W27 History!


...That's what she said? ;)

Anyway, March has been posted for all the read. It's not a lot more work than a Weekly, so I am confident that I can achieve a month each week. Certainly the lack of events both aids my commentary, and leaves it less interesting than previous months.


I read this history from its inception through March and found it well written, fair, entertaining, and informative. There is an impressive amount of detail there and it is hard to fathom the time it must have taken you to gather, organize, and post this narrative. Having a history of the world, in light of the fact it has closed, is special for those of us that walked its lands and settled in W27 for any length of time. So thank you and kudos to you Zarin for a good read and a job well done.


I am still working at this as and when I can. Things are likely to be a little quieter in the weeks to come, at least until July, and it can certainly be finished over the summer. To those still reading, I am wondering what the thoughts are on its continuation and whether the presentation of the stats for August is of a more desirable quality. I hope all are enjoying it!


Hello, I played this world back when it was still comnig into the shape.. I just want to say thankyou for making such a brilliant history of the world. It was not only an entertaining read but helped me find out what happened to my friends and my account when I was gone.


Wow, havent been so long in TW, nice to see familiar faces :)


Hey my old friends, and foes :p It's been a long time sunce I've ventured to this area of the internet. its good to see everyone is still comes around some :)


I joined this world and didn't last for long. Can't remember if i stayed alive till people were allowed to join other tribes or not. The name ATTACK does ring a bell.

Anyway, I think the idea can be repeated, that players are assigned to random tribes and locked for some time. I believe it got a better chance of survival nowadays than back then. My personal observation is that the number of knowledgable players vs noobs has increased, so your chnce of landing in a tribe with a balance of noobs and experts is better. donno if you guys agree.

Also some tuning can be done. I remember tribe members were very far away, maybe some choices can be put like north east, south west, etc. not too close yet not too far from each other.


I need to get back in touch with some of you lot. I just stopped by the forums, and W27 is dead. That's pretty hard for me, considering this forum was my TW life at one point :icon_cry:


I don't know what you expected, Dart. This world has always been quiet; it was a small world, had less interest in the forum than any other and was probably pretty dull if you weren't in Shadow.

On the plus side, I'm here to announce the final sections of my history are going to go up, hopefully one per day (September today; October, November and December will follow and then a couple of days to tidy everything up). I know that I have been putting it off for some time and that it's been a fair few months since everything finished here, but it's quite an opus as I am sure many will appreciate. I'll probably tidy it up and put it in a new thread or something, but that's for next week.


I know October doesn't have a title - I haven't come up with something concise and yet revealing for it. Also, I am still deciding whether to include those little stat graphs for every set of stats (there are going to be inconsistencies with the numbers on the side and such ... ignore for the moment).



Great job and unbelievable persistence has been shown by you, Zarin. When you consider the amount of hours you must have spent on the history, it is commendable. You have left an accounting of this world for all to read. Thank you and I wanted you to know I enjoyed your efforts :)


Great job and unbelievable persistence has been shown by you, Zarin. When you consider the amount of hours you must have spent on the history, it is commendable. You have left an accounting of this world for all to read. Thank you and I wanted you to know I enjoyed your efforts :)

Took the worlds from right outta my mind :icon_wink:


I played this world but wound up getting destroyed before it ended. I stopped by the forums to check in on the world but found out its closed. This world was the best time I had while playing TW so I thank you Zarin for taking the time to write this and also a thank you to all the players who made it such a pleasure to play on world 27.

This was a very intersting read and brought back memories of the time I had playing in W27 and all the people I met. It was a very intersting read Zarin, you used to write the weekly every week very well but you really outdid yourself with this,and I can't even imagine the amount of time you spent on it. Thank you for writing this and letting people who played this world relive the experiences and memories we all shared in playing in this unique world. I spent hours reading this whole article and now imma save it so I can read in the future to remember how the fate of world 27 unfolded.


I'm an old fag I suppose.. I remember most of this.. W27 was really awesome. It was the best tribe I had played in so far.


NWO- led by MOTR. he was a good captain. We had coddam, black letter head and penguin jizz on board. It was a novice tribe but it was good.


Brillient zarin, you always had enough time to do what you decided to do, I would take my hat off to you but I seem to have misplaced it. Congrats once again to shadow and the leaders, brillient job