalries (also known as HC) - Fast support unit, agile, good defense against Axe/MA attacks bad against LC attacks.

Archer troops.
Archers - Not suited for farming, worthless against Archer attacks, good infantry and Cavalry defense, not made for attacking.
Mounted Archers (also known as MA) - Decent haul, but mostly used against players who have massive Archer defense, average against Sp, bad against Sw and HC defense.

After joining the world you have 3 options: Join an excisting tribe, go solo or create a new tribe.
#1 Joining an excisting tribe.
If you start choosing your tribe, try not to pick those who are too clustered together, but try to avoid those as well who are too far apart from each other (for start). Use TWstats map tool for better viewing how the tribe is positioned IG. Also don't rush with your decision because some tribes tend to dislike players who join and then leave right afterwards.
If its possible try to ask about their diplomacy and dont ever join a tribe that has their diplomatic relations shown on their profile (the longer the list the more sad it gets). Try to scout what are the tribe leaders expecting from you and what are you able to give in return. Remember te tribe always comes before yourself! If you have any luck you will find yourself in a group of nice players who teach and help you out. And maybe can even make some friends!

#2 Going solo.
Because you are a newb i wouldnt recommned going solo. It most likely will get you killed. Soloing is for more experienced players so off you go searching a tribe.

#3 Creating your own tribe.
Many newbs have started their own tribes from scratch and been rather successful (at least until the first war) so if you think you are up for it, you could try it.
If you have any luck you may get a few experienced players in your tribe as well (to help you out for example).
First rule. Do not mass recruit, it may get you the amount of many players but most of them are too inactive to ever become any good help for your tribe. It would be wiser to choose carefully your tribemembers, look at their location and their surroundings (remember not always is the biggest player the strongest one). Send them a mail and wiat for a positive answer before actually sending the invitation.
Second rule. Do not mass ally yourself. You want to expand dont you? Then 2 alliances in your continent is enough. 'nuff said.
Third and most important rule! Do NOT give away privileges, baron and duke privs are for the most trusted persons only. 1 duke and 1 baron is good enough to keep a tribe running at starts. If any big point player asks for an invitation and adds that he will only join if he can be a baron or duke, ignore him or you might later find yourself in the P&P thread.

Starting on the rim.
When you start you will be randomly placed on the map near the rim, most likely being surrounded either with 300 pointers or being all alone there...
If you have other villages near you stay there, most likely there are a few that aren't under beginners protection any more or will be out of it soon or you get lucky and have a bonus or abandoned barbarian near you.

The start.
Under BP and little after that.
The biggest mistake you could make is to start upgrading resources levels.
As they already are at 7/7/4 (Timber camp/Clay pit/Iron mine + they rise up to 10/9/9 later on) you have a nice hourly resource production and upgrading them at the moment would be a waste of time.
Instead build a Statue and get your Paladin training (it takes 6h so that should be the first thing to do, after that upgrade your Village Headquarters to level 3 and build a Barracks.

Now you are able to build Spear fighters
They are crappy on the offensive side, but good enough for early farming/gathering resources from villages near by.
With this you can start farming right after your very own paladin is trained. But if you upgrade your resource levels instead you will waste the current resources you have for almost no gain and would have to wait for nearly 12 more hours before you can start farming.

Now get those Spear fighters training.
After you have trained your 10 Spear fighters and got the paladin send them, to your nearest village.
Remember if you send 3 or less Spears with the paladin it will be a waste of precious time as the spears wont haul that much more as they slow down the paladin.

Remember the point count your village had when you started?
Add 24 point to that count and attack only those who have less points then that (like 76+24=100 /farm villages with 99 points and less) because villages who have more points than that may have a Statue constructed and Paladin to defend their resources and it will surely kill you lowsy attacking Spears and Paladin.
And you don't want to lose your troops so early on do you?

Best early targets are abandoned or bonus villages that are marked grey on the map. But as i said before villages with your starting points+24 or less are good too (you may notice that some have even less points than you had when you started, it means they started even earlier and will probably lose their protection with in next couple of days).
If the village is still under beginner protection (abandoned villages are never) remember the time the protection ends and choose another target for now.

Now keep attacking the target and if it dries out find a new one.
You also have to upgrade you Warehouse from level 2 to at least level 8 to storage the Iron you will need later on.
Also train up your Spear fighters count to around 100.
You should have 100 Spear fighters and the mighty paladin round 2 days after you started.

Remember to always farm, thats the key to success and faster growth from the start.

Now that you have 100 Spear fighters and the mighty paladin start upgrading your Village Headquarters to level 5 and construct the Smithy.
You can now train additional infantry units called Swordsmen.
Leave them for now and further upgrade your Village Headquarters to level 10.
The Village Headquarters (HQ for short) allows you to upgrade your buildings faster.
After your HQ is on level 10 upgrade your Barracks to level 5
The Barracks allows you to train infantry troops faster (such as Spear fighters, Swordsmen, Axemen and Archers)
Then upgrade your Smithy to level 5 as well.
Now you are able to research Axemen (you actually were able to do it after you upgraded your Smithy to level 2) and construct Stables.

Leave the Axemen research be for now and construct Stables.
Now you have a level 1 Stables and you can research your first Cavalry troop, the Scout.
Gather the necessary resources and do it.
Scouts allow your do see how much resources each village has, but in order to know it you must attack the village first.
After you have researched to Scouts in your Smithy, train 10 of them.
Send them on villages near you that you haven't attacked yet (probably because you were scared of the point count, it happens)
Dont attack villages bigger than 300 points for now, just to be sure that they dont have Scouts to defend your Scout attack and kill you precious Scouts.

You receive a scout report and now know how many resources the village holds.
Now upgrade your Stables to level 3.
You are able to research Light Cavalry (LC for short) after that.
The LC is the best troop for farming, it is fast, can carry a good haul and strong enough to defeat any troop the other village may have (especially Swordsmen, but low amounts of Spear fighters too)

From now on your farming should be done mostly by LC. Send your Spear fighters and the mighty paladin to the closer targets and LC's to farther targets
Remember to send 1 Scout with them to get the report where you see resources left in the village.

Now train 33 LC's (you see your iron gone with a click), thats the amount you need to clear a standard village with level 2 Warehouse in one go.

After that research your Axemen and start training them.
They are the best offensive force in this game.
Train 100 of them for start. They are needed to clear the villages who have troops in them (especially Spear fighters, but low amount of Swordsmen as well).

After that upgrade your Stables to level 5 and construct a Market to trade your resources with other players.

Also dont forget build up your Wall at least to level 5 before the beginners protection ends.
From that point your troops should be on constant training 24/7 and you should farm as much as possible.

If you are able to get this done in 5 (or even with 7) days, you shouldn't fear anything in your region...

For now.

Useful links and off-site pages:
TWstats - the best off-site tool for new players.

Next time.
Improved starting guide, more Basics and Useful links, Archers/MA's, Rams/Cats, dodging and countering attacks, Surviving on the P&P.

by no.ob


lmao copy and paste and edit it off W18



i wrote my own guide shall i post see what you guys think? :)


This game is really hard, thanks for that Jerry.

I play similar games, and my RL friend told me this was much better, but its a lot more complicated. This was really useful, as the help section in the game doesn't really help that much :icon_cry:

Much love to you


warehouse 1 (1000-150)*3=2550 <- 32 lcav
warehouse 2 (1229-150)*3=3237 <- 41 lcav

please correct.

Timone and Pumba

Hey, stupid person, no one cares!

I'm pretty sure this guide serves just as good a purpose as it does on w18.

QFT tis usefull I been feeling soft sent the link to a couple of n00bs.