W103 Ball in Ball Theory


Hi everyone. I could do with a bit of help here.

So, we all know that the middle 8x8 squares are equidistant from any point on the map.

So I guess then that the world could be a sphere, with a point in the middle that is somehow 8x8 but also infinitesimally small.

But the middle 8x8 is only ever 24 squares away, even as the world grows. So it must be growing proportionally to the world.

I was hoping for some development of the theory...

1. The middle 8x8 must exist as some sort of cloud, spinning faster than the speed of paladin, unheard of in a medieval war game. What could this be?

2. My spear nukes can only travel around the outer sphere but then somehow manage to travel perpendicular to the central sphere thing. Maybe each village should include a ramp or catapult? Obviously not a rocket as it's like 1283 AD. I would say some sort of divine inspiration but that's another thing.

3. What is in the inner sphere and what is outside the outer sphere?

I know there's a TW flat earth discussion; this seems to be a total step change in innogames beliefs.


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i asked the same thing for pally taxi back on w20s i think.

the important thing is to not use the brain, shut up and play.
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