This shall be fun as always dudeja 
Damnit dudeja, why can't you be more ego-maniacal as Coffee Troll or something lol. Now I have to be lovey dovey with you![]()
This shall be fun as always dudeja![]()
what account are u on u nub , i am gonna come and RIM u (muhahaha) does this count something Dem <3
till the time you guys keep your naughty cats away from my villas![]()
where is Choco![]()
"Don't let this self-centered egotistic, lying dictator with no care for others except his core players to deceive you or push you around."
This describes Matthew perfectly. Well done OP. I can't wait to see Vermok actually get to the frontline of W2V and stop eating his most popular choice of barbs and inactive. I'm a little disappointed in the Rathismurf account for going back to old eating habits like Matthew but have to say well done with the war effort. Only real competition W2V are facing so GJ. I'd love to see both Khan and Royale hit W2V instead of their pointless egotistical battle their leaders insist on having. I feel it would be much more interesting and worth while if they killed W2V and eventually W1V and fought it out to decide the world.
You seem like a really reliable source. Would be good if you can get any of my tribemates to back up what you're saying because it just seems to me that you're somewhat butthurt for some reason unknown to me. :icon_rolleyes:
I have alot of ego, that's for sure. No denying that.:icon_wink:
But if you want to say that I've been selfish...or that I don't care about my tribemates...or that I only noble 'barbs', please come and back it up with stats and facts. Just because I don't have as much war caps as I'd like to, it does not mean that I've remained inactive in the war. I'd supposed you would know that but oh wait, you don't even play in this world. :icon_idea: Well, you can ask those in W2V who are somewhat near me.
No I'm encouraging you to be more of an influential player on the war. It's easy for you to eat poorly run accounts (Especially with your size) but now that there isgoodbetter competition you seem to carry on eating accounts that might as well be barbs. I'm still waiting for you to reach the front and make an impact. It's not secret that Chris is the player that actually cares for your tribe and you only care about your own accounts well being. Is your plan to grow large and then eventually fight W2V? That won't cut it anymore. I'd rather see other players in your tribe defend you (not Chris) for your contribution to the tribe and war (Mainly war). The only account that isn't negative in war stats is the Rathismurf account and I don't see them having much good to say. Also, having asked it would seem they haven't got much to say about you. You're typically described as a average W1V player. Not much of compliment if you ask me.
No I'm encouraging you to be more of an influential player on the war. It's easy for you to eat poorly run accounts (Especially with your size) but now that there isgoodbetter competition you seem to carry on eating accounts that might as well be barbs. I'm still waiting for you to reach the front and make an impact. It's not secret that Chris is the player that actually cares for your tribe and you only care about your own accounts well being. Is your plan to grow large and then eventually fight W2V? That won't cut it anymore. I'd rather see other players in your tribe defend you (not Chris) for your contribution to the tribe and war (Mainly war). The only account that isn't negative in war stats is the Rathismurf account and I don't see them having much good to say. Also, having asked it would seem they haven't got much to say about you. You're typically described as a average W1V player. Not much of compliment if you ask me.
let W1v decide who are average and who are our best guys please ?? I hope you wont mind that .....
as for the size and war caps or war stats go , doesnt tell you the whole picture . i am new to the tribe and i can say the account in question has been pretty active and helpful in many ways you / any outsider cant see .
And you base everything on what, tw stats, self updating maps? I've really got no time to explain to you and go into details how I've helped my tribe out. Perhaps, if you were my tribemate, I'd actually spend time breaking it down to you. I also suppose that you have clearly not taken into consideration how I was initially a part of CH before we merged into W1V (then Uranus). My war stats from over there did not get transferred, but obviously you know all about that yeah...
I've asked alot of people about you, and everything they say points to the fact that you're unreliable, sneaky, underhanded and full of bs. So yes, 2 people can play at this game.
If you want to attack my character and my account on the externals, go ahead, but insofar as I see it, you're just wasting my time making me reply on the externals. :icon_neutral:
Well W1V haven't exactly had the best judgement in both recruitment and rating of players. In fact, all of the big forum posters on the externals that we once saw in W1V have gone very quite recently. This is mainly due to the fact that they were rimmed. There are countless of examples - Ham, ddog, Welsh, ROK and Turtle soup are ample enough in this regard. Well from talking to W1V players (and having the odd peak at a few accounts here and there I can confirm nothing much has changed. There is still sitting issues and a serious lack of Defense also. Problems W2V don't seem to have and until you can fix these fundamental issues I see no future for your tribe. I actually pity you getting dragged into this mess as most of your leadership and current colleagues will quit for the next no-hauls anyway.
While all that is said there could be a serious turn of events diplomatically wise that may save face. I do not accept that tw stats doesn't tell you the whole picture as it's been fairly spot on and painted a clear picture thus far.
As stated previously I still have a linger on the odd account when the opportunity arises. I've seen first hand how you are the selfish player on your account and how you only care about your own account. I know many who will agree with me even though you are tribe mates with them. Don't get me wrong this doesn't make you a bad player. I'm merely highlighting these facts after your little hissy fit in your last thread. Again those stats are nothing to be proud of so I don't know why you keep referring to those. My points are very clear and in another few months when you're still not being a team player an still have terrible stats I'll be here to remind you. I guess you might eventually learn something about team work and helping others aafter fighting against W2V. It's doubtful but just maybe.
You're just going in on and on in circles! 'You suck, because you suck'.
I urge you to actually list out why you say what you say and actually show proof to back it up. Till then, everything you have said it akin to nonsense.
Said I'm selfish? How? What have I done that's selfish? W61/W65/W69, feel free to pick examples from any of those worlds as well.
Said I don't help the tribe? Oh, and you'd know because you're in the tribe? Oh wait, you're not.
Said I have pathetic stats? What's good stats in your opinion then? It's hard in the first place considering how I have a small front with W2V and the only time I organised an OP, a few key tribemates bailed on me. (Ask runningbullet and holytramp, I was the only person to noble from him)
What a waste of my time. I know many in both my tribe and in W2V that are doing nothing, but you don't talk about them because you just want to piss me off over here. You and I both know it. I'm done talking to an empty vessel like you.
Considering your last cap against W2V was just under a month ago I consider that poor. Maybe if you weren't such a rude and arrogant player co-operation would have been better. Actually highlights my point of W1V running the same as it always has (Venus times). Your style is very well known. Considering I played with you on both 69 and 71 for brief periods I know exactly what you're like and just stating what I have experienced and what others have. You are a big moan and very ill tempered. The only reason people put up with you is because you're a semi decent player. You've probably received too much credit though and this world will be a testament to your personality and ability. Knowing you though you'll be either gone with the next no hauls or have a sulk and quit. Really looking forward to this next cap though.
The only account that isn't negative in war stats is the Rathismurf account and I don't see them having much good to say.
I can name a few more players that aren't negative war stats. :icon_confused:
Sorry that should be frontline account. You seem to be doing fine for now![]()
I've seen first hand how you are the selfish player on your account and how you only care about your own account. I know many who will agree with me even though you are tribe mates with them. Don't get me wrong this doesn't make you a bad player. I'm merely highlighting these facts after your little hissy fit in your last thread.
If backline/midline players are positive on caps that would be a bit worrying, wouldn't you agree?
It highlights how poorly defending prep must be if long range nobles are permitted to strike.
My style is well-known? Lol, I always send fakes
Yes, you do send fakes but you lie about the amount. When you organized the op against theholytramp and runningbullet and before Suicide kings left venus, you said you sent a total of 1k fakes, (a quite average number) when in actuality you only barely past 300. Now I don't know if you were lazy, wanted to boost morale or just plain enjoy lying, but a team player doesn't lie. I don't know if this was you who said that or a coplayer, but that does NOT help your accounts image.
This was actually one of the specific examples I was referring to when you asked me to provide proof. I'm not just coming on here to spout trash like you may want to believe. There is some serious content in what I say but you chose ignorant bliss. I'm not the only one calling you up now. Are you going to continue to lie? Especially when you asked me previously to ask them about you launching. It seems the people you wanted to vouch for you can't even say you sent an average amount of fakes. It seems to get worse and worse for you.
Yes, you do send fakes but you lie about the amount. When you organized the op against theholytramp and runningbullet and before Suicide kings left venus, you said you sent a total of 1k fakes, (a quite average number) when in actuality you only barely past 300. Now I don't know if you were lazy, wanted to boost morale or just plain enjoy lying, but a team player doesn't lie. I don't know if this was you who said that or a coplayer, but that does NOT help your accounts image.
Somebody who agrees with me at last on Matthew's general behaviour!![]()