W32's Dream Team


Offensive: Scrappy Doo
Deffensive: RedApril
Leader: *Huntress*
Team Player: Celtic Mist
Master Strategist: Whoever is Hate.'s strategist
PnPer: Harlos


A great offensive player, moodmaster
A great defensive player, y bother
Your leader, rockster12
A team player, y bother
A master strategist, Crocodile09
A PnPer, micky67

Seriously...I wouldn't mess with my team...Even if they were on my team I would still be scared :icon_eek:


A great offensive player:madmaz, he's back to his old w10 days
A great defensive player:Labouillette, took village from [H], lost it, took it back, took too hard a hit in their offensive though...
Your leader: once again madmaz. hands down, if you led with him, you'd know why.
A team player: Droideka7. Always fought for everyone, to bad he plays w40 now :icon_cry:
A master strategist: no one is a real master yet...
A PnPer: celtic mist..... sends shivers down your spine....


A great offensive player, Coys/Bite.me/acidshadow/Bossa Nova ... Err?
A great defensive player, Snowdevil/Bite.me
Your leader, edgey10 (If he gave me his word he'd be 100% active for at least a month. /stupified)/Areyoukidden
A team player, Bossa Nova/crackraider
A master strategist, Greenmonsta (.NaMi.), Hazad
A PnPer, Bite.me/Hazad/Celtic.Mist

No order.


Active Member
Reaction score
A great offensive player - ME!
A great defensive player - Aurovic,Oheinen66,kamega
Your leader - hatchgreytnw30
A team player - dylnmains
A master strategist - Pordi a.k.a The Reaper.
A PnPer - SHaKeSPeaReD


A great offensive player - ME!
A great defensive player - Aurovic,Oheinen66,kamega
Your leader - hatchgreytnw30
A team player - dylnmains
A master strategist - Pordi a.k.a The Reaper.
A PnPer - SHaKeSPeaReD

A little biased huh?
I guess this thread wasn't meant for debate but I don't think your being entirely honest with yourself.

Ohein/Kamega? Didn't they disappear when Time finally got a border with them and started attacking?
And Reaper, master strategist? Isn't that account banned again?
And Shakes for PnP? No offense to shakes but I think you could have come up with some better choices.

Taberrr is pretty solid defensively from your tribe, not to mention Reaper would definitely fit into that category.
I'll definitely agree with you on offense over there, was a nice 20 million ODA gain you had in about a week and a half.

Although I did laugh at hatch being a better leader than your current leader, Shakes.


A great offensive player, moodmaster
A great defensive player, y bother
Your leader, rockster12
A team player, y bother
A master strategist, Crocodile09
A PnPer, micky67

Seriously...I wouldn't mess with my team...Even if they were on my team I would still be scared :icon_eek:

just noticed your sig.... whats that about?



What tribe did he play for?


A little biased huh?
I guess this thread wasn't meant for debate but I don't think your being entirely honest with yourself.

Ohein/Kamega? Didn't they disappear when Time finally got a border with them and started attacking?
And Reaper, master strategist? Isn't that account banned again?
And Shakes for PnP? No offense to shakes but I think you could have come up with some better choices.

Taberrr is pretty solid defensively from your tribe, not to mention Reaper would definitely fit into that category.
I'll definitely agree with you on offense over there, was a nice 20 million ODA gain you had in about a week and a half.

Although I did laugh at hatch being a better leader than your current leader, Shakes.
Who isn't biased? :icon_rolleyes:


just noticed your sig.... whats that about?

... about Havok ... on the move -> [post=4352390]>>>CLICK<<<[/post] :icon_wink: .

Also, lulz at this (he said it - he did it):

The plans for BBS, Night Family and Time were put in place a long time ago. Just like the AZRA gangbang and the LoL gangbang. HKM just beat you to the declarion. It's the icing on the cake that SKY are otherwise involved too.

Do I even need to reply to this?? Golden!!

If I had space I'd sig it. :lol:
I will sig it :D

... and this:

what are you talking about? SKY is in no way involved with that either of HKM's wars.

Anyway, it's pretty old stuff :icon_cool: .


A great offensive player-Robac
A great defensive player-Herris
Your leader- K-wolff
A team player-Bigjay
A master strategist-shaney
A PnPer- Me probably


Yeah, I'd try, but I really don't know allot about how people outside of my tribe play as I've never worked with them personally.


quite possibly the most off topic picture of all time.

And now :icon_wink: ?


It's Vanapagan's Dream-Team - you can't blame him for this :icon_cool: (even if he recruits them amongst well ... welsh miners :icon_biggrin: )!