Welcome to the Artemis Examiner! This week features a special on the MASK F/T.D.E F war. It is a multi part series with the first two parts appearing tonight and more to come with a special, exclusive interview next week. All inside are interviews with Areyaen and Ahmen, as well as a guest commentary by UBM.
Editor: Artemis
Commentary: UBM
Cartographer: Colpo
Banners: Hybrid Soul and Colpo
See here.[/spoil]
[spoil]This week you can welcome Areyaen, leader of NOB!!, and Ahmen, a leader in MASK.
[4/20/2010 7:52:39 PM] 2004 Artemis: Okay, introduce yourself. What account are you on and what tribe are you in?
[4/20/2010 7:53:47 PM] Areyaen>>>ARE: I'm ARE (yes my REAL nick), account Areyaen, Leader? of NOB!!
[4/20/2010 7:53:59 PM] Areyaen>>>ARE: and a slow typer so bare with me
[4/20/2010 7:54:29 PM] 2004 Artemis: typing's not an issue, don't worry
[4/20/2010 7:54:34 PM] Areyaen>>>ARE: numbers are faster
[4/20/2010 7:54:59 PM] 2004 Artemis: Now you guys have been warring TBE for the past month?
[4/20/2010 7:55:38 PM] Areyaen>>>ARE: not really just picking on them , only 3-4 of our guys are near them
[4/20/2010 7:56:36 PM] 2004 Artemis: Ah, so just a fun fight on the side.
[4/20/2010 7:56:42 PM] Areyaen>>>ARE: war involves actual thought
[4/20/2010 7:57:03 PM] 2004 Artemis: Good point, I'd like to come back to that in a bit
[4/20/2010 7:57:15 PM] 2004 Artemis: Now TBE have recently announced there surrender?
[4/20/2010 7:57:16 PM] Areyaen>>>ARE: OPS? are for wars, lol
[4/20/2010 7:58:05 PM] Areyaen>>>ARE: yes they surrendered all their K84 members, nothing we were not going to take anyway
[4/20/2010 7:58:28 PM] 2004 Artemis: So where do you see NOB!! going now?
[4/20/2010 7:59:32 PM] Areyaen>>>ARE: not entirely sure, NOB!! is far from your regular run of the mill tribe, things are a bit more relaxed? here
[4/20/2010 8:00:12 PM ] Areyaen>>>ARE: we play because it's fun
[4/20/2010 8:00:25 PM] 2004 Artemis: only reason worth playing
[4/20/2010 8:01:05 PM] Areyaen>>>ARE: true but we carryon more than anything, jokes and crap
[4/20/2010 8:01:33 PM] Areyaen>>>ARE: making fun of targets is a real art form over here
[4/20/2010 8:02:15 PM] 2004 Artemis: it's a pity the PnP on the world has become so poor
[4/20/2010 8:03:05 PM] Areyaen>>>ARE: that is true...our guys have been banned enough that I had to order them to slow it down a bit, now they rarly bother..
[4/20/2010 8:03:41 PM] Areyaen>>>ARE: and I rarely visit myself anymore
[4/20/2010 8:03:56 PM] Areyaen>>>ARE: hoping this paper of yours will liven up the dead
[4/20/2010 8:04:05 PM] 2004 Artemis: I hope so as well 
[4/20/2010 8:04:34 PM] 2004 Artemis: I'll see if I can get some other stats going as well, and if that fails, then I'll declare the world dead 
[4/20/2010 8:05:01 PM] Areyaen>>>ARE: MMM more inactives I need to get that script, lol
[4/20/2010 8:05:10 PM] 2004 Artemis: 
[4/20/2010 8:05:18 PM] 2004 Artemis: earlier, you said
[Tuesday, April 20, 2010 7:56 PM] Areyaen>>>ARE: war involves actual thought
[4/20/2010 8:06:06 PM] 2004 Artemis: It could be argued that most of the wars that have taken place on the world wouldn't be "real" wars. What's your stance on this? Have there been any "real" wars, especially of late?
[4/20/2010 8:08:39 PM] Areyaen>>>ARE: NOPE, nothing I've seen here so far could be really considered a war, every tribe attacked seems to just run to another tribe gain protection till we kill all the support they were willing to give... and then run to another tribe for more
or in the case of RX4U vs V they pretty much fold after a decent attack is sent?
[4/20/2010 8:09:09 PM] 2004 Artemis: yep
[4/20/2010 8:09:28 PM] 2004 Artemis: Anything else you'd like to add?
[4/20/2010 8:10:29 PM] Areyaen>>>ARE: NOB!! needs more accounts? we have too many players to fit in
[4/20/2010 8:10:32 PM] Areyaen>>>ARE: ???/
[4/20/2010 8:10:45 PM] 2004 Artemis: 
[4/20/2010 8:11:23 PM] 2004 Artemis: You must be the only tribe not losing the war to inactivity
[4/20/2010 8:12:08 PM] Areyaen>>>ARE: accepting account donations, nah we've had a few (sort of inactives)
[4/20/2010 8:13:29 PM] 2004 Artemis: What do you think of the MASK/T.D.E F war?
[4/20/2010 8:14:50 PM] Areyaen>>>ARE: TDE may get some uneeded and unsolicicted help if certain people don't stop trying to poach our members
[4/20/2010 8:14:56 PM] Areyaen>>>ARE:
[4/20/2010 8:15:10 PM] 2004 Artemis: 
[4/20/2010 8:15:20 PM] 2004 Artemis: Any opinions on the outcome of the war?
[4/20/2010 8:15:29 PM] Areyaen>>>ARE: every conversation costs 2 villages they owe us a player by now
[4/20/2010 8:16:22 PM] 2004 Artemis: 
[4/20/2010 8:16:43 PM] Areyaen>>>ARE: honestly couldn't care less, just another tribe to either deal with in time or ignore til they get in our path[/spoil]
[4/20/2010 10:08:27 PM] 2004 Artemis: Okay, introduce yourself. What account are you on and what tribe are you in?
[4/20/2010 10:08:38 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: MASK
[4/20/2010 10:08:40 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: AHMEN
[4/20/2010 10:09:18 PM] 2004 Artemis: I was told by some people on the forums that you have a habit of talking in the third person
[4/20/2010 10:09:31 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Agreed
[4/20/2010 10:09:43 PM] 2004 Artemis: Care to comment on it?
[4/20/2010 10:09:55 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Ahmen plays as Ahmen
[4/20/2010 10:10:13 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Others play as clowns , some , jokers
[4/20/2010 10:10:26 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: some bashers , some just plain noobs
[4/20/2010 10:11:14 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Ahmen get's his point accross to others simply in the "3rd" person
[4/20/2010 10:11:26 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Very effective
[4/20/2010 10:12:03 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: to be short
[4/20/2010 10:12:08 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Ahmen is more than 1 player
[4/20/2010 10:12:23 PM] 2004 Artemis: how many players is Ahmen?
[4/20/2010 10:12:31 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: 4
[4/20/2010 10:13:05 PM] 2004 Artemis: shouldn't that be talking in the 4th person then?
[4/20/2010 10:13:13 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: lol
[4/20/2010 10:13:22 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: collective
[4/20/2010 10:13:23 PM] 2004 Artemis:
[4/20/2010 10:14:25 PM] 2004 Artemis: we had heard that you are a leader in MASK?
[4/20/2010 10:14:53 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: yes
[4/20/2010 10:14:57 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: council member
[4/20/2010 10:15:01 PM] 2004 Artemis: oh good
[4/20/2010 10:15:15 PM] 2004 Artemis: we like to interview people who know what they're talking about
[4/20/2010 10:15:16 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Ahmen tends to be Ahmenipresent
[4/20/2010 10:15:21 PM] 2004 Artemis: (chuckle)
[4/20/2010 10:15:29 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Available
[4/20/2010 10:17:33 PM] 2004 Artemis: so, you guys have been warring T.D.E F for a several weeks now. you initially how fairly significant losses, but have managed to turn the tide over the past month. what's made the difference?
[4/20/2010 10:18:00 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: 2 B completely Honest
[4/20/2010 10:18:19 PM] 2004 Artemis: oh good, a bit of truth 
[4/20/2010 10:19:13 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: An honest effort of the leaders to become active in times of rl issues
[4/20/2010 10:19:38 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Concerted
[4/20/2010 10:21:33 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: A meticulous attention to detail , in the planning/choosing of targets . And a properly , realistically setting of accomplishments
[4/20/2010 10:23:36 PM] 2004 Artemis: So basically, you've been able to improve as leaders? (y) You've also lost several of your initial members, some to T.D.E, others elsewhere. How has this changed the war?
[4/20/2010 10:23:51 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Hasn't
[4/20/2010 10:23:58 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Our goal remains the same
[4/20/2010 10:24:24 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: This war will not be won in a month or two .
[4/20/2010 10:24:34 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Patience , and activity
[4/20/2010 10:24:46 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: We have fewer players
[4/20/2010 10:25:06 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: But our players have the skill and due diligence
[4/20/2010 10:25:51 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Besides Mask and tde family
[4/20/2010 10:26:00 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: w39 has your tribe
[4/20/2010 10:26:20 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: a force to be reckoned with and Nob
[4/20/2010 10:26:38 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: This war will take time
[4/20/2010 10:26:52 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Respect to both your tribes
[4/20/2010 10:29:07 PM] 2004 Artemis: This brings up another good point. Across several threads, though decreasing over time, there have been many mentions of "top tribes", that leave MASK out, often including insults to MASK. How does the lack of a decent forum presence effect your tribe?
[4/20/2010 10:30:34 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: The externls fail to deter our members , or lower their moral . If anything the externals remind us , that words are easy to come by. Territory is not .
[4/20/2010 10:32:01 PM] 2004 Artemis: Although with the recent disputes over Anger, that may not be completely true. MASK merged several Anger members, although I've noticed some have since left.
[4/20/2010 10:34:04 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Mask , prides itself on not having a large amount of members
[4/20/2010 10:36:12 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: In a tribe that is democratically run , sometimes members may be recruited , that have not been properly measured and weighed. We are in a state of war . In angers case , an obvious tug of war was happening .
[4/20/2010 10:36:43 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: TDE has nap ed or allied every tribe around us
[4/20/2010 10:37:02 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Attempted to ally anger
[4/20/2010 10:37:09 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Problem
[4/20/2010 10:37:57 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Some @ anger are Terminators
[4/20/2010 10:38:28 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Ahmen , maintained the relationships
[4/20/2010 10:38:35 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: since disbanding
[4/20/2010 10:38:55 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: TDE failed to realize as many do n Tribal wars
[4/20/2010 10:40:17 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Relationships/Bonds born in a players first tribe are hard to sever . Angers disbanding is clearly a result of that , and the relationships made from former sike members
[4/20/2010 10:40:50 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Ahmen , maintains contact with all his former Tribe mates
[4/20/2010 10:41:12 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Ahmenipotent
[4/20/2010 10:41:48 PM] 2004 Artemis: there you go again with the bad pun
[4/20/2010 10:41:58 PM] Ahmen.Terminator:
[4/20/2010 10:42:34 PM] 2004 Artemis: it is interesting that even after all this time, the bonds do remain. i noticed that sith rage failed to bond
[4/20/2010 10:42:48 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: not original
[4/20/2010 10:44:04 PM] 2004 Artemis: But from his (excessive) attention whoring, one would have thought that he'd surely be invited to the tribe of his choice. I guess he must've just pissed off Karma...
[4/20/2010 10:44:36 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Perhaps
[4/20/2010 10:44:53 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: surely if he chooses to stay , he'll find a home
[4/20/2010 10:46:04 PM] 2004 Artemis: i've noticed that he has found a termporary home. Will MASK be pursuing his destruction?
[4/20/2010 10:47:13 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: At this time , current and future plans are off limits dear friend .
[4/20/2010 10:47:20 PM] 2004 Artemis: Ahh....
[4/20/2010 10:47:31 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: The war is against T D E
[4/20/2010 10:47:38 PM] 2004 Artemis: of course
[4/20/2010 10:48:35 PM] 2004 Artemis: What does this mean? Is every major issue voted on by the whole tribe?
[Tuesday, April 20, 2010 10:36 PM] Ahmen.Terminator:
<<< In a tribe that is democratically run
[4/20/2010 10:48:47 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: No
[4/20/2010 10:50:10 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: No decision is made by 1
[4/20/2010 10:50:36 PM | Edited 10:50:40 PM] 2004 Artemis: So a council runs your tribe and agrees upon issues?
[4/20/2010 10:50:49 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Agreed
[4/20/2010 10:52:22 PM] 2004 Artemis: Are you guys related to BASH?
[4/20/2010 10:52:54 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: yes
[4/20/2010 10:53:12 PM] 2004 Artemis: Academy or Family?
[4/20/2010 10:54:02 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Basher tribe
[4/20/2010 10:54:24 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: as we have attacks from tde cohorts that morale kills us
[4/20/2010 10:54:32 PM] 2004 Artemis: ah of course
[4/20/2010 10:54:34 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: like TA
[4/20/2010 10:54:42 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: and TAK
[4/20/2010 10:54:50 PM] 2004 Artemis: they attack along with TDE?
[4/20/2010 10:54:59 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: yes
[4/20/2010 10:55:14 PM] 2004 Artemis: and after they've tried to claim they're just allies...
[4/20/2010 10:55:18 PM] 2004 Artemis: thanks for mentioning that
[4/20/2010 10:55:34 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Ahmen has reports
[4/20/2010 10:55:56 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: odd is odd no matter where it comes from
[4/20/2010 10:56:01 PM] 2004 Artemis: 
[4/20/2010 10:56:05 PM] Ahmen.Terminator:
[4/20/2010 10:56:14 PM] 2004 Artemis: is BASH2 also connected to you?
[4/20/2010 10:56:19 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: no
[4/20/2010 10:56:31 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: Again
[4/20/2010 10:57:18 PM] Ahmen.Terminator: MASK was born in the hate of , or response to the fact that recruiting targets , don't make for good warring .[/spoil][/spoil]
Facepalm of the Week
by Undead Billy Mays
Three blind tribes ... three blind tribes
See how they're run ... see how they're run
They all believed in the three headed dog
Who seems to be veiled within a fog
Did you ever see such a thing on 39
As three blind tribes
For those of you not familiar with the Facepalm thread, from time to time I like to point out some observations made by myself or those close to me. The facepalm thread is not meant to hurt poor wittle feewings but rather just to bring to light these topics for discussion.
Opponents Defeated While Defending...
Cer-berus ODD
19,992,296 - 25/04/2010
19,617,530 - 07/04/2010 [/spoil]
The World's largest family tribe with the world's largest player sharing a massive front with the warring tribe in Mask. With all the commotion that left Cer-berus out of the Sike disbandment and formation of Mask this was going to build up to a great battle. Right now this is the kind of thing we should be witnessing
wait for it...
wait for it...
wait for it...
wait for it...
Well Mr. Undead Billy Mays... The ODD stats have been rising a bit.. And that certainly can't tell the whole story. Obviously Cerb is being attacked if the ODD is rising at all. Your just looking for a conspiracy here. Cer-berus is the top ranked player on the world. It would be suicide to just attack attack attack right? I mean it's not like Cerb is holding off on Mask villages too...
Your right other voice in my head - I wish there was a different set of statistics I could use to more clearly paint this picture...
Side 1:
Players: cer-berus
Side 2:
Tribes: MASK
Timeframe: Last month
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 5
Side 2: 0
Difference: 5
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 51,915
Side 2: 0
Difference: 51,915
5 villages in the last month... 5 count em.. 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 5
Mask enoblements vs 18
T.D.E enoblements and about 2,502,107,252 barbarian enoblements.
Just a bit odd thats all[/spoil]
The below articles discuss the interactions of
T.D.E2, and
T.D.E3. Also mentioned are
BASH and
Part I: The Daily Grind
Week 0 (March 11 – March 17):
Side 1:
Tribes: MASK
Side 2:
Tribes: T.D.E T.D.E2 T.D.E3
Timeframe: 11/03/2010 00:00:00 to 18/03/2010 00:00:00
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 18
Side 2: 73
Difference: 55
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 163,058
Side 2: 671,845
Difference: 508,787
This first section (Week 0) could be considered the introduction to a book that is commonly skipped. The initial landing times look to be March 14, however the launch time is unknown. Major players hit during this time are
Splinta C3ll(MASK) losing 31 villages and
Oakenshea(MASK) losing 26 villages.
Week 1 (March 18 – March 24):
Side 1:
Tribes: MASK
Side 2:
Tribes: T.D.E T.D.E2 T.D.E3
Timeframe: 18/03/2010 00:00:00 to 25/03/2010 00:00:00
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 48
Side 2: 174
Difference: 126
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 416,975
Side 2: 1,616,264
Difference: 1,199,289
[spoil]This marks the beginning of the forum war, following the (delayed)
War Declaration by King Dragon. Players hit hard this week are
GimlitheDwarf(MASK) losing 59 villages, Oakenshea(MASK) losing 61 villages before being kicked, losing a further 13 villages, and deleting his account, Splinta C3ll(MASK) losing 44 villages before being kicked and losing a further 38 villages,
OnSl@uGhT(MASK) losing 11 villages, and
Thewall4588(T.D.E) losing 25 villages to MASK.[/spoil][/spoil]
Week 2 (March 25 – March 31):
[spoil] Stats:
Side 1:
Tribes: MASK
Side 2:
Tribes: T.D.E T.D.E2 T.D.E3
Timeframe: 25/03/2010 00:00:00 to 01/04/2010 00:00:00
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 63
Side 2: 60
Difference: 3
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 621,961
Side 2: 544,929
Difference: 77,032
[spoil]This marks the second week of the “official” war. Posts on the subject being
here. MASK have now turned the stats around with a close lead, although that was highly debated considering the dismissal/leaving of several members at the end of the previous
Splinta C3ll,
Khuno, and
Yodinator, particularly Oakenshea and Splinta C3ll). They were followed by
OnSl@uGhT ,
Nilla647, and
Jeremyleite during this current week. The T.D.E F also had its own losses, namely
Players hit hard this week are Gimlithedwarf(MASK) losing 50 villages,
Barnzy1(T.D.E2) losing 28 villages before being kicked and a further 16 afterwards, and
NightSin(T.D.E) losing 24 villages.[/spoil][/spoil]
Week 3 (April 1 – April 7)
Side 1:
Tribes: MASK
Side 2:
Tribes: T.D.E T.D.E2 T.D.E3
Timeframe: 01/04/2010 00:00:00 to 08/04/2010 00:00:00
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 66
Side 2: 23
Difference: 43
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 589,564
Side 2: 199,161
Difference: 390,403
[spoil]Forum posts for this week begin
here.This week marks a definite drop in the T.D.E F conquers against MASK, while MASK has maintained a consistent level of conquers. Major players hit this week are Gimlithedwarf(MASK) losing 19 villages before being kicked from MASK and a further 60 afterwards, NightSin(T.D.E) losing 39 villages before being kicked from T.D.E and a further 7 villages afterward, and
Drakincorin(T.D.E) losing 24 villages.
Week 4 (April 8 – April 14)
Side 1:
Tribes: MASK
Side 2:
Tribes: T.D.E T.D.E2 T.D.E3
Timeframe: 08/04/2010 00:00:00 to 15/04/2010 00:00:00
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 52
Side 2: 13
Difference: 39
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 479,732
Side 2: 110,454
Difference: 369,278
[spoil]Forum posts begin
here.MASK conquers dropped slightly this week, but maintained a large lead. No response from T.D.E has appeared yet. Players hit hard this week are Drakincorin(T.D.E) losing 16 villages before being kicked and 10 afterwards and
Elusivejim(T.D.E2) losing 30 villages.[/spoil][/spoil]
Week 5 (April 15 – April 21)
Side 1:
Tribes: MASK
Side 2:
Tribes: T.D.E T.D.E2 T.D.E3
Timeframe: 15/04/2010 00:00:00 to 22/04/2010 00:00:00
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 31
Side 2: 12
Difference: 19
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 225,375
Side 2: 106,626
Difference: 118,749
[spoil]Forum posts begin
here. This could be considered one of the more controversial weeks of the war. On April 18, Anger? formally announced their disbanding with an attention whoring thread found
here and the discussion of the plan found
here[url]. These members quickly found new homes as discussed in Part II and seen in the above map. The stats this week reached all time lows, with fewer than 350k points (43 villages) exchanged between the tribes. There were no players hit particularly hard this week.[/spoil][/spoil]
Week 6 (April 22 – April 28):
[spoil]Side 1:
Side 2:
Tribes: T.D.E T.D.E2 T.D.E3 Anger?
Timeframe: 22/04/2010 00:00:00 to 29/04/2010 00:00:00
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 30
Side 2: 19
Difference: 11
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 246,147
Side 2: 172,334
Difference: 73,813
[spoil]Yet another quiet week rolls by. Forum posts begin [url=http://forum.tribalwars.net/showthread.php?p=5022910#post5022910]here. The new family tribes have been added to the stats this week, but you can see even with the addition it made very little difference.
Embraze was hit fairly hard this week with 18 conquers by MASK. In their usual style T.D.E began eating him just days later. It’s good to know your tribe supports you. :icon_wink:[/spoil][/spoil]
Part II: It’s a boy!
Since my last newspaper, both MASK and the T.D.E F have welcomed home new family members. The majority of the players in these new tribes came from Anger?, perhaps no one trusts them enough to let them near their main tribe?
For MASK, BASH is their first born child. Today marks the 12th day of its life, so be sure to congratulate the parents, er parent. It’s odd that a tribe claiming 1337ness would allow such a paltry tribe the gift of family. For example, out of their 46 conquers, 17 have been 1.5 barbs. Not a village has been from T.D.E F their supposed enemies.
Maybe it’s just me, but why does a 29 member tribe even need a 16 member family tribe? They would easily fit within the main tribe. Unless of course, MASK is embarrassed by the poor performance they can expect from BASH. After all, these members are former Anger?, not exactly a good track record there...
The mixed family of T.D.E is used to the addition of another tribe to their family. After all they’ve been experimenting with the adoption of *TA, 911, THEM, and TAK for months. The new family tribe here has changed around the tag, but has settled upon “Anger?” for now, with a full name of Lord Fierro’s Bashers, shorthand for T.D.E 4.
I find it fairly interesting that even though Anger? is the newest tribe to the family it’s bigger than T.D.E3. The last time I remember this happening was when IRON3 was bigger than IRON. And we all know how that ended...(downfall of the tribe in case you didn’t know :icon_wink: )
Glad we could get together,