W41 - Rimming it up


I will be teaching a RL friend the ropes through first-hand experience on the rim of W41. It was originally going to be a 2 man deal but after some thought, I decided it would get boring fast and so I'm posting this.

I want to get together a group of 10-20 players to play with me and my friend on the rim. We won't be playing for rank, but rather for fun. However, I still want everyone who applies to be serious and plan on playing long-term.

Due to the problems I've had in past tribes I've lead (even though I'm not playing for rank) I will not be accepting anybody I don't know personally. If you know me, apply. If you don't, don't bother.

When and where we will be joining has yet to be decided, but I assume it will be in a bout a week give or take.

If you're already playing W41 and want a new start you can set your current account for deletion and make a new one or restart. Doesn't matter to me.