W14's Forum Guidelines

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Firstly, it is my duty to be sure the I serve the community to the best of my ability. But in order for me to do so, I'll need everyone's help. If you see a post that you feel is off topic, spam, or inappropriate, then I need that post to be reported. Regardless of how severe or minor it may be, if you report it, I can guarantee that it will be reviewed.

Outside of that, I would like everyone to be sure they have a fair understanding of the forum rules before posting.

With that said,

A.) Spam is considered anything that is completely irrelevant (meaning no relation) to the topic in itself. Topics will not be locked easily due to meaningful conversations, so do not be afraid to express your own opinions respectfully.

B.) There will be zero tolerance for personal flames of any sort. Everyone is to be fully aware of this.

C.) Using any sort if foul language in an attempt to express your opinion will always be deemed unacceptable, and should never take place on the forums.

D.) W14's General Discussion section will be lightly moderated. As long as nothing get's out of hand, it's open to all discussions.
Please be sure to remember that the forums do not belong to you as an individual, but to you as a community. Everyone is to rest assured that they'll be able to post their own opinions without being subject to flames of any sort.

As long as you're able to maintain a respectful argument or discussion in alignment with our Forum Rules & the guidelines mentioned above; feel free to do so.
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