W47 & w48


I have an idea for W33, our top players, IFY, LordHawk, Mines Long, PZA7, ect. start a premade tribe on one of this worlds. That would be pretty fun no? People who are trying to kill eachother here, working together there. Write your name down if you want to, anyone excepted, unless you stalk me :icon_eek:. Not sure who would lead us though


WOW, u rly hate him. Thats rly weird, do you hate everyone?


Quite a few of us will be in a different premade soon, plus with HAWKS new op on Mavarok, i dont think all of us have the time :)


I'll join.. probs won't grow big but I'll see how far I go


People who read the forums, please comment, me and DiTM cant do it by ourselves


Most of the players on this world is too busy to start another world.


Yea, but theres going to be some players leaving us in a month since your war so.........


They wont be from DETOX :icon_twisted:

what makes you think you can stop the rot of players leaving?

or is this when you say we havent had many players quit or leave?

brett = quit
dom =quit
hellochase -gone barb
aylus =quit after being banned

so far several members innactive or being nobled out...

those are the ones i know about...there may be more accounts you have with new owners...

dont get me wrong...we all have our innactive issues and quitters...but you seem so sure there wont be any more.?


You seem to get touchy on everything I say even though most are said in jest. No i am not going to make things up and say we havent had players quit or leave. Yes we have had some very influential people leave. But doesnt that make the fact we are still battling and standing the more remarkable? And lets not talk about members being nobled out, both sides have their fair share of that. No i cant be certain as said previously most of the things I say are said in jest. Its a game if you cant joke around a bit, then whats the point in playing.


You seem to get touchy on everything I say even though most are said in jest. No i am not going to make things up and say we havent had players quit or leave. Yes we have had some very influential people leave. But doesnt that make the fact we are still battling and standing the more remarkable? And lets not talk about members being nobled out, both sides have their fair share of that. No i cant be certain as said previously most of the things I say are said in jest. Its a game if you cant joke around a bit, then whats the point in playing.

if most of the things you say are in jest have a little remark on the end (lol) then i would know you are jesting.........

"i am touchy" i am not sure how you get that from written text?...maybe your my wife in disguise...she is good at that..lol

as for members being nobled out...!! i never disputed that, we too have members quit and internally nobled....but the difference is, i didnt post saying they wont in future...which jest or not (sorry i couldnt tell) you implied.


I dont say the word lol :) usually if i say something in jest i put a smiley at the end. So now you know :)


Well W47 is going to be a very busy world if you take a look at the premades section of the forum, I will be there under Empire and there are over 20 other premades joining W47 also.


Rep, ive come to like you, dont be a b!tch and make me hate you again, ur joining my tribe, with DiTM and angel


Nope, and I will be in W48 under a different name in Your Our Buffet's tribe.