w63 sucks

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Never, in all my 3+ years of playing Tw, have I come across a world filled with as many complete and utter imbeciles as world 63. This is by the stupidest world I've ever played, hands down, and I've been in some stupid ones.

Fools has single handily made this world a fail- and every tribe who has any kind of diplomacy with them is equally responsible for the outright failure that this world is becoming. What the hell has this game come to? 6 Months into the world and there's never been a real war and anytime it gets close Fools merges them. This is tribalwars, people, what is wrong with all of you? What happened to the fun of actually fighting opponents capable of fighting back? When did this game become such a merge-fest? When did people stop wanting to actually fight?

Ducks and Fools are in bed with eachother and both Backstabbed Escape- cause they can't even 2 on 1 a single tribe. You can go ahead and play this game like cowards and huggers, I don't care, I'm just gonna choose not to participate in it anymore. Have fun with all your bullshit.

-Badd (with two d's for a double dose of this pimpin')


Ever since Magik Mushrooms left the world, it's been utter shit.


Never, in all my 3+ years of playing Tw, have I come across a world filled with as many complete and utter imbeciles as world 63. This is by the stupidest world I've ever played, hands down, and I've been in some stupid ones.

Fools has single handily made this world a fail- and every tribe who has any kind of diplomacy with them is equally responsible for the outright failure that this world is becoming. What the hell has this game come to? 6 Months into the world and there's never been a real war and anytime it gets close Fools merges them. This is tribalwars, people, what is wrong with all of you? What happened to the fun of actually fighting opponents capable of fighting back? When did this game become such a merge-fest? When did people stop wanting to actually fight?

Ducks and Fools are in bed with eachother and both Backstabbed Escape- cause they can't even 2 on 1 a single tribe. You can go ahead and play this game like cowards and huggers, I don't care, I'm just gonna choose not to participate in it anymore. Have fun with all your bullshit.

-Badd (with two d's for a double dose of this pimpin')

I have nothing to do with this but i have 2 things to say about the bolded above.

firstly when did this forum allow people to post multiple threads on the same topic?

secondly if you don't like it quit your crying and do something about it? oh wait you don't care? so why cry about it?



If you're quitting, then w63 is going to suck a little less from now on.



I think this world went downhill after the 3 girls merger. While a part of it, I still firmly believe it was one of the biggest mistakes we as a playing group could have made. I agree there have been a lot of poor players on this world. I have seen a lot of people, who are incapable of showing even a basic understanding of the game, yet are/were playing quiet large accounts through the existence of luck and other bs..

In regards to the comment about Fools making this world a fail, I disagree. Fools started off as a small break away tribe and has from there grown in size dramatically, through the recruitment of players and growth, like any other tribe would.

The fact that there hasn't been any serious wars yet isn't the fault of Fools either. To my knowledge, Fools were ready to go all out against 3girls and then Remix. Unfortunately, the mass quitting of the leadership team from 3girls/Remix led to the disbandment of the tribe and subsequent eating of the refugees while the better, active players, who had been fighting under an inactive leadership team, went to Fools due to lack of control, command and guidance.

Its not Fool's fault that their enemy caved in. You want a war? Do something about it.

The fact that several Escape players have opted to come to Fools raises concerns about the state inside the Escape camp. So don't blame Fools for Escapes problems.

This world is still in the mid game phase. Do not be so quick to right off the competition and assume Fools as the automatic victor because of their size.


I have nothing to do with this but i have 2 things to say about the bolded above.

firstly when did this forum allow people to post multiple threads on the same topic?

secondly if you don't like it quit your crying and do something about it? oh wait you don't care? so why cry about it?


It does not. This thread is essentially the same thing, i.e. complaining about the state of W63. If you wish to continue this discussion, take it there.
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